Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 850: Party Animal

At the old slug's party, there was a vampire bloody. He looked very ordinary, and he belonged to the type that disappeared after blending into the crowd.

This time, the vampire Pomona met was handsome and attracted much attention.

Severus is not a vampire, but he lives as solitary as in vampire movies, but real vampires are very social.

The vampire, whom the waiter called "Monsieur Giovanni," chatted and laughed with a group of women with feather fans and dressed as French ladies.

He was wearing a black base color and a red flame evening dress, his black hair was smooth as if he had used smoothing agent, and he had two mustaches on his lips. He didn't wear a mask, but Pomona felt that he did wear a mask. A persona named "persona".

This mask is the boundary between the true self and the outside world. The purpose of existence is to publicly display the side, to give people a good impression, to be recognized by society, and to ensure that people can live in harmony with people, even those they don't like.

Have you ever seen a scene where a weasel and a chicken live in harmony? This is what Pomona sees, these French dame women who can make Orleans wings after plucking.

Carnival originated from the Bible. A devil trapped Jesus in the wilderness and did not give him food for 40 days. Although Jesus was hungry, he did not accept the temptation of the devil. In order to commemorate Jesus' fasting in the wilderness during these 40 days, believers take the 40 days before Easter every year as their own fasting and repentance days.

But people obviously have reversed the purpose of this festival. This kind of private party for adults becomes more and more absurd and magical as the night comes. The real identities behind the faces, virtual lighting and various advanced stage technologies create a blurred illusion, turning the scene into a "paradise".

Severus in the cloak waved his hand, and the women trembling with laughter froze for a moment, then left automatically, Severus sat opposite Giovanni, and Pomona sat next to him.

"This night is beautiful because of you, ma'am." After she sat down, the vampire said to her. "Your husband is such a lucky man. He can see angels every day when he wakes up."

Pomona didn't have a good impression of vampires at first, but now she has a much better view of this fancy vampire.

Who doesn't love sweet flattery!

"Vampire, where are all the wizards in Venice?" Severus said coldly.

"Relax." Giovanni smiled and handed him a glass of red wine.

"I don't drink blood," Severus said.

"He's not very social," Pomona smoothed things over.

"British?" Giovanni asked with a smile of interest.

"Are you really Italian?" Severus asked.

"I have lived in Italy since 1964, but before that I was in France. I have only lived in my birthplace for 40 years. If you measure by this standard, I should be considered French." Giovanni said.

"Run before anyone notices your anomaly, right?" Severus asked with a mean smile.

"That's right, looking like you've been in your 30s will definitely make others jealous." The vampire also responded with a smile.

"Did you experience the French Revolution?" Pomona took a piece of yellow dragon fruit and ate it. It tasted a little sweeter than the usual dragon fruit, so she ate another piece.

"You are asking about the same period, yes, but I was not in France when the Revolution broke out." Giovanni took a sip of the blood-red wine and shook his head. "Humans have gone crazy."

"Where were you then?" Severus asked.

"Is this an interrogation?" the vampire asked.

"Do you know Darwin?" Pomona asked.

"I've never been to England, the weather there is terrible."

"Why do you need such good weather? You want to bask in the sun?"

"We don't like sunlight but are not afraid of light. Vampires don't have to be pale."

"You can use make-up," Pomona said, looking into his eyes. "You got eyeliner."

Giovanni threw up his hands. "Because I'm a vampire."

"You like goth makeup?"

"And you, honey, do you like goth makeup?" The vampire smiled charmingly.

"You know that little spiritual magic of yours won't work on me." Pomona held her cheeks and asked cutely, "If I dissect you, will your wound heal?"

"Don't be so bloody, he's not a frog." The kind potions professor reminded.

"Why drink blood when you can eat human food?" asked Pomona.

"It gives me endless inspiration."

"what is your job?"

"Interior architectural designer, sometimes part-time perfumer, let me guess, what perfume do you wear..."

"Don't smell her." Severus warned coldly.

"Don't be so boring, wizard, we are here to enjoy life."

"What perfume do I wear?" Severus asked.

Giovanni was silent.

"Have you lived for so long, haven't you tried another option?" Pomona asked curiously.

"I can't find that feeling," Giovanni said.

"You can attract a victim by dating," Severus said.

"I never kill my 'partner', you know, medically speaking, proper blood donation is good for your health." Giovanni sighed helplessly, "Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with this guy?"

"This is my honeymoon," said Pomona, looking at Giovanni.

"Poor little thing."

Severus' face, paler than a real vampire's, froze with anger.

"Where's the funniest place you've ever been?"

"You want to travel around the world?"

"There was that idea, but we couldn't find the time."

"I think this is the benefit of the few who live for a long time. You can have unlimited time and go where you want to go."

"The premise is that you have money." Severus said coldly, "I heard that your kind is so poor that they rent out their castles."

"Don't you have any good memories about your hometown?"

The vampire's eyes flickered, and then he said with a smile, "I remember the village where I lived when I was a child. The sun turned the grass into gold. My sheep grazed on the grass. Sometimes I would ride on its back on the farm. run."

"Not riding?" Severus asked.

"It looked like it had a golden fleece, and I imagined myself flying on it, before the Wright Brothers invented the airplane."

"You had a wonderful childhood." Pomona said enviously, and now she also wants to find a sheep to ride.

"It's not as good as I imagined. I'm a child of the poor."

"Who made you convert?" Severus said. "I know a vampire who said his lover made a deal with the devil to bring him back to life."

"I don't think it has anything to do with you," Giovanni said angrily.

"Have you ever heard of Jung?" Pomona asked, "Who is your mental image?"

"I don't have to answer your questions."

"Don't you feel tired? Playing with some people you don't like, here you can be your true self." Pomona said, "If necessary, we can kill your life."

Giovanni was silent.

"I said, we know a vampire. His lover turned him into an immortal monster, but she herself died. He wants to die, but he wants to live and suffers every day..."

"I'm not like him, I'm alive and well!" Giovanni interrupted Severus, panting.

"It's your mother, isn't it?" Pomona Hu guessed, "A man's first mental image is often his mother, and then the woman who inspires his feelings. The mother can make any sacrifice for the son, but the son may not necessarily make sacrifices." To sacrifice one's life for one's mother would cause unbearable pain for a strange woman."

"She wishes you well," Severus said. "You're one of the lucky ones."

In primitive societies, boys have to go through adult rites or reincarnation ceremonies, so that those boys who reach the age of adulthood will be transformed into men. At that time, he will be out of the protection of his mother, and the entire ethnic group will recognize him as an adult.

Weaning off this mental dependence is much more difficult than weaning.

There is nothing shameful in this, there is an Eve in every man, and an Adam in every woman, this "Eve" is called by Jung as the Animus, and "Adam" is called Arni Ma, it is difficult for the western patriarchal world to accept that kind of sissy man. Some men try their best to suppress their inner "feminine characteristics", and the suppression results in problems.

Because we can't find that kind of "goddess" in reality, we meet in dreams, and artists paint her in oil paintings or carve her into sculptures. This kind of "release" makes them psychologically satisfied. It is much more normal than those ascetics.

There is also an anima in a woman's heart. Neither the animus nor the anima may completely overlap with any person in the real world. There are no two identical leaves in the world, and people's personalities are also very different.

If the persona is the transfer station between the heart and the outside world, then the mental image is the transfer station between the self and the heart.

Why didn't Romeo think of his mother when he killed himself for Juliet?

She was definitely the woman who would cry the most over his death.

If you can, don't end your own life just because of a momentary impulse.

Pomona took Severus' hand, the boy who had hurt her hand was now middle-aged.

He would soon be old, gray-haired like Albus, and she herself would still be a teenager, and it would be hard to tell from his appearance that he was younger.

Humans have limited time, so they seize the time and strive to become stronger every second. Other magical creatures have much longer time and are not as impatient as humans. This is the reason why humans stand at the top of the world.

She glanced back at the actors on the stage, who were dancing in the Garden of Eden with "butterfly wings" made of light bulbs.

Butterflies can hardly survive autumn, unless they are made into specimens, so that they can retain their eternal beauty.

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