Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 916 The Philosophy of Foodies

That night, the Lord began to send manna for them to eat. From that day on, the Israelites ate manna for 40 years without a break. Usually it rains for six days in a row, but stops for one day on the Sabbath to let the people observe the Sabbath. Therefore, what rains on the sixth day will be double the amount.

— Exodus, chapter 16

Vatican means "City of Prophets" in Latin. Most of Vatican's citizens are clergy, including bishops, priests, nuns, and the famous Swiss Guard, as well as about 3,000 secular workers. Labor, but none live in Vatican City.

Of the 572 citizens holding Vatican passports, only 223 actually live in the Vatican.

Every morning, tourists need to line up to enter the Vatican, and sometimes refugees who wander to the Vatican will beg for them.

And at night, when all the attractions are closed, there is nothing to do in the city, and at this time the nightlife in the secular city of Rome is full of variety.

After the tourists leave, the Vatican City, which is crowded with people during the day, will become silent, and the solemnity of religion will be reflected at this time.

Mornings in Istanbul are awakened to the whispered call of the Qur'an, while morning mass in the Vatican.

Even if a belief is seriously shaken, the various institutions it produces will still maintain their prestige. Only when it completely loses its influence will everything that depends on it for survival collapse.

But as long as this influence persists, even if only a little bit, it will come back again, such as the Good Samaritan Law, which is designed to encourage good people and make people feel safe when they do good.

Every museum has the treasure of the town hall, and the Vatican Museum also has it. The sculptures are Laconao, the remains of Hercules and Apollo.

Compared with the other two sculptures, only the torso and part of the limbs remain, but Michelangelo admired it so much that even his later sculptures of women were all in the style of the mutilated body.

The remnant of Hercules is kept in the Muses Pavilion, surrounded by nine muses. Among them, Cleo, the director of history, also holds a "crystal ball" in his hand, but it is opaque, unlike The one in Salvator Mundi appears to be transparent.

"Most of Da Vinci's paintings are as scientific as possible, but the painting "Saviour Mundi" intentionally draws a crystal ball that does not conform to science. What do you think he wants to express? Father." Lisa drank asked while drinking.

"What do you think?" Joseph asked calmly.

At this time, they were in an open-air restaurant. After taking off the Roman collar, Joseph was no different from ordinary people. The girls who came and went looked at him frequently. He really looked like a certain star.

"Do you think science and faith are separate from Western medicine? Or do they never meet?"

Joseph looked at Julianti.

The burly security captain looks like he's thinking about it, love is incredible.

"I think both science and faith are products of human cognition and thinking." Joseph said cautiously.

"I think so too." Julianti immediately agreed.

"Do you really think so or follow suit?" Lisa stared at Julian and asked.

"Of course I think so!"

"The last time I asked you this question you didn't know how to answer."

Joseph looked down at the ground. The lady at the next table had a puppy. It was eating dog food under the table. The dog biscuits looked delicious.

"Some people think that science is the Isis of faith." After a "quarrel", Lisa turned to Joseph and said, "Do you think this person is right?"

"I think faith comes before science," Joseph said with a laugh.

"No, in addition to being the mother of Horus, Isis has a sister Nephthys who is the patron saint of houses and the dead in ancient Egyptian mythology. If science is Isis of faith, then faith is science Nephthys..."

"Faith is the sister of science," Julianti interjected.

"Can you let me finish?" Lisa asked impatiently.

"Interesting theory, who said that?" Joseph asked.

"Zodiac, to be precise, a Zodiac fan spelled out this sentence, do you know him?" Lisa asked.

"Who doesn't know him?" Joseph spread his hands, "What reminds you of him?"

"I have a friend who asked me to look things up for him." Lisa took a button-shaped ballpoint pen from her pocket and wrote on a napkin "He often misspelled things, such as spelling forest as Forrest, or dangerous spelling city dangerou, using this grammatical deviation, someone spelled out the phrase 'science is mysterious Isis', science is the mysterious Isis, Isis is a goddess in charge of imperial power, and later During the Greek rule, she became the patron saint of sailors, sailors and imperial power, isn't this the earth after the Age of Discovery?"

"So who said Isis that science is faith?" Joseph asked.

Lisa handed him the napkin.

There are two lines on the napkin, the first line is meaningless gibberish, the second line is a string of misspelled sentences:


"What did you see?" Lisa asked.

"What is TET?" Joseph asked calmly.

"Vietnam's Tet, do you know the US military's Tet offensive against Vietnam in 1968? It was a large-scale, well-planned racist war." Lisa stared into Joseph's eyes and said.

"I was born in America, but I'm not an American." Joseph put the piece of paper on the table.

"What did you see, Father, I heard that you are an exorcist, will you help him?" Lisa continued to press without giving an inch, "I heard that you know the archetype of the killer in the Seven Deadly Sins, do you still remember that time?" The scene in the lawyer's office? The real murderer wrote 'help me' with the drug dealer's thumb, which is not visible to the naked eye, and requires special equipment and technology. Zodiac's letter has also been tested for fingerprints and DNA, those chemical The potion made the notes on that letter faint, but it is believed that he was indeed ill, both mentally and physically."

"You asked me to help a serial killer?"

"I don't know, Father, the Pope says God is always ready to forgive, but I think it's God who forgives him, and our job as humans is to send him to God, and he kills children, even when they're almost grown-ups, and he The first victim was Chiri Joe Bettis, she was a blonde cheerleader with a dream of being a flight attendant, she was a complete dawdle in college, and by the time she was old enough to be a sophomore, she'd be there, I think There's nothing such a girl can do that makes zodiac feel like she's killing herself."

"She has a fiancé who has been engaged for two years." Joseph said coldly. football."

"So you know him." Lisa said confidently. "May I know why you are interested in him?"

Joseph shook his head.

"You know why there are always blondes in murder and horror movies? They feel innocent and innocent, but the bright red blood running down their white skin makes a visual impact. I'm not a brainless I don’t want to be the screaming foil in horror movies, you should treat me as an equal.”

"You are also famous in this respect." Julianti smiled awkwardly. "That's what the nuns say about you."

"What?" Joseph asked with a livid face.

"Oh, you don't want to know." Lisa shook her head loudly, "It's a pity, thanks to how handsome you are."

Just then, five Ferraris drove slowly along the street.

There is a beautiful girl in the passenger seat of each car, and the driver is a young man. They look carefree and enviable.

"Bettis bought a pale green Volkswagen, and to pay for it, she'd been working part-time at National Bank in Riverside, and after her accident, her father took out a loan against the house. , offering a reward for the arrest of the murderer who killed his daughter." Lisa said, "I don't want to be a 'victim' like Bettis, but I think you are doing something very important and you need my help. Can you guarantee my safety?"

"How do you know?" Joseph asked.

"A woman's intuition." Lisa fiddled with her hair, smiling charmingly, "Are you going to accuse me of going to the religious court? Father?"

"What charge?" Joseph laughed.

"Witchcraft, divination."

"I remember you as a scientist."

"Oh, no, science and faith are inseparable for me." Lisa glanced at Julian and said, "Faith is the sister of science. If you have a sister, you know what it feels like."

"I think it's good, I have it." Julianti said immediately.

Lisa and Joseph looked at him together, and curled their lips together.

It happened that their food came at this time. There is no fasting rule in the secular world, but they still ordered seafood, which is considered fasting for Italians.

Calamari, salad and sparkling white wine, and a large steamer seafood platter, Giulianti also ordered a pigeon, a popular dish in Rome, even though the dove is a symbol of peace.

how can murder be glorified

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