Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 926 The Thief in the Vegetable Garden

Venice in the rain was shrouded in fog, which reminded Pomona of the beheaded Venetian Governor Marino Farrero.

When he was going from Rome to Venice, there was also a sudden thick fog.

After leaving Jucardi, they did not disapparate the wizard way, but took the water bus like Muggles.

They wandered aimlessly in the city, no matter where they went, like dandelions blowing away with the wind.

Finally they stopped at a small stop called "Santa di Otto" in the Cannaregio district, not far from a pink church.

It has nothing special except the color, and it is far less "magnificent" than the facades of other churches.

The name of the small station is named after the church. According to the records in the promotional materials, the church was originally used to worship St. Christopher. Later, someone discovered the sculpture of the Virgin and the Son in the vegetable garden, so the church changed its original name. Be a vegetable garden dame.

There are paintings by Tintoretto in the church. The "Heavenly Kingdom" he painted for the hall of the Doge's Palace in Venice is the largest mural in the world together with Michelangelo's "Last Judgment".

At the same time, Tintolito also painted "The Last Judgment", but this painting is a zenith painting. It is said that the inspiration came from Dante's Divine Comedy. of light.

Jesus sits on the throne and judges people's eligibility for heaven, and there is no picture of hell.

In 1993, an oil painting of the Madonna holding the Son was stolen, and the church vacated the frame. Fortunately, it was photographed by a camera before, so a painting as large as the painting was printed and placed on the ground .

The story of St. Christopher does not come from the Bible, but from the Holy Tradition, especially the legend of the Eastern Church. Because there is no Holy Tradition in Protestant countries, most Christians do not know St. Christopher.

St. Christopher is a Canaanite, he is tall and strong, and his appearance is mighty. Commit to dedicate your life to the service of the greatest king in the world.

He came to a big country and served the king, but he found that whenever the king heard the name of the devil in a pagan song, he would cross his face in fear.

Christopher obeyed the king's order to serve the devil, but he found that the devil panicked when he saw the cross, so Christopher left the devil. On the way, he met a hermit who preached the gospel to Christopher. Christopher felt that fasting and praying were not suitable for him. He listened to the hermit's persuasion, and built a house by the river to live in, and carried people across the river every day.

One night, in his sleep, Christopher heard a child calling him outside the door. After waking up, no one went out. Three times in a row, he found a child by the river, and politely asked him to carry it.

Christopher leaned over, picked up the child, put it on his shoulders, took a stick and walked into the river, but the water gradually rose, and the child was as heavy as iron. Walking all the way forward, the river rose higher and higher, and the child became heavier and heavier. It was hard to carry the child to the other side.

Christopher breathed a sigh of relief. He put the child on the ground and asked, "My child, my life was almost lost in your hands. I didn't expect you to be born so heavy. It was the first time in my life that I met such a heavy person. At that time It was like the weight of the entire universe was on my back."

The child replied: "Christopher, don't be surprised. What you have just carried, not only the entire universe, but also the Lord who created the universe is on your shoulders. I am Jesus Christ. The master you serve. Since you are faithful For me, now stick your stick into the ground, and tomorrow it will blossom and bear fruit." At that moment, the child disappeared.

According to Christopher, he stuck his stick in the soil, and the next day it really blossomed and set fruit.

Later, Christopher went to the city of Lycia to preach the gospel and persuaded 8,000 people, but was imprisoned by the king. The king sent two beauties, Aquilina and Nisi, to lure Christopher to apostate, but Christopher was not tempted. The two women realized their mistakes, converted to Christ, smashed the statue of the evil god, and died of martyrdom.

The king ravaged Christopher in every possible way and couldn't hurt him, but an arrow suddenly flew towards the king and blinded him. Christopher shouted: "Tyrant, I will die tomorrow. You take some mud and mix it with my blood, put it on the eyes, and the eyes will regain sight."

The next day the king ordered Christopher to be beheaded, his blood mixed with mud, and painted on his eyes, and healed on the spot, and the king believed in religion.

Saint Christopher is revered as the patron of travelers. People also ask him to bless them from disasters such as floods, diseases, and storms. In modern times, it is also regarded as the main insurance for motorists.

Putting a St. Christopher in the car can keep you safe. Pomona remembered Arthur's Anglia car and bought one at the souvenir shop for a little mischief.

Although the car hit the Whomping Willow, the two boys who caused the accident were also terrified. Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, she could imagine how angry Severus was.

Men generally have a throne mentality, but there is only one throne, why should you sit on it?

If hereditary inheritance was really so secure, there would not be so many courtiers who usurped power, warlords who rebelled in arms, and round after round of dynasty changes.

Hermione, who was born as a commoner, looked down on the pure-blood noble Draco, thinking that he became Slytherin's seeker by relying on his own family affairs and his father's gold coins.

This kind of prejudice is difficult to eliminate. Nobles need to shed blood to obtain privileges, and they must continue to shed blood if they want to continue this privilege. To become a ruler, they have to work harder than commoners.

I can't hold back those who want to usurp the throne. Everything I have in the past will be taken away. War reparations are a very "fair" means. In order to "pay off debts", all valuable things will be sold, even the things left by my ancestors The castle is also for sale.

At this time, the high-ranking nobles in the past were about to become down-and-out nobles. The war turmoil caused by Grindelwald did not affect Britain, but there were many "nobles" who were used to squandering like the Gunters, and eventually lived in shacks except for their names and blood.

In fact, if wizards want to steal Muggle artworks, it is very easy to sell them for a high price. However, the International Statute of Secrecy has been implemented for so many years, and wizards don't know much about Muggles.

Remus Lupine is because he is a good guy, he even suppressed the instinct of werewolf cannibalism.

Good people often end in misery. If going to hell can alleviate sins through money, can the gate of heaven be opened by deception?

Just as Pomona was looking at the stolen painting, she suddenly felt a wave of fluctuation.

She looked back to see that the old Slytherin basilisk had cast an Imperius Curse on an old Muggle, and it was an Unforgivable Imperius Curse at that.

"What are you doing!" she yelled angrily.

There was no one in the church, and she didn't really need to, but she still seemed to be blind, and didn't dare to speak aloud.

"Drink this." The dark wizard handed the old Muggle a glass of wine spiked with Veritaserum, and he used the same cup used to hold the "holy blood" on the altar.

She looked up at the ceiling, fearing that a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket would strike them dead.

"Why are you playing tricks on this Muggle?"

"He's been with us for a while, before we left Jucardi." Severus said coldly, "It doesn't mean he's a Muggle if he dresses like a Muggle, and I don't have time to talk to you right now." Should you open other people's letters' dispute."

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