Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 910 Red Bean Soup

In the eyes of believers, the pope represents the messenger who receives God's will. If his body is controlled by the devil, it can't be worse.

In this improvised room in the Apostolic Palace, Joseph prepared the altar like an altar boy.

He was thinking about it while working. Before today, he had never thought that gods and demons are actually one.

Although he is an exorcist, he rarely goes to the secret archives of the Vatican. In the past, the archives were not as strict as they are now, but since 1953, no page in the archives can be taken out, regardless of whether it is the original or I copied it by hand.

At that time, there was a papyrus named Dooley circulating in the archaeological world, which recorded the process of Thutmose III witnessing a UFO 3,500 years ago.

The reason why this papyrus was circulated was because Alberto Dooley, the curator of the Vatican Museum, copied it privately.

Of course Dooley was dismissed, and at the same time, the management of the archives became strict. Each borrower could only apply at the front desk, and could not borrow books casually like in an ordinary library, and the reading process could not leave the sight of the librarian. , and even the name of the administrator is kept secret.

The Vatican is one of the smallest countries in the world, yet it is full of secrets.

Every pharaoh hoped that he could be remembered after his death, so they built so many magnificent buildings and fought everywhere. Then Moses led 400,000 Israelites to leave Egypt. Who was the pharaoh who ruled Egypt at that time?

Pharaoh had many wives and concubines, and he also had many sons. After the death of the firstborn son, other sons would become heirs. In order to get more sons, he married many women. This is also the biggest difference between the East and the West.

The Egyptians worshiped frogs and even regarded them as goddesses of fertility, so they dared not kill them.

But in the ten plagues of Egypt, Jehovah turned the frogs into the plagues of Egypt, and there were frogs in the house, in the yard, in the field, and even in the pot.

Frogs are covered in slime, too many of which would be disgusting to clean Egyptians.

Later, Jehovah killed all the frogs, and the corpses of the frogs gave off a disgusting stench. How did the Egyptians feel when the idol they once worshiped became like that.

There is also the plague of flies. The word fly in Hebrew is a kind of animal like a beetle. This insect is a sign of the sun god, and it is a sacred object like a frog.

In the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, the appearance of the scarab is like a black carpet, coming in like a tide.

The beetles may have been like that in the "plague of flies" except that they didn't burrow into people's skin, and those flies or creatures called beetles fouled and ruined the Egyptian pastures, and the Egyptian gods did not protect the Egyptians at this time.

Not everyone is Job, who still strengthens his faith after losing everything. People are like this. They often make vows when they are in adversity, but they will be ungrateful and refuse to fulfill their vows when they are at peace. Yahweh forgot and began to sacrifice to other gods. After breaking the contract, Yahweh brought disasters and caused slaughter in Jerusalem. Only Ezekiel and the people marked by the sackcloth were spared.

The ancient apostles were not as wealthy as the current Holy See, and they did not wear sacrificial garments made of the material they are now.

If something really happened, how to persuade those priests to wear sackcloth that is different from the traditional vestments?

Joseph couldn't help being so upset that he took out his cigarette, lit it with a lighter, and smoked slowly.

The lingering smoke made him feel dazed. There are still sacrificial ceremonies in Indian reservations. Those wizards with oil paints on their bodies and feather masks on their heads will smoke their burning smoke during the sacrificial activities, and appreciate the heavens while puffing clouds and fog. s arrangement.

With the decline of Mayan civilization, the new generation of Indians continued many customs of their ancestors, and also abandoned the overly cumbersome sacrificial rituals in the past. Tobacco has since stepped down from the altar and become a daily commodity that everyone can consume.

This scene puzzled the colonists from Europe. After accepting the goodwill of the Indians, these "civilized people" choked out the first puff of smoke in their lives. While shedding tears of discomfort, they also felt unprecedented. Some are happy and excited.

Not only did the Protestants abandon the bishop, they even rejected the pope, and believed that everyone could accept God's will, because they felt that everyone was equal before God.

But this is not the case. There is a huge gap between the way of life of the rich and the life of the poor. Indian reservations are synonymous with poverty, and there is no hope there.

The medical institutions are also very backward. There is only one hospital, and it is still the scale of a clinic. In order to prolong their own lives, rich people dare to do all unethical attempts.

If there are cloned sheep, there are cloned people. A healthy heart is taken from the chest cavity of the young clone and placed in its own chest cavity.

There is no need to wait in line for organ donation, and there is no need to worry about rejection, because the DNA of the young clone is exactly the same as his own.

As long as there is a customer demand, someone will provide the service.

Are clones equal to the original?

"Smoking is prohibited here." Just as Joseph was deep in thought, he suddenly heard Pope John's voice. He was sitting in a wheelchair and was pushed in by the nuns.

Joseph immediately put out the cigarette.

The aging Pope's eyes quickly scanned the room, and finally settled on Joseph.

"God bless you," the pope said to Joseph, raising his fisherman's ring hand.

Immediately the young exorcist stooped, took the Pope's hand in both his and kissed the ring.

"I heard that the so-called devil makes people refuse to love." The Pope said with some difficulty.

"Yes, Papa."

"So, as long as we have love in our hearts, we won't be violated by the devil?"

"No." Joseph hesitated and said, "Do you still remember Cain and Abel? It wasn't just because Cain made a wrong choice, but also because he was jealous of God's preference for Abel."

"Violence is a lie. It violates the truth of our beliefs, the truth of our humanity. Sometimes what people hate is not the physical damage caused by violence, which will heal quickly, but the damage to dignity and self-will."

"I know, Papa, violence is not a part of human nature, it comes from nature." Joseph said softly to the Polish Pope, "Typhoons and tsunamis are the violence of nature. They both destroy the cities and civilizations created by humans, but People still worship them in awe, give them names of wind gods and sea gods, and even offer sacrifices to them."

"You seem to be troubled by something just now, may I know what it is?" the Pope asked.

"About the prophet Moses and the ten plagues of Egypt." Joseph said, "I was wondering which pharaoh prevented the Israelites from leaving Egypt. At the beginning, he clearly despised the Israelites for being too fertile and wanted to execute all the Israeli boys."

"Pharaoh thought he was going to deal with Moses, but he didn't know that Moses was the bridge between God and man. He dealt with God in the way of dealing with politics, and he repented again and again. Moses thought of the Egyptian princess's kindness in raising him, and was indecisive. , In the end, I was punished by God.”

"Don't you think he conquered evil with good?" Joseph asked.

"Where there is love, there is peace, and kindness will bring peace. I only saw that the Israelites created conflicts and troubles to escape from Egypt in order to get rid of the pain of labor. When I went to the rich land of Egypt, when Egypt was shrouded in darkness, although there was light in the house of the Israelites, this light did not shine into their hearts. Therefore, I don’t think that the book of Exodus uses good to overcome evil, and I hope it can give people Motivation, the determination to build a better world...ahem"

The Pope said that he began to cough violently.

"You talk too much, Pope." The nun said worriedly, "The doctor asked you to rest."

"Everyone is a prisoner of the body." After the cough subsided, the Pope smiled helplessly.

"The last question, Papa, do you know why gods only behead their sons?" Joseph asked hastily before the Pope left.

"What do you think?" the pope asked back.

"I think they were marked and the Egyptian priests blessed the firstborn."

The Pope pondered for a while, and then said in a hoarse voice, "The sons of Isaac and Rebekah, Esau and Jacob, fought in the womb before they were born. They are twins. Esau and Jacob Each left, so he became an older brother, and Jacob was born next to Esau. Esau was good at hunting, and Isaac loved him more because he could often eat meat. Later, one day, Jacob served a bowl of red bean soup , asked Esau to give him the birthright, and Esau said, I am about to starve to death, so what is the use of the birthright, so he agreed, Esau saw the birthright clearly, and swore to give it to Jacob, The right to be the firstborn is a natural right. The first-born animals are not blessed, but they have this right. There is a kind of bird, the first hatch will push the last hatch out of the nest. No one taught it to do so, but It is born knowing that this is also a part of 'nature', God is elusive to us, but he has set an example for us, all we can do is to learn and imitate him, just like children learn from their parents, imitation is ours One of nature."

"Thank you."

"It's time for us to rest," the nun interrupted Joseph. "It's time for a walk."

The Pope seemed to want to go around for a while, but he was an old man in a wheelchair, what else could he do?

Surrounded by a group of bodyguards, he reluctantly left this room that he might not need.

Strange explanation for the Tuli Papyrus being declared exempt from the Vatican Archives

In the West, red bean soup is used as a metaphor for losing big because of small things, and losing bigger benefits for the sake of small immediate benefits.

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