Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 880 Nightmare Typewriter

Due to the relationship between characters, Chinese is not suitable for movable type printing, but English with only 26 letters, or Spanish, Italian and other languages ​​are more suitable for movable type printing.

It is also because of the revolution in the printing industry that created new audiences and promoted the rise of public opinion.

The Church preaches through the Mass, they do not control this media, such as courts, parliaments, colleges and universities become platforms for debate.

Some "banned books" are still printed by secret printing presses even though they are banned by the church. Not all of these books are good, and many printing workers are illiterate. They know the letters, but they don't know the meaning of their combination. Anyway, they are only responsible for doing the work. make money.

Some of these books are written by scholars, and some are pamphlets of witch-hunting organizations to promote the disasters caused by witches.

European rational philosophy excludes all mysterious forces that cannot be explained by science, restricts the intervention of gods in natural laws and mathematical formulas, denies supernatural phenomena in the development of nature, excludes any theoretical basis for demon power, and uses medical, sociological or psychological debates to contain "Wizardmania" or wizarding beliefs, but sadly never got off the ground.

"Curiosity is the thrust of human progress." There are always stupid children playing Ouija boards for divination. There are similar things in China, but they call them Die Xian. This kind of thing will cause accidents, but no one listens to it. .

China has always paid attention to education, and the illiteracy rate in ancient China was probably the lowest in the world. In the 1860s, missionaries conducted a survey in the Hunan area, and the result was that the illiteracy rate was only 60%, and it was an average county, town, and mountainous area. The illiteracy rate in cities is below 50%.

After the Meiji Restoration, basically 90% of the Japanese could read characters, but they were hiragana and katakana. Chinese is the most difficult language in the world. If Japanese people know Chinese characters as the standard, the illiteracy rate will soar. Even Japanese college students in the 21st century can't write a bunch of Chinese characters. How many people in the Edo period knew Chinese characters?

In 1950, the survey data in China showed that the illiteracy rate was over 80%, which was caused by multiple reasons.

First, wars and natural disasters. From the end of the Manchu dynasty to 1950, it experienced warlords, World War II, and civil wars.

The second is the rapid replacement of the education system. In January 1912, when the Republic of China was established, reading the classics was abolished immediately, and the government only recognized academic qualifications from new schools. A large number of private schools disappeared, but new schools could not find teachers for a while.

The innovation of printing technology is one of the most important changes in modern China. Traditional Chinese woodblock printing was gradually replaced by Western-style metal casting printing, which greatly reduced the cost of knowledge dissemination and increased the speed of dissemination. This is beneficial to the intellectuals and the whole society. had a shocking effect.

Chinese cannot be printed with movable type, otherwise the type-pickers would be blind. At that time, the Catholic missionaries used the method of casting instead of engraving to improve Chinese printing.

In the corner of this store, she found a Chinese typewriter, which was very different from what she thought.

Westerners invented typewriters for the convenience of typing, and they can be placed on desks. Many official documents are printed with typewriters.

This Chinese typewriter completely complicates simple things. It is as big as a desk. If you really use it for office work, you might as well copy it by hand.

"Your husband really loves to collect strange things." She couldn't help but sigh.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

At this moment, a middle-aged woman suddenly appeared behind her.

Pomona felt her hairs stand on end.

She turned her head to look at the place where the old woman was standing just now, there was no one at all, not even Severus who was here just now was gone.

She felt a strong sense of suffocation.

Everyone knew that Severus Snape was dead, only she thought he was married to her.

He has always loved Lily Potter.

How can there be such a stupid woman as her, who is willing to be his "mistress", not to mention that Pomona Sprout is so fat and so ugly, and Sindurella is at least beautiful, why would she be considered by the Half-Blood Prince? Look at it.

And she was delusional about Sirius Black dueling Severus for her, what a stupid delusion.

Hallucinations often appear in women's minds, such as the male priest in the monastery in Provence, he did nothing to the nuns, but the nuns thought they were in love with him.

Women value love more than men value career, and love is an indispensable part of their lives.

She couldn't stay in this place any longer, and ran out quickly. The rain outside the house was not too heavy, but it made the scenery hazy. The scenery of Venice in front of her was like a set on an opera stage.

Then, she heard the crackling of a typewriter behind her.

At first it was one, and then there were more. She followed the sound and looked over. What was behind her was no longer a small shop that was about to be flooded, but a sunny office.

There are many women in forties clothes, fingers flying like weavers.

The document they typed was the list of fallen soldiers.

400,000 Americans died in World War II. It is a huge amount of work to print out these lists, and of course it takes a lot of people to complete it.

If you were an American during World War II, which battlefield would you like to be on? Europe or the Pacific?

The landing battle was like a meat grinder. Many recruits died without even firing a gun.

Those names were printed from the polished buttons.

Pomona looked at the women, there was no expression on their faces, she didn't know whether they were numb or pretending to be indifferent.

"It wasn't World War II, it was the Vietnam War." A voice so hoarse that it was hard to distinguish whether it was a man or a woman said, "You received my message, why didn't you respond to me?"

"What news?" she asked subconsciously.

Then she saw an extra page on the ground, with 18 characters written on it:


There are thousands of ways to spell that string of 18 characters, but Pomona chose the most ridiculous one.


"It's not ETT, it's TET. The Vietnamese used to call it the New Year's holiday TET. In 1968, we recaptured Hue with bombs, tanks and artillery during the Vietnamese New Year's holiday."

"Are you committing a war crime?" Pomona asked.

"The order from above was 'Kill anything that's alive'."

Pomona didn't know what to say.

"War reporters reported this incident, the news spread back to China, and the public's support for the Vietnam War declined. I finally left that hell."

"That's why you don't use a typewriter?"

"I think it found me on the typewriter," said the husky voice. "Tap, tap, tap."

Pomona remembered the other name of the Thomson submachine gun, how the Americans sum it up with the typewriter.

"There's nothing stopping a president from waging war. On January 1, 1968, the papers are still talking about entering the new year beautifully. The president of the United States has far more power in foreign affairs than in domestic affairs. Because foreign affairs basically represent the interests of the entire country, which is not as clearly divided as domestic affairs."

"No, Bettis was killed in 1966."

"So you think I'm lying?" the hoarse voice asked.

"How do you want me to help you?"

No one answered her.

"Can you see my voice?"

Said a low voice like a cello.

Her vision gradually returned to clarity.

Now she is neither in the sunny office full of typewriters nor in the rainy Venice, she is still in the shop selling oriental goods.

The old woman was still here, and the greasy-haired, vampirically pale wizard.

He is really very suitable for the gloomy weather, but his hands are warm, it seems that he is not her hallucination.

"It's TET, not ETT." She looked into his dark eyes and said, "That's Tet in Vietnam."


"What's a worse nightmare than a flashy superhero degenerated into a war criminal who deserves to be a war criminal at the International Tribunal in The Hague?" She smiled eerily. "No wonder Zidiac says he's dying."

"Is he harassing you?"

"It's okay." She hooked his neck and kissed him hard.

Just ask a child how he felt when he was expecting to receive gifts at Christmas, but was beaten up hard. No wonder the Americans couldn't beat Vietnam.

"I believe in America".

Which idiot said that?

Since the "War Rights Act" became law, many military operations in the United States have acted in accordance with this law. In January of this year, I experienced it. The House of Representatives passed a resolution with 224 votes in favor and 194 votes against, aiming to strengthen Congress. Oversight of actions that could lead the United States into war.

So, without supervision, it feels really cool to do whatever you want.

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