Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 883 Absurd Humor

While social media brings convenience, it also brings a kind of anxiety. People not only care more and more about other people's lives, but also care about their own lives in the eyes of others.

The lives of others are so colorful, and they seem to be winners in life. On the other hand, they are so boring and uninteresting.

Some people become irritable and jealous, and find out where they are compared to others through comparisons in all aspects.

And those who are mentally strong don't care what other people do.

These people have three common characteristics:

Know what you want.

Know what you have to do.

Know what you can do.

If you can't do these three points, you will be easily influenced by your words and deeds.

There are four bronze horses on the wall of St. Mark's Church, which were robbed from Constantinople, and this is related to a famous fraud case in human history.

Enrico Dandolo manipulated the Duke of Champagne into making the latter feel that the looting of Constantinople was necessary for Venice to participate in the Fourth Crusade to provide logistical support for the recapture of Jerusalem.

The purpose of Dandolo's doing this is to weaken the strength of Constantinople and make Venice independent. He does not have to worry about being annexed by Spain at any time like Portugal, but he also knows that the strength of Venice cannot achieve the goal of weakening the Eastern Roman Empire. , So he used a borrowed knife to kill.

Learning to recognize this ploy can prevent you from being fooled and suffering big losses.

Singaporeans took advantage of Japanese investment to develop the island. No, it’s the same with Sentosa Island. They take all the rich people who want to come to the island to buy property. It’s just a name change, but the essence remains the same. It’s a very suitable place. A small island in South Seas where horror movies are made.

The reason why people feel pain is because they feel needs. The super rich on the island live a comfortable life, enjoying the sun, beach, juice, and the service of Filipino maids. But if a Japanese soldier with a samurai sword pops up suddenly, it will be fierce If you have to cut him down, no matter how beautiful your dream is, you will be awakened.

Or else it was digging a hole, and I didn't know whether the hole was used to bury myself or my companions, so I cried while digging.

Polio is a contagious neurological disease, and it may be contagious when it comes into contact with polluted water. "Downloading Gu" may be such a thing, adding that kind of water to the drinks and foods of the critically ill people, not once. Anyway, the "master" is unsuspecting to accept the drink offered by the servant.

Before the invention of the vaccine, people who contracted the disease would almost be disabled. Li Chengqian's leg disease might have been caused by human beings. As a prince, others had to go to such lengths to harm him.

Western witchcraft is mostly related to misfortune, while in the East it is related to luck because of "ancestor blessing". In order to fight for the right to bury their parents, the two brothers turned against each other, all because the "treasure land" guided by Mr. Feng Shui to bless them was different.

Not all spirits are good, and there are evil spirits. Parents and ancestors will protect their children and grandchildren. Of course, they are good spirits that ward off disasters and welcome blessings. This was a "superstition" in the era of rational philosophy, but it was a common perception in Europe before the Reformation.

Scientists such as Galileo opposed putting gods into mathematical formulas and using mathematical formulas to explain the world. This is what the Inquisition made him "confess".

Those who oppose witchcraft deny the existence of witchcraft by means of logic, physics, and natural laws, and laugh at the absurdity of witchcraft believers, and evil spirits have no material power.

Maybe they really don't have that power, but they whisper:

You did the right thing. By killing the person in front of you, you are helping him to escape.

Albus Dumbledore also begged Severus to do it. For a terminally ill old man, dying in his sleep with a shot of poison is also a kind of happiness.

Cullen, an American serial killer nurse, is gentle and kind on the outside. She has worked in many medical institutions in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and other places, but she secretly kills patients by injecting lethal drugs into them.

This angel of death killed more than 300 people. She claimed that this move was to end the suffering of the sick, but many patients with non-terminal diseases died at her hands. Cullen was not arrested until 2003. The logic of the madman is based on logic. First, then is the issue of morality and immorality. Sometimes normal people will understand and agree with the logic of a madman, and the crazy words with strict logic are even more terrifying.

What's worse, even if someone tells that person that your behavior is wrong, it will be ignored. He has already deeply agreed with the concept that Endless Island is a rich area, and the poor who can't afford to live in it say that the place is haunted. He lives there and everything is normal.

It is difficult to find absolutely rational and normal people in this world. Basically, they can only look at each other. The prince and bishop of Bavaria is much more normal than the German emperor, although he is a "normal man" who doesn't follow the religious rules very much.

No matter how you look at it, even a third-party hater would find it abnormal to chop up a mistress and throw her out the window. The court minister turned a deaf ear to this, because the death of a woman does not affect the operation of the country.

A few years after the death of Rudolf II, riots broke out in Prague. The crowd rushed into the palace and threw several royal officials out of the palace windows. It was the "throwing out of the window incident" that triggered the German Thirty Years War.

The eyes of the masses are sometimes discerning, although they are indeed often dominated by the elite.

A world where values ​​are reversed needs to be purified by groups. If groups are also blinded by interests, then the social atmosphere will become smoky.

In the later period of the Witch Hunt, the ruling elites in Europe excluded supernatural powers, demons, angels or gods from their thinking, and because the increasingly large bureaucracy required a large number of doctors and judges to enter government management institutions, the methods and contents of education also changed. Change.

"We're on our honeymoon, why should we meet a priest?"

"Anyway, it's still early to make an appointment with the real estate agent. We've already come, so let's take a look." Severus said.

Then he walked to the annexe of St. Mark's Church, familiar with Ruth.


As soon as they stepped into the hall, they heard a shrill scream, which stopped abruptly.

They glanced at each other and ran to follow the sound. In a room surrounded by monks wearing white cassocks, a gray-faced young man was sitting on a chair and struggling constantly. He was wearing the corset worn by patients in a madhouse. Several monks were circling around him, reciting the rosary.

The young man's mouth was strangled by a piece of cloth. Behind him was a middle-aged monk in black clothes. His face was long and he looked like a horse. It was he who stuffed the young man's mouth. Cloth.

"I heard that someone went to explore Poveglia Island." Severus said lightly, "Is it him?"

The monk seemed to think that the two of them could not see the light, and quickly led them away from the crowd's gaze, and did not growl in a low voice until they came to an empty corner.

"What are you doing here?"

"I want to chat with you." The sorcerer foolishly said to the pastor.

The priest glared at him.

"They're busy, so let's not disturb them," Pomona said meekly.

"Do you need help? Pastor, I heard that the exorcist in your parish is on vacation." The old bat twisted his lips and smiled maliciously.

"How do I know it's not your sorcery." The priest stared into Snape's eyes and said, "So many people have come to the island, why is he possessed?"

"Maybe it's because of bad luck." Snape said confidently.

Have you ever observed the stones on the side of the road?

For humans, the life of a mayfly is extremely short. So for stones, isn't the human lifespan of decades not very short? You might say that stones have no life. "Life" is the property of things that can survive, and stones obviously have this.

Stones will be weathered for a long time, broken into fine ashes, wandering around with the wind, and when the time is right, they will combine with the ashes of other stones in a certain place and then become stones to settle down. They occasionally lie on their stomachs quietly, and occasionally fly presumptuously. Even if a house is built with them, after decades or thousands of years, the house will fall down, and the stone will still be free. They watched the change of human generations with cold eyes, and witnessed the changes of the vicissitudes of life with silence. Not only that, but they might be able to communicate with each other. why not? If human communication is the exchange of various languages, the language of stones can also be tiny substances blown by the wind.

Does it sound reasonable.

But if you see an adult in your life who squats on the ground and listens to stones all the time except eating, drinking and sleeping, do you think he is crazy?

Japanese craftsmen think that the shot put is alive, and they stare at it all day long.

Some people are really crazy, and some people are geniuses. There is a thin line between geniuses and lunatics. They have one thing in common, which is stubbornness.

Pomona looked at the two ugly men, who were staring at each other unflinchingly, looking like two rocks.

She was too lazy to watch this farce anymore.

"I'm going to Flora Cafe." She said lightly, turned and left.

Although she knew that no one would listen to what she said.

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