In 1766, Bavaria started a debate that lasted about five years, with people from Germany, Austria, Bohemia, Switzerland and northern Italy.

After years of foreshadowing, Protestants linked the Black Death to witchcraft, and the controversial exorcist John Joseph Gasnell also linked all diseases to witchcraft.

Of course, he is full of mistakes and omissions in doing so, because the vast majority of diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses.

Not every fever means demon possession. It may just be a cold or an inflamed wound. The patient needs penicillin more than the exorcist. His practice not only makes himself a laughing stock, but also All those who rarely existed for witchcraft became a "mad class", leading many Europeans to regard the end of witchcraft trials as a great victory of light over darkness.

Catholics and Protestants debate the existence of the devil.

The existence of ghosts has not been scientifically proven, so ghosts do not exist.

There is a story about Job in the Old Testament. Job was originally a happy man who had seven sons and three daughters. His family is rich, with herds of cattle and herds, and a large number of servants and maidservants. However, he does not advocate material things, nor does he rely on wealth. He is kind and generous, willing to help those in need generously, and often donates clothes to those in need. Everyone respects him.

At that time, the Israelites began to worship foreign idols, such as the sun, the moon, and the stars, but Job remained faithful to Yahweh, so the devil made a bet with Yahweh, and Satan said to Yahweh: "Job fears you because you bless you. To him, there is no one more desirable than him on earth, if you destroy everything about him, he will definitely betray you."

The LORD said, "Well, I will give you all that is his, and you will have him at your disposal, except that you cannot harm him."

Disasters suddenly befall Job. He loses his property and children one after another, and suffers from serious skin diseases.

When his three friends heard about Job, they came to visit him. Job, the rich man, was in a terrible situation. He was covered with sores from head to toe, and he had to be cut with tiles. His wife was also persuading him to give up his faith and let him die, but Job said to her, "Can we only enjoy God's blessings and not bear the sins He has brought?"

After seven days and seven nights like this, Job still didn’t get better with the company of his friends, so he began to whisper: “Why did I die without a mother? I have no peace, no rest, my troubles never end, and now I die It's the most beautiful thing."

The three friends of Job are like doctors. They came to Job and diagnosed and analyzed Job. In order to turn Job out of his plight, the three friends concluded through consultation and analysis that Job must be He committed some crimes and seriously offended God, so Job suffered such catastrophe. The solution was to ask Job to investigate each crime, confess his sins one by one, and repent one by one. In doing so, the affliction might leave Job.

They believe that God is just and that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil.

It was strange that he could hear such words for a man who had lost all his property, children, and health, and was covered in sores.

He firmly believes that he is innocent, why should he be punished like this?

Later, God answered Job's question in a whirlwind: Who explained My will with ignorant language? Then I ask you, where were you when I created this world? Where do the oceans, rivers, sun, moon, stars, thunder, lightning, rain, light and darkness come from? You are arguing and arguing with the Almighty, now you make your choice.

So Job humbly bowed down before God, admitting his ignorance.

Then Jehovah asked Job’s friends to find seven bulls and rams to offer sacrifices to Job, instead of continuing to punish Job.

After they did so, Job returned to a prosperous life. Not only did his property increase several times, his wife also bore him seven boys and three girls, and he finally lived to die at the age of 140.

The gamble, which Yahweh wins, and the devil who loses, pays the price, is what Joseph believes must answer the exorcist's question.

As long as the devil gives his name, he basically loses, which is his Achilles' heel, yet he cannot remain silent, because this is his punishment for failing to challenge God.

But not everyone is like Job. When faced with the test, many people chose to betray. "God" stepped down from the position of authority, and "science" stepped up.

If there were monks and alchemists who practiced hypocrisy and self-interest in the name of the gods, they are now replaced by pseudoscience.

There are many alternative treatments in the United States, chemistry textbooks have a pH below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is alkaline. Therefore, no one needs to make special adjustments, because everyone's constitution is weakly alkaline.

Usually people eat a lot of protein, fat or sugar, it will cause hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high body weight, high uric acid, hyperinsulinemia. These three types of substances are all acidic, and the body is in a sub-healthy state between health and disease. These people are acidic people.

An acidic body is prone to cancer; if you want to be healthy, you must eat more alkaline foods to adjust your body's pH.

Since 2002, the "Acid-Alkali Miracle" series of books published by the self-proclaimed "Doctor" scientist have become bestsellers and translated into many languages. In line with the theory of "acid-base constitution", he also built a sanatorium and made a lot of money.

But such a well-known "miracle doctor" has no qualifications to practice medicine at all, and even bought a doctoral degree with money.

He has never received professional and systematic learning and training, and has no professional knowledge at all. After he received his doctorate in 1995, he was prosecuted for illegal medical practice.

His theory has even been on a talk show, and many medical experts believe that eating more fresh vegetables and maintaining a low-pressure life is undoubtedly healthy.

In the history of Christianity, there was an Albigensian sect, which was more extreme than the Waldense sect. They completely denied the material world, and believed that the priests were "perfect people". "Sin" and cannot own personal property, which is in stark contrast to the gourmet-loving Holy See.

The Albigens denied the Trinity, the sacraments, and purgatory, denounced the Pope as a devil, and declared that they wanted to overthrow the Roman Church. Innocent III first used peaceful persuasion methods, and finally organized a crusade in 1209 to suppress the Albigens. In order to plunder the wealth of the south, the knights in northern France also actively responded to the pope's call. Under the leadership of Baron Montfort, the Crusaders invaded Toulouse, burning, killing and looting. The crusade lasted for 4 years, the Albigens was suppressed, and the economy of southern France was greatly damaged.

In order to deal with them, Dominican and the Franciscans were supported. Dominican was responsible for "eliminating ignorance". After a disagreement, he believed that studying theology was more important than begging.

At this time, the Inquisition had already been established.

Martin Luther believed in the famous "Ninety-Five Theses" that the difference between hell, purgatory and heaven is despair, going to despair and believing that this punishment is for the living.

A famous scientist said that the end of science is theology. If what he said is wrong, why can't what the scientist said be questioned?

Psychology can solve many problems, but not all problems can be solved. At this time, ancient religious rituals are needed.

Some evil spirits just need to give him the sacrifice he wants, not every baby who will live, and some animals can be solved by sacrificing a few animals.

People and animals are not equal, the souls of animals are inferior, Americans keep pets, treat dogs and cats as members of the family, and even ask firefighters to take risks to rescue their pets from the fire, and there are often "rescue small animals" in movies Hero" Firefighter.

Isn't the life of a firefighter a life? Because it is the duty of firefighters to fight fires and disasters, we should not make excessive demands on them...

There was a loud bang of "嗙".

Joseph shuddered.

An iron door opened in front of him, and the sound was almost like a gunshot.

"We're here." Father Bruner held up a flashlight and said, "This is the Hall of Tears."

Joseph walked in slowly. It was an octagonal room with a low roof and an altar in the middle. It looked very old, and there were stone carvings on it, which were somewhat blurred due to the age.

"Some people say that is Solomon's temple altar, do you think it looks like it?" Father Bruner asked.

"It looked like a pagan altar to me," Joseph said.

"I think so too. Which belief do you think you belong to?"

"As long as it's not the one dedicated to Duke Miller." Joseph made a sign of the cross on his chest, and then stepped into the "Hall of Tears".

Father Bruner did not go in.

"Call me when you are well." Father Bruner said before closing the door, "Remember you can only take one."

Then he closed the door.

As usual, there was a loud "嗙", and in the darkness, Joseph heard the sound of gears turning in the wall, as if some mechanism had been touched.

Immediately afterwards, the ceiling above his head gradually lit up. It may be the fluorescence produced by the reaction of some chemical substances, or the light produced by the discharge of some ore materials after being squeezed. In short, there is light.

At first he thought he saw the stars, but then he found that there were countless eyes, surrounded by many eyes, there was a monster with four hands, four wings, the face of an eagle on the front, the face of a lion on the left, and the face of an ox on the right , They seem to be wrapped in flames, with a throne on their heads, and the upper body of the person on the seat is like a glowing tree, surrounded by rainbows.

In the book of Ezekiel, there is an image similar to it, except that it claims to be Jehovah and destroys Jerusalem.

According to the book of Revelation, the second coming of Christ will lead to the final destruction of the temple, a great earthquake will split the earth of Jerusalem, and mountains and islands will be displaced.

But the two former temples were built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem centuries ago and were destroyed by the Babylonians and the Romans respectively, and the prophecy cannot be compounded unless a third temple is built in Jerusalem.

"Unbelievable." Joseph murmured, his eyes seemed to be filled with tears, reflecting the light from Zenith's eyes.

Miller is the god who destroyed Jerusalem

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