"When you think of red, what do you think of? Roses, blood, or apples. I hope you can actually see red, fill your mind with red, and start imagining another color, orange, a fresh orange, a glass of orange juice , a monk in cassock, when you see orange, start to imagine the next color yellow, anything yellow, egg yolk, daisy flower center, signal lights, then you start to imagine green, green lawn, leaves, and emerald... ..."

O'Sullivan and Mills watched the man who kept talking on TV without blinking their eyes.

"You say this is hypnosis?" O'Sullivan asked Mills.

"I don't know, I don't know more than you." Mills flipped through a stack of A4 printed materials, "The psychiatrist said this is called chakra color hypnosis."

"What's that?" O'Sullivan asked inexplicably.

"It seems to be related to yoga." Mills looked at the information and said.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Tracey has practiced this, there are seven vortexes in our body." Mills gestured with his body with his hands, "Qi, do you understand?"

"Qi is Chinese kung fu, what does it have to do with yoga?"

Mills looked at O'Sullivan shaking his head, with an expression that was indestructible.

"There is a light at the end of the corridor. Now go along the corridor, toward the light. When you come to the light, stop. Now look down at your feet, and ahead of you you will see yourself standing at the top of a wide staircase. There are 21 steps in the stairs, and in a moment you will be going down the stairs...every step you take will sink you deeper, into a deeper hypnotic state..." said the hypnotist on TV.

"Why did he go down the stairs?" O'Sullivan asked more puzzlingly.

"It's about sex," Mills said aloud, drawing a disdainful look from a uniformed policewoman.

"My God." O'Sullivan waved his hands, "How could going down the stairs have anything to do with sex?"

"Don't ask me, that's what Freud said." After flipping through two more pages of information, Mills said with an ambiguous smile, "Rhythmic and repetitive activities such as climbing stairs are similar to sexual activities, not just Stairs and ladders too, have you been dreaming about these lately?"

O'Sullivan rolled his eyes and continued watching the hypnosis show on TV.

Of course, the two detectives couldn't see why. In fact, many hypnosis performances were prepared off-stage, and many people even questioned the authenticity of hypnosis, saying that the hypnotized person and the hypnotist were actually the same.

"The submarine chakra represented by red is located at the bottom of the spine, not the reproductive chakra represented by orange. Human brain waves can be roughly divided into five modes, namely Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Theta. Our brains are awake, when we think, when we speak our brains are in beta waves, which is a high frequency wave, and when we are in a meditative state, the brain waves are theta waves, which is a very deep state of relaxation , which is the commonly used state of hypnosis. Yoga masters can reach this brain wave state for a long time through training, and women’s brains will appear 20 to 45 seconds long θ waves. At this time, they will have epilepsy-like symptoms. It is extremely short, and it is difficult to identify it only from the waveform record of the EEG, and it must be analyzed on a special analysis instrument to barely detect the θ waveform, which shows the difference between the performance of men and women and the quality of ecstasy. This At this time, the pointer of the female electromyogram will appear relatively large, and frequently swing, indicating that the muscles are in a state of high tension. Muscular state, like this." As the picture turned, a woman was lying upright between two chairs with a man sitting on top of her. It is impossible for a woman weighing fifty kilograms to bear a man who weighs more than her , but this is the classic performance item "Human Steel Plate" of "Hypnosis Show".

"In this state, the consciousness has given up the self-protection mechanism. Her body can reach a state that is difficult to achieve normally, and stimulate potential, including muscle strength and flexibility. Hypnosis can make wonderful changes in the human body. The frequency of the bottom chakra is The lowest is the crown chakra, the highest is the crown chakra. The principle of the chakra-color hypnosis method is to make people in the state of the highest frequency go down the 'stairs', and finally reach the root chakra, and every three steps is a stage..."

"Want some donuts?" O'Sullivan asked Mills.

"Yes, thanks," Mills yawned, looking like he was falling asleep.

As soon as O'Sullivan stood up, he saw Ethan Logan walking towards him. The lawyer was standing at the elevator entrance, looking at his watch impatiently.

"Detective." Ethan shook hands with O'Sullivan, and Mills turned off the TV, but he did not shake hands with Ethan.

"Isn't it too late to learn hypnosis now?" Ethan said to Mills a little arrogantly.

"You did a good job, but you were hypnotized by a little girl." Mills smiled ironically.

"I know that many people now think that psychology is a science..."

"Nobody thinks that way." O'Sullivan interrupted him dryly.

"All in all, they don't think science has anything to do with occultism. Do you know what this is?" Ethan took out a disc from his coat pocket.

"Coasters?" Mills said.

"No, this is a hypnotic disk. It is a vortex just like the sun bird. I used to believe that ancient wizards and hypnotists used to hypnotize people with psychotropic drugs and hypnotic disks to achieve the purpose of treatment, but later I went through something that changed my view of the world, do you know the black folder?"

"What black folder?" O'Sullivan asked blankly.

"Yes." Mills said deadpan.

"We have similar folders, and we sort through each case like the Vatican, and I was in the room with Miss Warren... the only thing I remember is tripping and dropping the folder on the floor, Those documents were scattered all over the place, but when I picked them up, there wasn't a word on them, they were all blank."

"And then you lose your memory," Mills said.

"I remember her eyes, her pupils looked like hypnotic discs!"

"Brother, if a person has pupils like that..."

"Have you done the autopsy?" Ethan interrupted O'Sullivan, "Have you seen her eyes?"

"Have you notified Angela's mother?" Mills asked.

"There is a special person in charge." O'Sullivan replied.

"I felt like I was suffocating, like I was drowning," Ethan said. "She was perfectly capable of killing me."

"Hypnosis can make people stop breathing?" O'Sullivan said with a strange face.

"Be careful with that girl, she is not an ordinary person." Ethan said cautiously, "I have received special training, and I am not so easy to be hypnotized, but she hypnotized me easily."

"Are you still making excuses for yourself?" Mills said impatiently.

"I won't leave Los Angeles during this time, if you need my help, I'll be there for you." Ethan handed over a card. "I also want to find out what's going on."

Mills didn't pick it up, but O'Sullivan took it. Then Ethan wiped his face, turned around in panic, and left with the lawyer.

Every detective in the police station has piles of folders on his desk. Even if O'Sullivan doesn't say anything, bystanders can tell that he won't waste too much time on an underage girl's suicide case.

Soon she will disappear without a trace in more news like a wave in the sea.

The premise is that the media will not get involved.

"Do you think it was an accident, or did she do it on purpose?" O'Sullivan looked at another driver in the interrogation room. He was about to collapse after being questioned by the police, and his lawyer was still missing.

"I don't know." Mills looked into Ethan's eyes until the elevator doors closed, blocking their view. "Do you want to see Angela's eyes?"

O'Sullivan glanced at the sunlight outside the window.

"I want to watch the videotapes she made first." O'Sullivan said holding up the evidence bag, "including the videotapes she took when she went to Detroit. This is what you're looking for, right, Exorcist."

Freud stated part of his views in his 1927 book "In an Illusionary Future". He explained the original purpose and function of religious development from the origin stage of civilization. In fact, not only religion is a fantasy of human beings, but also human beings All the order and classes in society are an illusion that unites us and sets us against each other.

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