Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 954 Specter

Secular figures are not allowed in paintings with religious themes, and the painting of the Last Supper can only be Jesus and the twelve disciples.

However, Paul Veronese added German soldiers and a parrot in "Levi's Dinner", and also added many secular characters in "The Wedding in Cana", which is not in line with the conventions of religious paintings. Well-behaved, not to mention that the buildings in the painting include Venetian "contemporary buildings", noble merchants and musicians. The architectural style of the first century is not like this.

However, the huge scene of the wedding banquet painted by Veronese is very cheerful. His paintings are also representatives of the Venetian School, and there are many paintings of similar style in the works of the Academy Gallery.

At this time, the painters had left the "cave" and began to paint the colorful world.

Raphael's drawing reminded Pomona of looking for Wally, the kid in the red and white striped shirt who used to hide in big dizzying pictures.

Raphael painted himself in the Academy of Athens, and he showed his head. Those with poor eyesight can’t find him at all. Since then, the painter has hidden his portrait in the painting, and Veronese also hid his portrait. In "The Wedding at Ghana."

The vast majority of brides will not cry at their weddings. Weddings require a cheerful atmosphere and brilliant colors. Veronese's paintings set the tone for later Baroque art in the seventeenth century.

Dancing was not allowed in the church, and the Venetians also had to dance, which eventually caused the Pope and the Doge of Venice to fall out.

There is an Italian proverb: Need is the beginning of creation.

In Europe, where asceticism prevails, pleasure-seeking is regarded as moral corruption. At this time, in order to meet "needs", various human behaviors are "created", such as caviar during fasting, and mythological cloaks. Various sculptures and portraits.

Smoking is harmful to health in modern times. Everyone knows that. In 1969, a strange thing happened at the congressional hearing on tobacco control in the United States. He spoke enthusiastically on the Internet and even suggested that Congress legislate to prohibit broadcasters and television stations from broadcasting advertisements for their products.

This is not because their conscience has discovered that company operators suddenly care about the health of Americans, but that they have changed the way of advertising and placed them in movies, magazines, sports sponsorships and other places.

The "fairness principle" emphasizes the importance of an opposing point of view in a free society. It requires television stations to broadcast some controversial issues. Tobacco companies broadcast TV advertisements, and the corresponding anti-tobacco forces have free advertisements. For example, the American Cancer Society broadcasts some about debunking Or an ad that satirizes a tobacco company.

Tobacco companies want to make people think that smoking is cool and attractive. A man in a suit and tie is sitting on the sofa, lighting a cigarette, and meditating on a certain problem.

Anti-tobacco groups made that man coughing, wheezing, and limp.

Tobacco companies have canceled their advertisements, so the free advertisements of anti-tobacco companies have also been cancelled. The best way to reduce people’s resistance to certain information is to reduce the dissemination of rebuttal voices. After the implementation of the ban, tobacco sales did not fall but increased , and they also saved 30% of advertising costs.

The anti-sugar organization that Yuki Nakamura belongs to has learned from the lessons learned by the anti-tobacco forces. It cannot deal head-on with those cunning people. The best way is to persuade the state to legislate.

However, the sugar company has a dedicated team of lawyers, and the chances of winning the anti-sugar organization are very slim.

If a person is hungry, he can eat anything that tastes good. Hunger is the best food. The sweetness brought by sugar can improve the taste of food. Sugar is not necessary as a food additive, it is just a part of life embellishment.

"How about writing like this? If you want to be like Tom Ford, stay away from sugar that makes you fat." Nakamura Yuki said whimsically about the advertisement he designed.

"Who is Tom Ford?"

"You don't know Tom Ford?"

"Then do you know who Nick Flamel is?" Pomona asked back.

"Sounds familiar."

"Me too. He's got something to do with Ford?"

Yuki Nakamura cast a contemptuous look at "Linda Smith".

"Tom Ford, the sexiest man in the world, the creative director of Gucci, you don't know him?"

"Ding", the bell in Pomona's head rang.

She was a little shy and pretended to be casual and asked, "Tell me about him."

"You know that Gucci was almost bankrupt, and the family's internal relationship was even worse. He single-handedly saved Gucci who was in a desperate situation." Nakamura Yuki said excitedly, "He used to be a model in New York, and he still maintains a supermodel figure at the age of 44. "

"Oh." Pomona's interest suddenly disappeared.

He is 44 years old this year, that is, he was born in 1961, and he is one year younger than Severus. His figure looks good now, although he has gained a little weight in the past few years.

"Why is your reaction so cold?" Nakamura Yuki said a little unhappy.

"Do you want me to scream like the Japanese high school girls when they see Beckham?" Pomona said coldly.

Whether it's Quidditch or football, as long as the players are handsome, there will be a large crowd of girls watching, even if they don't know the rules at all.

When Victor appeared at Hogwarts, a large group of silly girls chased after him. At the age of 49, he has passed the age of star chasing.

"Last year he left Gucci, and I heard that he founded a brand named after himself, which mainly sells men's clothing." Nakamura Yuki also lost the excitement just now, and calmed down again, "It's a pity. "

"Do you want to buy the women's clothing designed by him?"

The emotional entanglement between the old fool and the old lunatic lasted for more than a hundred years, from the boyhood to the gray-haired, to the death Albus did not tell his secret, but Severus found the hidden letters.

Although those letters should have been inherited by her.

There are many secrets buried in Badger Yard, and women are better at hiding secrets. He really took that secret to the grave.

Pomona thought of Nakamura Yuki's mother, Dr. Nakamura, who gave birth to this mixed-race daughter using the test-tube baby technique.

It wasn't until this moment that Pomona realized that Albus's intention of disapproving the wizard's introduction of test-tube babies in the Wizengamot was not just to prevent the birth of children who should not be born from affecting the prophecy.

When it comes to the problem of low population birth rate, wizards are much more serious than Muggles, but some "needs" should not be created.

Human beings have already tasted the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and must not taste the forbidden fruit of the tree of life again.

The price of offending God is unbearable, but these warnings mean nothing at all to some people, Hogwarts school motto, Sleeping Dragon, those Muggle children egging on Salazar Slytherin To wake up the dragon in the dungeon, do they really think that the dragon is not scary?

Maybe they thought the dragon had been tamed, as obedient as a dog, and thought Slytherin could control it, so they dared to be so bold.

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