Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 900 Friends in the closet

Whether it is the tablecloth on the dining table of the White House in the United States or the bedroom of the Pope, they all use Sferra, a top tribute from Italy.

They are all pure white, using a craft that is about to be lost in Venice. Its material is Egyptian cotton, but the price is more expensive than silk.

The Apostolic Palace has also become the pope's residence in the last few hundred years. Before that, the pope had lived outside the Vatican City.

John XII turned the Lateran Palace into a big brothel, and he used the holy relics of the Holy See and offerings from all over the place to squander on women, including St. Peter's golden chalice.

Not only that, the church near the Lateran Palace has also become his sex hunting ground, so many women dare not go to the church to pray.

Most crucially, John XII promised Italian King Otto the long-coveted titles of Christian Emperor and Protector of Rome and allowed him to establish the Holy Roman Empire.

He was a spoiled child by his mother, not only misbehaving, but also cowardly, and his nickname of Catholic Caligula was not at all wrong.

There are many childish types. Having slept with a woman does not mean that you become a man. John XII, a self-willed and untrustworthy child, was so indulgent that the Romans who were used to seeing all the evils were speechless.

Childish and cruel, it's no wonder that he was beaten to death with his fists later.

He is not the Pope in the hearts of the people, nor is he a good puppet in the eyes of foreign emperors. He just happened to have a father of a Roman ruler and a mother of a prostitute who loves power. This pair of mother and son started the darkest "whore politics" in the Holy See .

It's a bad idea for women to be involved in politics, it's a universal unspoken rule.

Don't underestimate women, especially women who don't understand politics and think they are smart. Her subtle psychological activity dominates the life and death of many people.

John XII's mistresses wanted nothing more than pleasure, and the fatuous pope indulged their "little wishes."

When people get old, in addition to physical health problems, their minds will become more and more dull, and their energy will not be as good as when they were in their prime. The people need a wise leader, not a legal leader who sits on the Holy See by playing tricks. Even though John Paul II still wanted to continue fulfilling his obligations in his heart, his body did not allow him to do so.

The Pope who was lying on the bed was still seen, but he had to be notified in order to enter the bedroom. The Pope's servant was the only person who entered without a notification when the Pope was alive.

Now talking to the Pope in the bedroom is the dean of cardinals and the acting cardinal of the Vatican. If Joseph wants to go in, he has to wait for a while in the private audience room next to the Pope's bedroom.

In this room full of neoclassical features, there are many vases filled with pansies. Pansies are the national flower of Poland. The Pope’s age line is 80 years old. John Paul II’s age, nationality, As well as his previous status as an athlete and a playwright, both broke the tradition of Catholicism for two thousand years.

However, it was precisely because he was young enough that he survived the assassination on May 13, 1981. If he was an 80-year-old man, he might not be able to withstand the six-hour operation.

From around his neck Joseph pulled a necklace with a pinecone-shaped locket.

Every child has had the experience of going to bed every night feeling like there is someone hiding in the closet or closet at home.

I was too scared to even turn off the lights.

Joseph also experienced it when he was a child. Because of his father's work, his family had to move from the city to the countryside.

He didn't like the new school, so he didn't have many friends. The only one who could accompany him was the "friend in the closet". At first, his parents thought that he secretly raised squirrels or dogs in the closet, but later they changed I took out all the furniture in the house, but it was still useless.

"Love is like a ghost. Many people believe it, but no one has seen it." The priest in charge of exorcising him said, "But since you can see her and hear her voice, it proves that you have a very good spirit." Talent, you are willing to go to the Vatican with me to receive a little training, just like joining the Boy Scouts."

Other children were telling ghost stories around the bonfire, but he was really exposed to those "ghost stories". It was not until later that he knew that there was no Narnia hidden in that closet, and the "friend" in that closet had been hiding all the time. Instigated him to hang himself so that he could be her playmate.

"Chicken" is just that crazy sometimes, but it's still better than cranky men, just ignore her whispers.

It's hard to imagine a fourteen-year-old boy needing four grown men to hold him down, and it's hard to imagine a child making that chilling laugh.

"The pope uses the shrapnel as a talisman and hangs it around his neck just like you." said the steward of the Holy See, he is also a monk, not a secular person.

"Is it the shrapnel from when he was assassinated?" Joseph asked.

"He believed that it was Maria's blessing that kept him alive. What's in your locket?"

"My guardian angel." Joseph put the locket back on his collar.

"Like Raphael?" the butler asked.

"It's not that level. More and more demons come to the world, and an equal number of angels come. This is what my mother prayed for me."

"How did they get here, I mean, those, demons." The butler asked tremblingly.

"Have you not read Father Francisco's report?"

"That's the job of a personal assistant," said the butler awkwardly.

"Since the Pope didn't tell you, then I won't tell you either."

"Why are you here?"

"Did you not contact Corrado Baducci just now?"

"He's on his way back," said the butler.

"That's why I'm here. Two people are better than one. A good mental state is also very important." Joseph said, "There is always a lot of trouble after Halloween."

"Oh, I've heard of this, but the Baducci brothers said that most of the cases are because children eat too much sugar and their brains keep excited."

"It's not always the case. Children and the elderly have always been possessed by high-risk groups. What's more, people are more dangerous and terrifying than invisible ghosts. The streets are full of people with makeup, so no one is worried about child kidnappers. Inside." Joseph paused and said, "Sometimes people do terrible things not because of demon possession, but because they are evil themselves. They obey the call of darkness. Exorcism was the first call. This voice We sent it on behalf of God and the angels, and there is nothing the possessed person can do if they don’t want to listen to us.”

"Can you tell me why the devil did that?" asked the steward.

"You've seen the older kids bullying the younger ones at school." Joseph sneered. "They find it fun to humiliate people. The devil's intentions are the same as theirs. Desecrate everything we consider sacred. It makes us angry and loses us." The ability to think, to commit the original sin of wrath (Satan), he has always wanted to be above his creator and his father, this is his trick."

"It's crazy." The butler shook his head and said.

"How many possessed people don't look crazy?" Joseph said, "I hate children."

"For the priest, this is good news." The butler sarcastically said, "It's much better than 'like'."

"Look at my face, do I seem to be unloved?" Joseph smiled arrogantly.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're..."

"Arrogant, disrespectful, ill-bred, patriarchal, unloving?" Joseph continued. "Yes, I've heard that, anything else to add?"

"I don't know what to say," said the butler.

"Being an asshole is better than being a pervert." Joseph gritted his teeth and smirked. "Do you want to see my 'weapon'?"

"Of course!" said the butler eagerly.

So Joseph drew a black gun from under the cape of his robe.

He aimed it at the butler's face, pulled the trigger, and a jet of water shot out from the muzzle, spraying the butler in the face.

"What is this?" the butler asked blankly.

"Holy water." Joseph put away the water gun.

"The toy water gun is your 'weapon'?!"

"Otherwise what should we do? People who possess real guns and bullets will die." Joseph motioned the butler to look at the next door. "Both bullets almost killed him. Kennedy and Lincoln were not as lucky as him. He is blessed. "

"I think it's because we ran a lot of red lights." The butler said with lingering fear, "It's like filming a Hollywood car chase."

"So, that's true?" Joseph asked. "He was running a high fever after the operation, and someone arranged for him to be anointed?"

"The doctor has declared that he is fine. Later, he had a fever of 39.5 degrees. Before he was sent to the hospital, we had an anointing." The housekeeper said, "At that time, he was going to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Constantinople Cathedral and the Ephesus Church. "

Neither Joseph nor the butler spoke.

"I think you can prepare." Joseph said meaningfully, "The fate of the pope is different from that of ordinary people. He was saved by a miracle."

The butler also smiled, "Others say that it's the surgeon who is the chief surgeon who is highly skilled."

"Manpower has limits, but God is omnipotent. He can bring people back to life and enter heaven." Joseph sneered. "Have you ever heard a saying? The end of science is theology."

At this moment, the door of the bedroom next door opened, and two cardinals came out from inside.

"It's your turn." The butler said, "He's very tired, so try to keep the story short. Also, put away your 'weapon', he doesn't like to see that thing."

"Of order." Joseph said carelessly, stood up slowly, and followed the housekeeper to the Pope's bedroom.

Ephesus was an important center of early Christianity. In the first century AD, Ephesus was famous for witchcraft, magic, astrology and the worship of Artemis, the goddess of fertility. Around the statue stands a majestic and magnificent temple. The temple is known as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

It is said that the joints between stones are not made of mortar but of gold. The temple attracts tourists from all over the world. Every festival, thousands of tourists will flock to the city. Silversmiths in Ephesus sell small silver shrines of Artemis to tourists as souvenirs

Stealing business was of course expelled

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