Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 944 The Devil's Cave

A man's lifelong effort is to integrate the character that has existed since childhood.

- Carl Jung

"Mr. David Mills, welcome."

As the dark gray door was opened, a handsome and elegant man appeared behind the door. He looked to be in his sixties, with gray hair, wearing a well-pressed tailor-made suit, polite manners, and a pair of charming blue eyes.

"You are Dr. Anthony Marcus?" Mills said, looking him up and down.

"Yes, that's me."

"Ex-Indonesian black market boxer with your name, one of the best fighters in the Siberian training camp."

"I like sports……"

"No, black market boxing is not a sport. They kill their opponents in the ring. Have you watched "The Legend of Bruce Lee"? The one-armed boxer in the first fight was based on him."

Dr. Anthony Marcus smiled, showing his white teeth.

"You came to talk to me about this today?"

"No, I heard that you are the best psychiatrist in Los Angeles. I have some questions and I want to consult you."

"I don't know if it is the best one, but I am indeed one of the most expensive ones, please come in." Anthony stepped aside and opened the door. "Don't waste precious time standing at the door."

Mills stood for a while, and finally walked into his office. The psychiatrist's room was not like an ordinary outpatient doctor, and the office was all white.

Anthony's office looks like a study room, with a whole wall covered with books, an iron platform that can be climbed to a higher position, and a photo hanging on the wall opposite the door, which is a long Neck women, women of this ethnic group were put on copper collars when they were about 5 years old, and one was added every year thereafter. As they grew older, their necks were gradually stretched, which looked Long neck like a swan.

On the other wall are Japanese ukiyo-e paintings, which are actually similar to the workers in the red light district taking photos of themselves for customers to choose from, except that the ukiyo-e paintings are "geisha" and some samurai in dazzling armor .

The whole room is very transparent, without any partition, and there is an extremely ergonomic recliner beside the two floor-to-ceiling windows.

The most comfortable chair is not the softest chair. When Mills and Trish were shopping for furniture, they were taken aback by the price of the Aeron chair of the same brand as the American Museum of Modern Art.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the chair full of smooth arcs looked like a strangely shaped plate, waiting for "meat" to lie on it. There is a piano next to the chair, and there is a Ming-style shelf next to the piano, on which there is a metronome and a deer-shaped sculpture.

"I hear you have a hard time making appointments," Mills said, surveying the office.

"Can I know how you know me?" Dr. Anthony asked. "I'm not the kind of 'doctor' who advertises in the yellow pages."

"I know, you only treat Hollywood stars." Mills' eyes fell on the solid rosewood desk. "They fed you well."

"Not all of my clients come here to see a doctor. Screenwriters sometimes come to me for consultation, just like you." Anthony observed Mills calmly, like a hunter observing his prey. "May I know, What do you need advice on?"

"Can I know why you agreed to consult me ​​without knowing what I wanted to consult?" Mills stood in the middle of a Persian rug, looking at Anthony Marcus from his waist.

"You're quite a celebrity, Mr. Mills, and you killed John Doe, the Seven Killer. I don't believe that's his real name. John Doe is the name the police use for John Doe."

"So you want to ask me about the details of that case?" Mills said sharply like an enraged porcupine.

“No, how about we sit down and talk? I spend more money on sofas than on beds, and I think it’s a respect for the designer to sit on and feel the comfort rather than admire it.”

Mills glanced at the sofa. It was leather, undeniably expensive, and he had an eerie feeling just thinking about how many Hollywood stars had sat there.

"What are those people thinking?" Mills asked strangely.

"Who do you mean by 'those people'?"

"your customer."

"I can't reveal other people's privacy to you, it's unprofessional."

"Even if you find out that the other party has the intention to kill during the treatment?"

"It's legally required, but I don't usually do that."


"A lot of people who are very popular will say 'I want to kill you', but maybe after a while they will forget that it takes 'motivation' to turn ideas into actions. Most of my clients are law-abiding people. I The meaning of existence is like a 'tree hole', and the 'tree hole' should not be leaked." Anthony paused, and then said, "But in academic research, we can conceal the information of individual cases, and John Doe's compulsive compulsion Personality disorder is the most dangerous and destructive of OCDs, he should be hospitalized, overall, both men and women, African-Americans are more satisfied with their bodies than whites, there are quite a few actresses who suffer from body Dysmorphic disorder, usually they don't seek psychological counseling, but 'treatment' through plastic surgery, in fact, not only actresses, ordinary white women also have this demand, but they can't afford expensive surgery fees like stars, So I did the surgery myself at home."


"I didn't like the curve of my chin, so I ground my teeth. Another woman felt dissatisfied with several parts of her, and she didn't have money for liposuction, so she cut her skin with a knife at home and wanted to remove it. The fat inside is squeezed out, which is another situation in Japan, dissatisfied with their bodies, and most of them suffer from dysmorphic body disorder, which may lead to suicide attempts, but in Asia, psychological counseling often makes People feel ashamed, just like in our culture, only sick people wear masks, they think sick people need to see a psychiatrist, legally I should report to the police, just in this way patients will feel that their privacy is exposed It's going to aggravate suicidal tendencies, so you think I should report it to the police, Mr. Mills."

"The man is not confident about his body?" Mills frowned puzzled.

"Confucius once said that food, sex, and sex are different from appetite. It will not bring the body back to a balanced state, and it is not a necessary desire. Fasting will threaten people's health and even life safety. Among all kinds of secular desires, appetite is the easiest to obtain and satisfy. Asians worship food and sacrifice to gods who can bring them a good harvest, creating an extraordinary food culture. They are very confident in food, while Westerners Have confidence in your body, emphasize science and nutrition in food culture, and there are not as many ways of cooking as in the East, but in terms of table social etiquette, we will open the seats for ladies, while in the East, the elderly and the highest status people Be the first to be seated, and women are not qualified to be the first to be seated, which is due to the difference in emphasis in our culture." Anthony looked at his watch, and then said, "It's almost dinner time, do you have any other plans? Mr Mills."

"Uh, no."

"So, how about we have dinner?" Anthony smiled. "Hope you're not vegetarian."

This is not Hannibal Lecter, although the one in the office really looks like the one in the American TV show.

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