Goethe once said that Voltaire ended an old era, and Rousseau opened a new one.

However, it was Jean Jacques Rousseau, who was criticized by many great men and philosophers, who used to make a living by copying music scores.

Without this livelihood, how would he make a living in France at the time?

Among the many scores collected by Giovanni, Pomona found the score copied by Rousseau, which was put in a special bag, which should be worth a lot of money now.

In addition, she also found a score written by Wagner, as well as a draft of Neuschwanstein Castle painted by Ludwig II.

Giovanni lost the bid to rebuild the Paris Opera, and he has since left France for Germany.

In the garden of Berchtesgaden, he saves the little fairy king who is almost attacked by elves.

According to the vampire Giovanni, Ludwig II was very capricious. In fact, men are more or less like him, and there are times when they don't grow up.

Giovanni could not bear the smell of garlic, but Simeon ate it, so they could not be in the same room.

Sometimes it felt that simple, and if Severus had kissed her with a mouthful of garlic that Christmas, Pomona wouldn't have "felt".

Fortunately, he was so clever that he drank a tube of euphoria before knocking on her door, and came to her with a mouthful of peppermint.

But now, he is married, and the garlic dishes have a good taste, and he has eaten a lot of the garlic meatballs. She also recalls McLaggen throwing up all over him after eating a meatball, for which he was fined a month in confinement.

Social wizards occasionally boast to witches that when a person is in danger, the sympathetic nerves are excited, causing excessive contractions of the gastrointestinal tract and diverting energy from the digestive tract to the rest of the body , and when the emergency is gone, the parasympathetic takes control.

McLaggen vomited nervously. How did that horrible, dark old bat become as food-loving as the old slug?

She had an unspeakable fire, so she deliberately didn't eat the dish at noon, and was in the study with Giovanni, while Severus and Simeon were "playing music" in the living room.

By coincidence, Severus now has a cursed violin, even though he himself knows nothing about playing the violin, he can play master-level music with it.

Now he is playing the Adagio, and the rhythm of the music is really nice, but she feels upset and irritable, and really wants to burn it with a fire.

"Is that Paganini's violin?" Giovanni asked as if looking for something to say.

"I don't know if it's Paganini's, I just know they were made by a craftsman," Pomona said. "Have you ever heard the devil's tremolo?"

"He did a lot of performances." Giovanni poured her a glass of wine "And there was a devil's fever, you know Mick Yeager? Nietzsche met him and said he could play without makeup 'Lord of the Flies' (Beelzebul)."

"What did he do? I mean Mick Yeager."

"He's an opera singer, and he's been playing lower demons all the time. I don't know if he's really crazy or possessed by the devil. He quit his job at the opera and performed at private parties in Munich. He quickly He became famous in Munich, even on the official stage. He still performed the devil, as long as someone paid him, he dared to perform. A man with commercial motives, as long as he has brilliant stage effects, no one will question even if the plot of the story is illogical, Nietzsche said that he is like a colorful fly flying around on the stage."


"He likes to drink and gamble like Paganini, but they died in different ways. Yeager committed suicide and jumped from the top of the stage, but he didn't die on the spot. He wrote on the stage with his own blood. A single line of writing, and what's weird is that there is always a smile on his face."

"What did he write?"

"It's not over yet." Giovanni frowned anxiously, "Edgar is not a violinist, you can tell from his fingers, but his technique is very good, is there something wrong with that violin, right? Manipulating him is like a demon manipulating a man."

Pomona didn't think much of it, it was only six Muggle souls after all, and she believed that Severus could control herself, he was a powerful wizard after all.

"Mick Yeager's dance, to put it bluntly, is a dance. He looks like a marionette. His body can be twisted into incredible shapes, but the audience thought he practiced Jiu-Jitsu. I think this is the best way. Terrible place." Giovanni said after taking a sip of his drink, "People are always looking for a reasonable explanation for strange things."

"That little boy, why did he play tricks on you?" Pomona asked.

"I disappeared for two days without saying hello to him. Also, he always wanted me to carry my mobile phone with me." Giovanni shrugged. .”

Pomona looked down at the music score in her hand, and suddenly asked, "Is it possible that he likes you?"

Giovanni almost spit out the wine from his mouth.

"Why do you have such a strange idea?"

"He's been living a turbulent life, but you've given him a stable life, you've given him a sense of security, sir." Pomona said in French French. "Although you're a vampire, you're more human than some people."

"You shouldn't have so much to do with humans," Giovanni whispered. "Human life is too short."

Pomona was silent.

Feliwei thought the same way. Rational magical creatures knew what to do, but she was deeply involved.

"The love of young people is so hot that it can melt people." She murmured, "If Wagner responded to Ludwig's courtship, he would be the happiest person in the world."

"You can't say no to him, can you?"

"A patient who needs treatment sometimes becomes attached to the doctor who treats him, and some feelings are confused." She paused and said, "Just like Ludwig was with Wagner, he confused worship with love."

"Now we know why he went crazy in the end." Giovanni sneered, "Don't underestimate young people, they also use people, just like Christine did to Phantom."

Pomona said calmly, "She used Phantom, but she rejected his courtship. In her heart, he always regarded the 'Music Angel' as his father."

"He was a lonely man," said Giovanni, "but he waited until Christine grew up, only he didn't expect her to fall in love with another man."

"She didn't feel that way about him."

"I've lived to this age, and I don't understand what you women are feeling. Is it because the phantom doesn't care enough?" Giovanni said a little excitedly, "There are no nobles after the Great Revolution, and that viscount is a liar !"

"Don't be so excited."

"Why are you so easy to be fooled!" Giovanni said loudly like a ignited gunpowder keg, "Did you never think that he lied to you? He wanted to get benefits from you!"

Pomona calmed down.

"Have you been lied to?"

"Humans who want to approach vampires either hope that they can also be 'first embraced' and gain eternal life, or they are insane. I don't know what they think, but they think that Cain is the ancestor of vampires! He was exiled But he has not been given eternal life, he will die when he deserves to die, and he will not be able to escape when the time of death comes because of an extra mark!"

"Can you calm down? I don't want to discuss this topic."

"Have you ever heard of Solomon's seventy-two pillars?" said Giovanni.


"Then do you know Amy?"

Ami is the 58th demon god among King Solomon's 72 demon gods. He is a flame body or a human being. He is in charge of astrology and masters the magic that can exchange human vitality with people.

In Latin, Amy means loved.

"You have submitted the life exchange contract, right?" The vampire asked, "Blood contains vitality, but our method is not as advanced as yours. You never thought that he lied to you in exchange for a longer life ?”

"He died once," said Pomona. "He didn't want immortality as much as you think."

"Love blinds you," said Giovanni. "Be sane and sober."

"So you're not going to reciprocate that young man's love?" Pomona immediately asked bitterly.

"That's your wishful thinking!"

She suddenly calmed down, "If so, are you planning to leave him?"

"That's my privacy."

Pomona suddenly laughed.

"What's so interesting?" asked Giovanni in disgust.

"I just suddenly realized how cruel I was to him before." She smiled and shook her head in disbelief. "I'm so stupid."

Giovanni still did not understand what she was talking about.

"What you give him may not be what he wants." Pomona still kindly reminded the vampire, "Welcome to the world of madmen, Mr. Sensible and Sober."

After she finished speaking, she left the real vampire and went to find the garlic-smelling "vampire" next door.

Now she has the feeling of kissing him. Of course, it would be even better if he still has a euphoria on his body.

Originally I wanted to name this chapter "The Devil's Beauty", but I still chose this stinky name

The name Cain means get and Jacob means catch

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