The National Villa Pisani was built by the Governor of Venice, Elvis Pisani. It is as luxurious as the Palace of Mirrors in Versailles, with 114 rooms. Hitler and Mussolini met there in 1934.

Generally speaking, there are always many high-ranking officials near the "Führer". Julian's villa once had an SS major living there.

No matter how vicious the police may be, the handpicked SS is often handsome.

Those Junker nobles didn't care about the "superstition" of the Italians at all. The sappers blew up the sculptures and buildings in the villa, leaving ruins, which looked more like a haunted house.

"It can still be used after repairing it." The real estate agent said insincerely, as if someone is stupid enough to buy a dilapidated house and live in it after repairing it.

"The design drawings from that time are still there, look." He quickly took out a dozen drawings from his briefcase. "The first floor is the ballroom, and the second floor is the viewing gallery. From the viewing gallery, you can enter the Ladies Casino."

"Oh my God," Pomona exclaimed. "They're gambling?"

"Marriage is gambling. An actress in an opera house married an aristocrat. She is really lucky." The manager sighed and shook his head, "They spent a sweet time in this villa. The sea monster chandelier and the murals are also well preserved, all authentic works from the 16th century."

"How much would it cost to fix it?" Severus asked.

"You have to know that houses designed by Palladio are not for sale." The manager said sweetly like a little girl.

"That's right, but I think it will cost several times the price to live in! And there is a female ghost wandering in it!" Pomona waved her fist at him, wishing to punch the profiteer's nose crookedly.

"Not several times, dear." Severus curled his lips and provocatively said in his deep, melodious voice, "It's dozens of times."

"Oh, hell!" She put her hands on her hips, like an angry teapot.

"There is no female ghost, don't listen to the nonsense of those country folks, it's the wind, it's the sound of the wind blowing through the window."

She didn't like the idea of ​​a countryman, but she didn't point it out. The manager didn't know that she had been cast with the Imperius Curse.

This ornate house is a beautiful cage for a girl who once daydreamed, but she couldn't get a divorce, at least not in the Middle Ages.

A thing that is very precious in the eyes of ordinary people is nothing in the eyes of rich people, including the heart of the ocean, the most precious thing is time, everyone only has 24 hours a day, even Hermione's time converter is not enough Infinite, her own biological clock was still ticking.

Even wizards are not sure about the afterlife. The ghost should be completely dead. However, during the Chamber of Secrets incident, Nicol, who was almost headless, was "frozen" by the sight of the basilisk.

The ability of the basilisk to kill people with its eyes is very strange, just like the Medusa in the myth. Whether it is a ghost or a god, these two are currently unknown to human beings. The priest Severus met yesterday cut the human body Compared to the tool of the experiment, she didn't know who was the crazier.

The Bell Witch incident was not because the witch's name was Bell, but the victim was John Bell. He claimed to have seen a strange-looking dog, and there were strange noises everywhere in the house. Being attacked by an inexplicable force, being pulled by the hair by an invisible force and hanging in the air screaming, the Bells looked at the tortured child but could do nothing.

Originally, Pomona thought that the haunted house was inhabited by a beautiful female ghost, just like Helena, but now she was not sure.

The light rain shrouded the villa in mist like a mist, as if you could hear the "clack" sound made by the evil spirit.

"This land has been used dark magic," Severus said, and the real estate agent passed out again. "I can feel the rhythm."

"Vengeance," said Pomona. "The woman has revenge on her husband."

"how do you know?"

"If it were me, I would do the same." She said calmly, "Even if I have to sell my soul to the devil."

Think about it, once a much-anticipated star in the opera house, became a "prisoner" after marriage.

She was his collection, a tool to show off to others, and because she took too much control, she was "exiled" to this desolate countryside.

Pomona wouldn't mind living in isolation if there was a library, but the opera star was a crowd.

The Brenta River is not far from Padua, and you may meet scholars who are pleasing to the eye when holding a salon.

Her husband may not care about her, but he cares about her being with other men. Not all stories are the same as in fairy tales. The prince and princess live happily ever after. There are also cases where the ending is bad, killing his wife. Usually the husband.

There is also a San Zarikaya Monastery in Castro on the main island of Venice, which is specially used to imprison too wayward Venetian girls.

Worse than boarding schools are boarding south and girls' schools.

If you only care about the enrollment rate, those prestigious schools are certainly good, but these schools often only value children's grades, and do not teach them how to protect themselves, and exercise their strong will, which is what they need to get out of school and enter the society.

In some states in the United States, if someone is attacked in a parking lot, the person who is attacked can kill the attacker without breaking the law.

But if there is a dispute in the parking lot because of grabbing a parking space, it depends on your skin color, belief and political views, and whether you are a new immigrant. If a person of color and a white person grab a parking space, then you will be sentenced to death if you shoot a white person. White people are largely innocent of shooting people of color.

The first sentence in The Godfather is "I believe in America". The undertaker is a white Christian, but he is Italian, and almost all Italians are Catholic. His innocence ruined her daughter's life, her jaw ruined .

It doesn't matter if boys gamble. If a girl is found cheating in gambling, she will be nailed into her chin and buried alive. In the past, archeology has found corpses that fit the legend.

*** stands for strict management. Under the shackles of circle after circle, the only freedom for women is their soul and mind. If even these two things are banned, what is the difference from the walking dead?

On German population farms, Aryan women were treated as reproductive machines.

Procreation is a normal thing for a woman, provided the girl loves the man, Iris doesn't intend to take his father's surname, and Tom Riddle, Severus Snape too, they don't want to Admit that you have a father like that.

Tobias Snape and old Tom Riddle were looked down upon by their own sons.

A domestically violent man, a rich man who refuses to even give his illegitimate child support, it is wrong for Merope to use a love potion, but what is in her belly is his child, does he want it?

Tom Riddle's birth was an indistinct mess, just like children's chaotic, dark drawings on white paper, rainbows and unicorns that other children draw.

Women can't solve this problem, and men have to find a way to solve it by themselves.

About women, and children, and family responsibilities.

Human body refining is a taboo, even the combination of a man and a woman needs to be cautious, let alone a test-tube baby.

Wizards don't dare to break any taboos like Muggles. They are so taboo that they dare not even say Voldemort's name, so they call him "Mystery Man".

The incantation that hangs the fuchsia was written by Severus, but it was spread by Pomona for free, and finally backfired on him.

Knowledge cannot be taught to the wrong people, or it will be misused.

Hitler failed to develop the atomic bomb, so he began to study black magic. If the Nazis mastered that technology, what would happen to history?

Fei Nong will definitely shout at this time, there is no magic in this world!

Even though he lived with a wizard for more than ten years, he still denied that he couldn't communicate with this kind of person.

Alessandro said he would rather be a Muggle without magic.

Maybe that kid wasn't as stupid as he looked.

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