Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 856 First Love Tragedy

Waking up every morning, women have to groom themselves, while men have to shave, but there are also some who don't shave. Albus Dumbledore's beard grows almost to the floor.

The general impression of gays is that they care about their appearance, but Albus is more concerned about other things. He is a gay who doesn't look gay at all, and no one can tell even after death.

The half-blood veela, who had removed the blindfold, sat on the half-blood prince's lap and shaved him with a sharp razor.

This is the first time she shaves a man. The razor shaves the white foam, revealing his skin that is no longer as delicate as a child's. to his face, but he allowed her to do whatever she wanted on him.

Today's weather is not as good as yesterday's. The sky is covered with dark clouds, and it looks like it's going to rain. It's actually quite good to stay at home for a day and not go sightseeing anywhere.

Donnhauser wanted to leave after he got tired of being in the cave of Venus, but how long did he stay there?

The hut in the wilderness where they once lived in seclusion was their "cave", and they stayed in it for six years without getting tired.

"You're only half shaved," he reminded. "You want me to go out with this face?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't go out today." She said absent-mindedly.

He is no longer the skinny kid he was back then, his body is very muscular, and it is already very good to maintain it like this in his 40s.

She held his head and touched her lips, feeling like a dream but not a dream.

In his dark eyes, there was white foam on her face, as if she had grown a beard too.

It wasn't pretty, but it was funny, or so she thought.

In addition to "spiritual children", there are also "physical children". When I was a child, I felt tired from studying, and when I grew up, I felt tired from work. Later, I felt that the relationship between men and women was also tired, and father and son, brothers, wives and concubines were all tired.

Sometimes we feel tired, not really tired, but unhappy. Jacob and his wife just want to get children. Even Raj, who is so beautiful, won’t be favored by the ugly girl Leah who can give birth.

An emotional crisis can turn a lovely woman into a restless, moody woman.

Women are inherently emotional. Women who use emotion as the dominant factor have a lower degree of thinking differentiation. When encountering a situation that makes them helpless, the first reaction is to cry and make a scene. This is the nature of most women.

Marriage betrayal is a situation that no one can be rational. In the east, there was an emperor. His original wife Chen Ajiao shared weal and woe with him. He changed from an unknown prince to an emperor. But because the queen had no children, he became an emperor. It took Chen Ajiao's heart.

It's not worth crying for this kind of man, and there's no need to continue to quarrel with him. Divorce is divorce, and the property should be divided first.

He wants to send troops to fight wars, he needs money, he needs money to build palaces, he wants to collect women from the people, and he still needs money to support them.

The ex-wife taking away the ex-husband's money is the best means of revenge. Otherwise, why is the goddess of revenge a woman and not a man?

There is a masculine animus in a woman's heart. If the anima makes a man kind, then the animus makes a woman strong. A relationship maintained by love will end without love. It is just as valid for the country as it is for marriage.

Before the French Revolution, the aristocrats, wives and husbands were inseparable, and each had outside lovers. The men around the king wanted to give the most beautiful women to the king to please the king, and the king himself fell in love easily.

These women not only include their own daughters, but even their own wives. Mrs. Pompidou has always been the public mistress of Louis XV, and she has her own husband. The chief of police and the postmaster in Paris are her close friends. She will be the first to know about any important events. In fact, she can affect the appointment and dismissal of officials, the gains and losses of noble territories. If she wants, she can remove a minister or replace the battlefield. a general.

Louis XIV was a gourmet, he liked food, and Louis XV liked all kinds of novel entertainment.

He had a valet named Rabel, and Rabel had another valet, and the salaries of the valet were paid with money from the treasury as well.

Feudal nobles must have many servants, and a huge harem is a huge financial expenditure.

After the constitutional monarchy, there were not so many servants in Britain. On July 12, 1794, a large group of people gathered in front of the Royal Palace in Paris to demand that Necker be reinstated. Facing the restless crowd, the officers ordered the guards to use force to maintain order. However, the guards Not only did they refuse to open fire on the people, but they themselves joined the rebellious crowd.

In other words, the army that maintained law and order mutinied, and not only workers but also soldiers appeared in public. Their meager salaries could not afford such expensive entertainment, so they had to go to places like taverns for entertainment.

They have seen the luxurious evening parties of nobles and their ugly appearances. There was a legend when she participated in the social activities of wizards. There was a count named Dubarry who picked up Louis XV. Napkin, when a large group of marquises and dukes ran over like a dog seeing prey, he ran to the front due to his youth, this scene gave Louis XV entertainment, good luck in a good mood The earl can make a wish, and the earl's wish is to serve the king, so he got a position in charge of silverware.

How easy it is, you don't need to study or go to the battlefield to fight desperately, you can get an official position by picking up napkins.

Louis XV was the most unpopular emperor after his death, and no one felt that way while alive.

If there are old people living in a gorgeous palace, and the inside is lifeless, then the laughter of young people will undoubtedly make that place full of sunshine and vitality again.

There is an unsightly world hidden behind the false prosperity. The young officers want to make changes to the top. Louis XVI's uncompromising retreat results in the destruction of the entire aristocratic class.

He wasn't such a bad guy, he didn't take advantage of his privileges and put 100 people in the Bastille in one day like Louis XIV. If the vampire hadn't told that story, Pomona would not have known that there were only 7 people imprisoned in the Bastille. If there are any ways to do something, and one of the ways to choose will lead to disaster, then someone must make this choice.

Admiral Giovanni Dandolo did not expect a sailor to be so courageous when he was blocked by the bosun in the Doge's Palace, but the situation at that time was that when drinking in the tavern, the sailors talked to each other, Everyone complained about the irrationality and injustice between nobles and commoners. Originally, the hatred against him spread to the entire class. If it was not handled properly, turmoil would break out in Venice.

Everyone is equal before the law, and the governor has been beheaded. Should the common people be satisfied now?

In order to quell public anger, anyone may be pushed out as a scapegoat.

The safest way is to hide in the crowd without showing your head, low-key luxury.

If someone can't control his desire to show off and show the extravagant life of the entire class in front of the world, he will be in danger.

Not everyone has a clear mind to distinguish between right and wrong. During the French Revolution, there were innocent aristocratic women like Josephine who were implicated. Her marriage became a tool for the exchange of interests between her parents. Her husband was unfaithful. She was lucky that she did not contract syphilis .

Perhaps her subsequent loss of fertility was also related to the disease.

Even the queen is a small person in the big era, loyal words are harsh, not as pleasant as sweet words, but they can save lives. Driving that annoying Rousseau out of the social world can cleanse the ears, but it does not solve the problem at all. For those in power, spend less Time is in the affairs of the country, and it is true to spend more time on the education of children.

It is the easiest thing to throw a child into a boarding school and let the teacher discipline him, but the teacher is always invisible. It is useless to sue the teacher about being bullied by his classmates. Severus was bullied by James Potter and Sirius in public. Were the rich kids humiliated, were James and Sirius expelled?

She really looked down on a man like Count Dubarry, but Napoleon who was so poor that he only had a sword and a cloak... Oh, she obviously hated his robbery of Italian art.

No wonder Jung said that a woman likes to be vexatious, because she accepts all concepts.

A woman's animus is sometimes Don Juan and sometimes a bearded professor, so who should she listen to?

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