Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 865 The Baron of Lies

"In addition to the main building, the villa also has a stable, and there was a mill before, but the Germans converted it into a generator and fuel, and there is also a house where servants live, which has also been transformed into a barracks..."

After pushing open the door of the main building, Pomona didn't listen to the broker's chatter about the house, she wanted to see it with her own eyes.

The entrance was a pair of symmetrical marble staircases leading to the second floor, and the middle passage led to a space that doubled as a ballroom. The wooden floors looked so good that she could almost hear her boots on them. .

Sometimes, the German army would bring their family members to the post, and Malfoy Manor used to be the headquarters of the Death Eaters, so Naxisha had to endure those people coming and going in and out of his home.

Little girls are often foolish, thinking that their opinions are listened to.

But in fact, in the frenzy of that era, individual ideas have long been submerged by the group.

The Dark Lord did not rely on looting "people" to obtain funds for waging war like Hitler. He chose goblins, a species that has long been despised by wizards.

After he has money, he can pay the workers who follow him, so that he can provide jobs for the declining pure-blood nobles like the Gaunt family.

He claimed to be a descendant of Slytherin, but that should have been confirmed after he opened the Chamber of Secrets. In the first year of his freshman year, he was still a poor orphan who had to rely on a Hogwarts scholarship to study. He didn't even have a place to live during the summer vacation. In the second year of school, he looked like a nobleman.

It was easy for wizards to bully Muggles, not to mention in such a war-torn era, where goblins and Bojinbok only recognized things but not people, it should be easy for him to get money.

He despises his mother quite a bit, thinking that she is not a wizard, if it is a wizard, it should be easy to get money.

If it is true that she is not law-abiding like him, Lily can actually cheat Muggles, but she is a law-abiding witch, and in the end she chose to marry and became a housewife.

Rousseau said in Emile: The cause of suffering is not the lack of things, but the need for those things.

When he was an orphan, Tom Riddle had no concept of money. All he robbed were toys such as harmonicas that were beloved by the children in the orphanage. At that time, he was taken care of by people who ate and dressed.

And he left the orphanage to live and found that he needed money, but he happened to have none, but he had a very rich Muggle father.

Once he had access to money, he no longer felt pain about money.

He doesn't need love either, some women are bewildered by his handsome appearance.

Ordinary people are almost satisfied with living to this point, or start to indulge in pleasure, or fulfill their previous dreams like Mussolini, but Tom Riddle began to pursue something else-eternal life.

This is different from praying for eternal life for pleasure. He is not obsessed with women, and his relationship with Bella has always been a legend.

He wasn't interested in gourmet food either, although Death Eaters often held their meetings at the dinner table.

I haven't heard how he collects artworks other than they need to be used as horcruxes.

He has almost no desires of normal people, perhaps only the pursuit of authority is understandable.

He wants others to obey him, and even the ancient pure-blood families call themselves "servants", for which he needs great power.

If you can defeat all the people in the world, then it doesn't matter what clothes you wear, or even if you don't wear them. Whoever dares to say a bad word will destroy him from the surface of the earth. With such "power", there is no need to take to the streets to protest.

When his power is so powerful that no one can rival him, no one can ignore his opinions, and it is the turn of others to complain about inequality to him.

Pomona used a telepathy spell on herself. Compared with the haunted house just now, this Julian's villa is not bad. She wants to know if there are other problems here.

After using the spell, the originally gloomy villa was shrouded in a soft yellow halo. There were many people in SS uniforms walking back and forth, the typewriters were making crisp sounds, and occasionally there was a phone ringing.

In the room that might have been a restaurant, there was a radio station. Several people were turning the knob to adjust the frequency, as if they were searching for the radio station of the resistance organization, but by chance they seemed to have found the singing voice of an English woman.

That's Celestina's singing, and sometimes Muggles also receive wizarding radio.

In her opinion, an old witch's singing may be a little exaggerated, but it is much better than listening to the radical roar of the "Führer". She sang "You Stole My Pot, But You Can't Get My Heart" , which is so danceable that she couldn't help but dance to it like "Singin' in the Rain":

You thought you were a good wizard, and you overwhelmed me with a spell.

But guess what? Mr. Wizard, you don't really know me.

You think you're brilliant, but you're actually a liar.

You have no choice but to fly away with all your things.

You stole my pot, my favorite black hat, stole my owl, and ran away like a vampire bat.

You said you loved me, that we would never be separated, but you stole my pot.

oh of course you dance so well it makes me swoon

But when I came back to reality, I only saw lies and deceit.

When you first disappeared, I blamed myself

But now, I feel that you are actually more evil than the mysterious man...

"There was no You-Know-Who in the '40s."

The man in black who suddenly appeared in front of her interrupted her daydream.

The layer of golden sunlight disappeared, and she was still in the dimly lit villa, but what she sang in her heart was the brisk melody of Celestina and Singin' in the Rain, and the suffocating feeling disappeared.

"Are you satisfied?" Severus asked with a smile.

"Any other houses?" she asked the cunning real estate agent.

"There are houses in the mountains, and there are hot springs." The agent said.

"What's wrong with that house?" she asked hopelessly.

"You don't want the farmland anymore?" Severus asked.

"I think Astonia might not like working in the fields. If I force her to do something she doesn't like, it's no different from fucking." She murmured, "Ravenclaw."

"You don't have to farm by yourself. There are many farmers nearby who are willing to be hired." The agent said, "If you want, you can also hire prisoners who have received special training."

She herself doesn't think it's a big problem to hire prisoners, after all, she herself works with Death Eaters.

But the opportunity should be given to those who truly repent, as in the old story of the sheep thief whose brow was branded as a punishment because of his subsequent good deeds and made him a saint.

If Theodore Knott gave him a chance, he still chose to continue on the wrong road, so there is no need to worry about it.

Even wizards will be attacked by Muggles if they are unprepared, and they should be more cautious when dealing with dangerous people, after all, they have already broken free from the shackles of law and morality.

If you feel that you don't have the ability to help others, then don't mind your own business. The story of the farmer and the snake is not a legend, and she has learned the lesson herself.

"I want to go to the second floor." She said, holding the Half-Blood Prince's arm.

"This way, please." The real estate agent led them up a wooden staircase next to the restaurant.

From the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the cloister, you can see the Brenta River and the Alps in the distance, but the furniture and books in both the piano room and the library have been emptied, only the bookshelves mounted on the walls have not been emptied. move away.

The second floor was designed to be elevated, and the three walls of the library were covered with bookshelves from the floor to the ceiling, which looked somewhat similar to Ravenclaw's lounge.

In order to make the sound effect better in the piano room, the ceiling is suspended like the golden hall, and there is a piano inside.

As for the original owner of the house, Julian, the liar who sold fake medicines, even if he designed the library, he would not read even a single page of the book. This may have been rebuilt by a later owner.

The four bedrooms and bathrooms on the third floor are also satisfactory, but the attic is a bit messy, filled with junk, like a reduced version of the House of Requirement.

The Gryffindor boy who was chasing Harry with a camera, don't know if he ever caught those pearly white ghosts, but she did a cursory inspection, and everything was here except for the awful gun-like entrance at the door They are all very good. With a little modification and tidying up, people can live there.

"Have you brought your camera? Take some pictures and go back and show Lucius." She patted the ashes on her hands and said to Severus.

Not long after they went downstairs, a black figure flitted among the pile of rags. It looked like the cloak of death, and it floated soundlessly to the dark corner, and quickly disappeared...

Today seems to be the 22nd anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts (I'm talking about UK time), I hope everyone has more love and joy in their hearts, and less hatred and prejudice

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