Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 919 In the Name of the Father

Even if Da Vinci really blurred the left eye of the Savior with his palm as in the legend, it is still impossible to be sure that the palm print belongs to Da Vinci.

Just as fingerprints found in a phone booth are not necessarily those of zodiac, a public phone booth that is used by many people, and fingerprints taken in Paul Lee Steen's taxi are not sufficient proof.

After arresting Leigh Allen, the police compared his fingerprints, but of course they couldn't match. He is a man who can write with both hands, and the handwriting of the left and right hands is different, let alone the police asked him to write. When he was writing, he deliberately wrote the characters very large, so that they could not match with Zodiac's handwriting.

People with split personalities have different handwriting. In short, there is no direct evidence that Leigh Allen is zodiac, and the police are unwilling to let him go so easily, so he was arrested and sent to a mental hospital.

There were many witnesses to the case, including two police officers. Dan Falk observed a white man walking along the sidewalk. There was a black suspect and not a white suspect, so they had no reason to talk to the man, so they walked past him and didn't stop.

Later, Dan described the appearance of the prisoner according to his memory, and it was also different from Leigh Allen. There was no strong evidence to prove that Leigh Allen was that person!

The operator who made the mistake thought it was a taxi robbery. According to police statistics, there are far more African-Americans and Latinos in robberies than whites. The same is true for shootings, and serial killers are mostly whites. The yellow race has the lowest violent crime rate, but the financial crime rate is very high. Under the judgment of this inertial thinking and implicit discrimination, the operator believes that the criminal is a black man.

That's what messing things up, Joseph doesn't want to be the laughing stock of others.

Unlike zodiac II, who just wanted to be legendary, zodiac I caused chaos and madness.

After the Bettis case, the school installed street lights in the slightly darker places, because otherwise no one would dare to go to those places.

People have feelings, sometimes you can feel who is pretending and who is real.

That dark force is like a raging tide, rising and falling with the moonlight.

80% of the human body is water. If the ocean ebbs and flows due to the gravitational pull of the moon, why aren't people affected by the gravitational pull of the moon?

Blood has emotions, just like his mother who fell in a pool of blood, he could feel that she was reluctant to part with him, so the blood flowed towards him, as if he had been baptized with fresh blood...

"About Orvieto, I heard that the priest found that it had really turned into flesh when he was dividing the cake, so he stained the altar with blood." Lisa said while eating the cherry fruit tart, "Do you think this matter Is it true? Or is it a farce like the Shroud?"

"I don't make comments." Joseph lit a cigarette and started smoking.

Smoking is not allowed in the Vatican, this is the Pope's decree, but now that he is in secular Rome, he can certainly ignore it.

"In ancient Rome, there was also a wedding ceremony, which was to share wheat cakes to worship the gods. Do you think the communion ceremony will be the same as Christmas..."

"Of course it's different." Julianti interrupted Joseph. "Are you okay, Father."

Joseph knew what Julianti was talking about, but he couldn't help himself.

He remembered the "help me" mural again, and the Chicago Lipstick Killer once used a lipstick to write on the bathroom wall "For God's sake, catch me before I kill more people, I I can't control myself." message.

The devil sometimes makes such bad jokes. It is not his own will that he has committed so many horrible crimes, but is controlled by the voice in his head, or by the devil.

"People want to get good news in divination." Joseph said slowly, "In this way, they will have full confidence in the future. Once the psychic tells bad news, they will feel very unhappy and even unwilling to believe it. Since they want to listen to lies Why bother with divination?"

"There are also people who will spend a lot of money to find a way to solve bad luck." Lisa said, "This is also how fortune tellers make money."

"Hope is probably the most scarce resource in the world, but it was locked in a box by Pandora." Joseph smiled sarcastically, "The despair brought about by the Black Death made many people no longer believe in God. Where is God? To them, God is just a ticket to heaven."

"Speaking of tickets, have you seen the Titanic?" Lisa smiled evilly and charmingly.

"You dance and I dance too?" Joseph asked.

"It's that movie, a friend of mine, he was inspecting the wreckage of the Titanic and he found an interesting thing, you know, the Titanic sank because a ninety-meter crack was carved out of the hull by an iceberg , but he didn’t find the wound on the wreckage, but the rivets were shaken off a lot.”

"I know what you said." Joseph said, "The conspiracy theory proposed by Robin Galileo and Andrew Newton, these two names are false at first sight."

"Then you believe what they say?"

"Without evidence, it's a false accusation." Joseph looked at the two drunk chicks. They staggered and supported each other to stand up. Several "enthusiasts" came forward to ask if they needed help.

Rome is a tourist city, and there are people from all over the world, from all countries and races.

If someone posts a photo of a beautiful girl, his speech will often be followed by a string of beautiful girls obediently attaching their own photos; Attached is my own photo.

Men like to hide in the crowd, but girls are the first to jump out for people to admire, so girls usually become the victims.

For those with ulterior motives, the girl's life photos can reveal clues to figure out her life rules.

In the past, crimes still needed to be tracked, but now tracking is saved.

When Joseph stood up, Julianti also stood up, and they walked towards the two girls together.

"Hey," Joseph called to the crowd. "Get away from them."

"Mind your own business, brother." A mixed-race Latino man stopped Joseph with his hand.

"Take your hand away." Joseph said coldly.

The Latin man stood in front of Joseph.

"So what if I don't let it?"

Joseph threw his hand up against the wall, hitting his ribs with his left knee.

Immediately afterwards, while his accomplice was not paying attention, a hand knife slashed his neck. This time it was aimed at the carotid artery. the person on the other side.

Israeli Krav Krav is not considered a high-end martial art, but the FBI has to practice it. As for why a priest would do this...

Violence won't solve all problems, but sometimes you need it.

If Joseph doesn't know how to fight, how can he escape from the former U.S. Army scout sniper?

With the Industrial Revolution, the ancient lifestyle of relying on men to farm and fight wars changed, and men gradually stopped exercising their muscles, while there was not much difference in intelligence between men and women, and the relationship in marriage also changed.

The man in a marriage without husband's rights is not so tired, he just needs to give up the right of the child to inherit his surname.

If the child wants to inherit his surname, even if the wife agrees, the son may give up his father's surname. For example, Joseph, he gave up his father's surname, and Joseph is his holy name.

Joseph's knife in his hand was whistling with the sound of wind, his eyes gleamed with a sharp cold light, and the expression on his face was ferocious, like a bloodthirsty demon.

People with actual fighting experience can easily face a few people who have trained their muscles in the gym. Even though it was two against six, they still won easily.

It's just that this is just a small local battlefield victory, and he cannot challenge the entire world with his own strength.

Joseph straightened his coat and touched his neck subconsciously, as if to make sure he was wearing a Roman collar.

Then he still drew the cross, blessed the person who fell on the ground, and immediately took the two staggering girls away from the place of right and wrong before the police arrived.

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