Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 874: Troublemaker

The rains of yesterday and today brought the water to the embankment, like a bathtub full of water, ready to overflow at any moment.

Stores began to prepare for flooding as soon as they opened their doors in the morning, but compared with the flood, what is more annoying is the cruise ships that are higher than the houses.

This time, not one ship entered the lagoon, but three ships. When they moved their huge hulls and sailed through the lagoon canal, Pomona was always worried about whether they would hit those ancient buildings. .

In the 1970s, Muggles were not what they are now. At that time, people opposed the war, but now people think it is reasonable to start a war to obtain crude oil. Ships, cars, and planes need fuel to run, and there are even more comments It is said that global warming is caused by methane gas released by farting cows, not by car exhaust pollution.

In order to curb disasters, everyone should reduce meat intake, let's eat vegetarian food together.

This kind of words and deeds are the same as when the Crusades were launched in the Middle Ages, the monks called on the believers to save money and donate money for military expenses in order to go to heaven.

I don't know if it's the farts of the cows or the mouths of the liars, or they took this opportunity to reduce the amount of cattle raised to prevent the prions from spreading.

There is only one way for prions to spread, and that is cannibalism. In order to reduce the cost of feed, cattle bones were crushed and made into feed and fed to cattle.

It is very troublesome to eliminate prions. It is not enough to bury them deeply or burn them directly. It will cost a lot of money to destroy the infected and suspected virus-carrying cattle carcasses. The gossip says that the carcasses of those mad cows have not been processed yet.

Muggle scientists have discovered that prions once made humans almost extinct, and the humans who survive now are all survivors of that disaster.

Once the prion virus breaks out, there is almost no chance of surviving except for praying for genetic mutation.

The melting of glaciers will release some ancient viruses. A 30,000-year-old giant virus has been found in the melting permafrost of Siberia. The good news is that this virus only infects creatures such as amoebas. . But it became the fourth prehistoric virus to be brought back to light by melting ice since 2003, and while they are still infectious, more are almost certain to escape the seal of the glaciers as global temperatures continue to rise. and the environmental damage caused by oil extraction in the Arctic.

There are more and more zombie deer in the United States these years. Their meat looks fine on the surface, but they carry prions in their muscle tissue. People who eat their meat will also carry this virus. At present, it does not attack humans. , but who knew it would mutate.

The source of the Black Death could not be traced back then. High temperature will kill some viruses, while low temperature will accelerate the spread. Some environmental protection organizations are holding up signs to protest against those cruise ships, calling for environmental protection.

But just like in the movie the day after tomorrow, no matter how the civilians protest, the politicians who held the global climate conference will not be moved. People need money to live, but the money owned by a rich man is the sum of 2.5 million people. The luxurious life of human beings is based on the poverty of 2.5 million people.

Killing the rich and making wealth public will not make everyone better, but too much concentration of wealth in the hands of some people will also produce another drawback. These problems are obvious. People's values ​​are different from those of the past. It's different.

Young people will think that her thinking is outdated, but she really doesn't think that hiking has much to do with environmental damage, at least she doesn't dictate to some people who drive luxury cars.

Venice has no roads, but has waterways. A luxury motorboat is passing by at high speed. The driver has full confidence in himself, as if he feels that he is lucky and will "absolutely" not hit those giant ships.

Whether it is Da Vinci or Titian, they were all funded by rich people. In Rousseau's "On Science and Art", he wrote whether the Renaissance had the effect of changing customs.

The world should cherish those who protect and nurture talented people, whether it is the Duke of Milan, the magnate of Venice, the Medici family, or the cardinal of Rome.

Rationality is not only the logical thinking ability after learning mathematics, physics, and chemistry, but also the ability to fully understand and summarize and analyze as soon as possible to find solutions in the state of "normal thinking".

You can't communicate with a person with abnormal thinking. Can cow farting cause the greenhouse effect? Official data can be falsified.

Eating less meat can not only satisfy the compassion of some people, but also prevent herdsmen from using cattle bones as feed for profit, causing the spread of prions.

Telling the truth directly will be difficult for some people, and it is too difficult to ask people to restrain their desire to eat meat.

Using people's kindness to achieve their own goals is the same as when the Crusaders mobilized in the rear.

Although Titian painted **, what he was thinking about was the God of Cupid in the sky and the God of Cupid on the earth, and it was the inequality of moral restraint on women.

Leonardo Da Vinci is an engineer, and these are also rational. Men are better than women in this area. If men do things based on their feelings like women, then the world will really go crazy.

Why do some people like to violate traffic rules and drive fast like they want to die?

Not only did he disregard his own safety, but he also disregarded the safety of others.

Even though the canal overflowed with water from the clipper boat just now, and her shoes were wet, she decided not to share his knowledge.

She came for her honeymoon, and now "Mr. Deer" is still angry at her for being disobedient, not making plans, and trying to design the flower beds according to her own ideas.

There was enough room in the painting box for the greenhouse he gave her.

In fact, with climate magic, there is no need to use the greenhouse anymore, but she is used to growing tropical plants in the greenhouse. She has always dreamed of being able to tie a hammock in the greenhouse and swing comfortably surrounded by colorful magic plants.

"Here we are!" she said, pointing to a small shop.

There are many beautiful crafts in the window.

Reluctantly, the old bat pushed the door open with her and went in.

As the doorbell rang, they seemed to have come to a foreign land. The store sold not only Chinese porcelain, but also Japanese lacquerware and tin pots, which are necessary for English afternoon tea.

Saris from India, brocade from Japan, Kesi from China, and some Egyptian cotton fabrics and Persian tapestries.

There are also some furniture, both Eastern and Western, all of which are brought together, but they don't look cumbersome or weird, and they look very harmonious.

"Sorry, we didn't open the door." An old woman said and came out from behind.

"Oh!" Pomona exclaimed, as Severus pointed his wand at her.

The Muggle woman remained motionless as if petrified.

Straightening his robe, Severus walked towards her slowly, picked up the coffee cup on it as he passed by a table, and then poured three drops of Veritaserum into the drink.

"Drink it." Severus handed the mug of coffee to the Muggle woman, who obediently obeyed.

Pomona felt that she should say something, but she just felt that it was best not to mess with Snape just now.

"Anything good?" he said in a silky voice.

"I brought a batch of goods from England, which used to be furniture in the castle." The female boss said blankly, "The castle was transformed into an agricultural school before, and then it was closed."

"I don't need a desk," Severus said dryly.

"No, the furniture used to belong to a noble family. An Irishman wanted to sell the castle for 10 times what he paid for it. This caught my friend's attention. He and his friends stole the furniture from the castle. out."

"What?" Severus asked strangely.

"The castle used to belong to a billionaire. The Salter family ran the largest cotton mill in Europe. They built castles, churches, schools and libraries in the style of Venice, but the cotton textile industry suddenly began to slump at the end of the 19th century. The family was plagued by bad luck overnight, and finally had to sell the property, but this is not the worst." The female boss paused and said, "That castle has become a haunted house, and anyone who lives in it must be unlucky."

"Irish people still think they can fetch a high price for a house like this?" Severus sneered.

"Real estate is very popular now, not to mention it is a castle." The female boss said.

"Sounds a lot like Hogwarts," said Pomona. "Did that agricultural school kid see a ghost?"

"I haven't heard of it, but it is very difficult for them to get a job."

What could be worse than being unemployed after graduation?

Learning skills are useless, but time and tuition are wasted.

Pomona had to admit that they were really unlucky, no wonder the school closed down.

Those cows infected with prions have not been dealt with yet, just like nuclear waste, it is very troublesome to deal with

As for who would buy a castle? Anyway, I can’t afford it. It costs a lot to buy a castle and maintain it. So many people are eager to sell it, and some people even go to take over the offer. It’s crazy to want to be an aristocrat.

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