You shall not eat the blood of any living creature, for the blood of any living creature is its life. Anyone who eats the blood will be cut off.

——Bible "Genesis"

"It's not wine."

said Mills after taking a sip of his drink from the goblet.

"It's a mixture of separated pig's blood and tomato juice." Anthony carefully observed Mills' expression. "I'm sorry, Mr. Mills, do you refuse to drink blood?"

"The dishes you cook are really dark." Mills shrugged and drank the pig's blood in the cup.

The side dish after the starter is licorice-smoked salmon. The Celts on the British Isles have the habit of drinking blood, and the most impressive British cuisine is fish and potatoes.

The cold-smoked salmon has a scent of licorice, and at the same time it is mixed with the tender and plump taste of the salmon, which melts in the mouth. The creamy mashed potatoes are sprinkled with a layer of basil leaves, which smells particularly comfortable.

"Dark, but delicious. Many people call dark magic (Dark magic) 'Dark art'. For them, black magic is not evil, but an art, just like my dining table." Anthony looked at the table in front of him. Horns and fruit "One guest said it looked like Nero's dinner party."

"To be honest, this is the most luxurious arrangement I have seen so far. Do you eat like this every day?"

"What do you usually eat? Mr. Mills, do you cook your own food?"

"No, why should a person be so troublesome."

"In my opinion, eating alone takes more time to enjoy the process of cooking and arranging the plate. When you are immersed in it, you will not feel that kind of loneliness." Anthony put the pig's blood in the crystal jug Tomato juice filled Mills again. "As I said earlier, sex is not a necessary desire. People arrange candlelight dinners not to please themselves, but to please their partners, hoping that they will have 'good luck' tonight."

"Aren't you worried about getting sick?" Mills asked.

"That's another source of anxiety, people worrying about being sick and no one to take care of them, so they get married and have kids, hoping someone will take care of them when they're sick."

"Then?" Mills asked.

"People feel anxious when they lose their purpose. Mr. Mills, I devote the time and energy that parenting requires to living a healthy and moderate lifestyle and buying insurance. The partner and children may not be as some people expect. Nurses who are paid to take care of themselves during the critical moments of their illness have to do it, and it is in the nature of all animals to like rewards. Patients with hoarding disorder experience it in the process of shopping and collecting items starting in adolescence Great pleasure, using shopping to counteract low mood and depression is a method used by many people, but patients with hoarding disorder will feel intense pain and anxiety when throwing away anything, and everything has potential in their hearts. usefulness or sentimental value, which can be seen as a barrier to independence, middle-aged white women have a strong desire to care, they will have a lot of cats, which is what you think in your mind, 'you don't worry about living alone, you will be killed when you die. Did the cat gnaw off your own face', that's what you used to do when you were a cop?"

"I didn't think so..."

"I'm a single male, so I'm supposed to be as slovenly and unkempt as any other bachelor, with a house full of missing pizza boxes, half-washed clothes, and messy dishes in the sink?" Anthony looked at with a smile mills.

"What's the problem then?" Mills said blankly.

"When was the last time you slept with a woman?"

"My God!" Mills exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"Religion can save people's souls, but it can't save our sinful bodies. If you don't plan to remarry, then you should learn to enjoy loneliness. I enjoy my current life very much. Do you like your current state of life?"

"You are... oh, I forgot, you are a psychiatrist."

"You have anger management issues, Mr Mills, and a lot of people have similar issues, but given your record, I would advise you to seek professional psychotherapy."

"Just mind your own problems."

"People always go to the doctor for help when the problem is so serious that they can't live, whether it is psychological or physical, but doctors are not omnipotent gods, not all problems can be solved, I used to be a surgeon, but, A family member of a patient attacked my colleague because he didn't save his wife. Emotion and motivation share a common root 'mot', which comes from the Latin 'motus' and each emotion consists of four Component composition, physiological arousal, cognitive interpretation, subjective feeling and behavior expression, it can be divided into positive and negative, the patient is controlled by negative emotions, and then develops aggressive behavior, I understand his mood very well, but I don’t want to be his vent object of emotion."

"Why don't you switch to plastic surgery?" Mills asked.

"It's a sad thing if there is a distorted soul hidden under a beautiful appearance. I prefer to help others overcome obstacles. The natural is the most beautiful. It is not true to use a scalpel to cut a healthy human body into the shape that customers want. To solve their problems, Freud said that "the essence of psychoanalysis is to heal through love", the human body is not a plaster cast, and doctors are not sculptors. I regret that I can no longer hold a scalpel, but practicing psychiatry does not Makes me feel overqualified, and I'm glad I can help other people."

"What is psychiatric surgery?" Mills asked.

"Early 20th century refers to lobotomy and amygdala destruction. You know Phoenix Gage?"

"Do you know who Donald Duck is? Doctor."

"After a very serious accident, Gage was lucky to survive. Although there was a hole in his head, he spoke as usual and thought clearly, but his behavior and personality changed dramatically. He lost the feeling of pain. Originally a nice and courteous person. After the accident he became rude, impatient with things, stubborn, self-willed, erratic and indecisive. He always seemed unable to plan and organize what he was about to do , whose friends said 'he's not Gage anymore', neurologists dissected his brain after his death, an accident that caused Gage to lose the function of his ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the structure Very similar to the adjacent orbitofrontal cortex. The orbitofrontal cortex is involved in complex decision-making processes, which in turn are involved in people's sensitivity to risk, reward and punishment. Damage to this part of the brain can make patients in impulse inhibition and event response Misunderstanding, after what happened, do your friends think you're still the same David Mills?"

"My head isn't hurt."

"Do you have the habit of smoking?"

"What does that matter?"

"The Charité University Hospital in Berlin found that compared with non-smokers, the orbitofrontal cortex area of ​​the cerebral cortex tends to be thinner in smokers. And the more daily smokers and the longer the smoking time, the thinner the orbitofrontal cortex. Thin. Our brains are programmed before we are born, and the orbitofrontal cortex, located in the prefrontal area of ​​the brain, contains the main neural mechanisms involved in the generation of human emotions, which are related to emotions such as regret, happiness, embarrassment, anger, sadness, some The 'killer' is naturally thinner in this area than ordinary people, and if he still has the habit of smoking, it will be even worse. Smoking is not only harmful to the health of the lungs, but also affects the brain, just like what all doctors say, I suggest you better stop smoking and drinking and change your lifestyle. Trauma doesn't have to be physical. TSD is all about avoiding thoughts and images of a traumatic experience. If you don't like reading, you don't have to read it. Don't use chasing the 'devil' as an excuse to run away."

"You told your patients that too?" Mills widened his eyes unfriendly.

"We are friends, and we should be sincere if we are friends." Anthony said calmly, "Emotions are the opposite of rationality. Men's thinking is more rational than women's, but they also rely more on decision-making choices. Women think less rationally. The unfiltered imitation around has led to the multi-faceted and elusive nature of women. Men need to use knowledge and means to surpass other men and prevent them from being surpassed. Do you think you are a rational person? David."

Mills stared at Anthony without saying a word.

"Trauma is not just physical. Your life has been shattered after your wife died. Religion can only provide you with a place to escape. You should face up to the past problems and rebuild your sense of security."

"No wonder you are the most expensive psychiatrist in Los Angeles. You are not just eating with girls, right?" Mills said with a smile, "You want me to be your research object?"

"I prefer to use the word 'friend'." The doctor also looked at Mills with a smile, "I never lied to you from the beginning, science can't lie, religion creates a fictional heaven, you should believe in science, sir guard."

Phineas Gage Visible on Baidu

So, the difference between psychosurgery and neurosurgery? (dog head)

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