Chapter 90 Unforgettable

There is no girl in this world who does not want to wear beautiful clothes and skirts, but Dumbledore does not allow her to spend energy on dressing up, so she resists even more and simply wears dirty clothes with patches everywhere, just like Dumbledore Lido gave out sugar when he saw people, and Severus wanted to smoke, all in all, to make him feel bad.

Master Malfoy has almost no rebellious period, even Harry has a rebellious time, he was punished by Umbridge but did not tell any "adults", until Dumbledore's Army was discovered, he did not tell the old bat who sent Veritaserum help.

Oh, Doris Umbridge, that ugly pink toad, the hell she can get pink so greasy.

A teacher actually used the Cruciatus Curse on her students. She was already crazy. The porcelain plate full of cats behind her made Pomona think of a tragic life. A woman who had to focus on work because of lack of love life . She wished she had femininity, but in fact it backfired, and she didn't leave the Ministry of Magic after the fall of her ostensible allegiance to Cornelius Fudge, and she was clearly good at dealing with "political" issues.

She also attended Dumbledore's funeral, and acted very sad according to the occasion, and Pomona thought it might be better if she didn't come.

After Hermione tricked her into the Forbidden Forest, the centaur took her away. They didn't do anything to her, but let her experience the "primitive and savage life", such as going to the toilet without toilet and toilet paper, and whether there is Afternoon tea is drunk, and her days are devoid of any traces of human civilization, it is simply hell for her.

The centaurs are natural astrologers and prophets. It is actually quite interesting to listen to their stories about human history that happened in the past. She likes Fezelen very much. He is more approachable than his cousin Doron. Because Duolun's son was bitten by a werewolf when he was a child, he has no good impressions of humans and werewolves. Pomona, a mixed-race veela, is not qualified to participate in the matter of going deep into the territory of the centaur to save a human. If you want to resolve the dispute, it depends on whether you have it. That prestige, Veela's spiritual magic has no effect on the centaur. Veela only hunts human males, and in the eyes of the centaur, it is as harmless as a moth. Only Dumbledore has the face to let the centaur let him go.

Master Malfoy needs to suffer a little bit, his parents dote on him too much, as for Severus's "manly" upbringing, it is even less desirable, Draco is a little cunning, anyway, so far except for that time when Hermione He was beaten up and complained to the godfather, but instead he was scolded bloody. He didn't remember any lessons.

What does Master Malfoy like? He likes to be cool, and he asked for his own death to join the Death Eaters. The first task they gave him was to disappear the cabinet, and he didn't regret it until he realized that he messed with someone who was not easy to mess with.

Narcissa taught her the son, let him be his godmother, and she will give Sissy a decent son. He also focused on studying in St. Mungo’s. Anyway, his father is a big money maker. In the environment, he became arrogant again, as if he had forgotten the hard days of the previous few years.

After tidying herself up, Pomona walked out of the ward, and saw the darling chatting with Zabini in the atrium garden. After returning to the social world in a way of "redemption", St. Mungo became a lot of rich people. The place where the children come to take refuge, anyway, donating money can give the children a relatively free living environment, so why not do it.

"Draco!" She waved at him from afar.

"What is it, godmother!"

"You call her godmother?"

Zabini seemed incredulous because Pomona looked younger than them.

"Would you like to play a game?" Pomona smiled amiably.

"What game!" Draco came over as expected, because St. Mungo didn't have Quidditch, so it was really boring.

"Where are you in the deepest part of the Forbidden Forest?"

Draco's eyes lit up, "You want to take me to the Forbidden Forest?"

"Better than that." Pomona looked around. "Do you want a new pet?"

"What's there, my dad can buy everything."

Oh sweet little bastard, do you know that saying that is tantamount to getting you ripped off?

"Your dad can buy legal pets, I mean not very legal ones, like hippogriffs and the like, as long as you win this game, I'll give it to you, what do you think?"

The smile on Draco's face faded "Am I going to get in trouble for this?"

"It depends on what you want." Pomona rejoiced secretly, as if he still remembered a little lesson.

Next to them was the magic fountain, and there were a few fish swimming in it. Draco hesitated and said, "I want a mermaid, can you get it?"

"I got it, where are you raised?"

"Of course it's a fish tank, oh." Draco cried out in pain when he saw a small bloodstain on the back of his hand.

"I remember your godfather said that you were almost killed by Harry in sixth grade, when he cast a spell, and your skin kept bleeding like a knife cut, remember?"

Draco nodded quickly.

"It was originally a cutting spell, which was used to cut the tail of a swallow-tailed dog. Later, after continuous improvement, it became the one used by Harry. Like I just broke your skin, Harry almost broke your bones. cut off, do you know what caused it?"

"He...he hates me!"

"No, Draco, Harry is as good a boy as you are, he just has to fight so hard that he can't control his powers, and I don't think he knew what the spell was for before he cast it on you, because It only responds to living things." Pomona grabbed Xiaolong's hand, put some white meat on him, and he was fine soon. "Do you still remember the feeling of lying in the water? Was it uncomfortable? If I get you a mermaid, you have to give her a comfortable environment. If you mistreat her or ignore her, you will be hated by the entire mermaid group. The mermaid is as dangerous as the centaur. On the way, magic will find its way out. No one thought that Hogwarts would have a defense loophole, but didn’t you create one from the disappearing cabinet you found in the Room of Requirement? So think about it carefully, and want a mermaid as a new one? Pets?"

"No, it's too much trouble." Draco said disgustedly.

"Beautiful creatures are very troublesome to take care of. Think about how much time your mother spends dressing up every day." Pomona touched Master Malfoy's tender little hand and said with a smile, "I heard that Dumbledore's Army is in the Room of Requirement. Do you practice with wooden figures?"

"Yes, godmother."

"You don't think that looks very..." Pomona pondered what to say about that word.

"Son." Draco described it in words that Pomona didn't understand at all.

"As you said, if you want to become a doctor in the future, you need to cast spells on people, not on wooden people. You have to learn to control, so precise that no one can surpass you. Do you understand what I said?"

"Yes, godmother." Draco looked solemn, and seemed to feel heavy pressure.

"Okay, let's talk about your rewards. It's very troublesome to raise mermaids. Have you heard of Lamora fish?"

"what is that?"

"A sea fish that lives in the Indian Ocean has strong magical powers. Of course, it is a protected animal, and it is illegal to capture it."

"Godmother, why do you always encourage me to do illegal things?"

"What are seventy-five rules of Slytherin conduct?"

"Learn to look at the problem from the other side's point of view and deal with it carefully." Draco replied.

"Do you think the Ministry of Magic will arrest your father for buying a prohibited fish?"

Draco thought about it and shook his head.

"Good boy, that's it. You are going to be a magical little fish and swim in this pond like your father." She took Draco's hand and left the courtyard, just like she took Severus away. As for that Zabini, she has no time for him.

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