"Mom, how did she become like this." Draco's voice sounded, and it seemed that they had arrived in St. Mungo's.

"She's always been like this, dear," Narcissa said patiently.

"No, it's not the same, her hair..." Draco said in horror.

"It's a hairstyle you can wear if you have long hair."

Don't lie to him Sissy.

Pomona was bored, she was transformed, and worst of all, Severus saw it too.

"Oh, you're here honey, how are you feeling?"

very good.

She's surrounded by people who won't hurt her and doesn't need to go back to Pete's house.

"Mom, who are you talking to?"

"Your godmother, Ms. Pomona Sprout."

"Sprout? The fat one covered in mud... ouch!"

Narcissa slapped Draco, well done Sissy!

"Draco, you shouldn't judge a person by their appearance, do you remember Voldemort?"

"Yes mother."

"He used to be very handsome when he was young. Your aunt Bella was madly infatuated with him, but I don't know what he did to her so that she can't rest in peace. Now I have something to ask you, when he made you do it what happened?"

"It's been so many years, why are you still mentioning it now?"

"It's important, Draco, I need you to be strong and manly."

Don't push him, Sissy, and I don't want to hear that right now.

She wanted to throw away everything related to that person.

Do you know why the Bloody Barrow keeps chasing you? Draco?

"Have you been hunted down by the Bloody Baron?" Narcissa asked Draco.

"Yes, how do you know?"

He thought you were Helena's lover, because of you he couldn't get Helena's love.

Narcissa laughed, "He was only twelve years old at the time, how could he become Barrow's rival in love."

The ghost sees a different world than we do Sissy, and Barrow has gone mad enough to scare Nearly Headless Nick, the ghost of Gryffindor.

"I thought the ghosts of Gryffindor were also heroic." Narcissa said sarcastically.

Barrow hoped that Cinderella would accept his love, but Cinderella was hesitant. Do you know Hermione Granger?

"You mentioned her."

She was a very gifted girl, just like Lily Evans, but she was going to be Ron Weasley's wife now, she obeyed life, gave up the desire for knowledge, and she would live a very unhappy life.

"So you want to help her?"

Yes, even if Draco and Greengrass broke off their engagement and went after her instead, it wouldn't make her marry Ron Weasley, that idiot who protected Wormtail for twelve years! He's an idiot, and I can't let Hermione waste her life on him.

"Honey, you go to the Weasleys' house and invite Hermione Granger over," Narcissa said to Draco.

"Okay Mom," Draco said, "You have to be careful."

"Got it, dear."

Narcissa let out a long sigh as the door closed.

"So my son and Severus have been entangled forever?"

Yes, he will always be Draco's godfather.

"I'm sorry for judging by appearances, Pomona."

That's all right now, how's the dance going?

"It was a success, the Norton boys and the Longbottom boys hugged, and it was featured on the front page of the Daily Prophet."

Neville was a good boy.

"Better than Draco?"

He's brave, and he's better than Draco in that.

Narcissa let out a long sigh.

"I never thought I'd make him a coward."

Sissy, no one is perfect.

"Maybe it's an inheritance from his father, a pompous peacock."

Doesn't he also have merit? Marry you despite the gossip.

"Oh, dear, the scandal in my family is nothing compared to the scandal he created." Narcissa said with a smile. "Now I am Black, Narcissa Black."

Do you want to revitalize the family business? I can help you retrieve Sirius' legacy from Harry Potter.

"I don't know, there has never been a matriarch in a pure-blood family."

You can try, it's better than nothing.

"Now I understand why you invited Hermione Granger." Narcissa said, "You want her to come forward to solve Harry Potter?"

Not all of them.

"What else is there?"

I need a prop, the original one fell over and I want to replace it.


She is very strong and brave, but she didn't work hard in the right direction. She has a nickname called Miss Know Everything. It is impossible for people to know everything. She needs a specialty.

"Like Severus?"

He is a genius of space magic and potion. If he can find the information left by Slytherin before, then he will become a legend.

"And Lily." Narcissa sneered. "Someone should write him a book."

Can we talk about something else?

"What are you talking about?"

How are you adapting to your new life?

"It didn't go well at first, but fortunately, there was honey to help."

Robbie isn't here?

"He went back to Malfoy Manor to take care of the gentlemen," Narcissa said wearily. "They still call me Mrs. Malfoy."

That's your temperament, Sissy, you're already exactly like Malfoy.

"Then it's time for me to learn how to be a Black again."

To adapt is to conquer, and you are a conqueror Narcissa.

"Oh, where did you learn that?"

In the code of conduct of the college, if you read it carefully, you will find the wisdom of the predecessors.

"You should be a Ravenclaw, why Hufflepuff?"

Falling from the top of the tower is Hufflepuff, climbing up from the ground is Ravenclaw, and Cinderella is repeating this process.

"What did she fall for?"


"Climb up for what."

Pursue knowledge and wisdom.

Narcissa was stunned, and it took a long time to recover her voice, "Can I tell other women?"

Listen to it all you want, I've had enough.

"Are you planning to stop falling?"

I listened to a song and let a guy into my house on Christmas Day in Draco's fourth grade, what do you think I'm going to do now? I want to go back and close the door so everyone is relieved.

"What's the name of that song?"

Why ask this?

"I want to know what the melody is to the song that makes a fool as smart as you."

No, that is my privacy.

"Well, I see, that song still works, right?"


"Don't be stupid, Pomona, Severus is not like my husband, he is not interested in women, Lucius is chasing when he sees something interesting, if you don't care about him, he will spend his life in a gloomy basement did research."

Strength is happiness.

"Then I feel that he is very unfortunate now. He doesn't have the power to undo my sister's curse, and he has to rely on my bracelet to protect you."

I don't want to see him! !

"Don't be so naive! Grow up!" Narcissa yelled like Molly, "You said it yourself, no one is perfect, even Dumbledore made mistakes."

Pomona let out a long breath, and the suffocation gathered in her chest disappeared.

"If you continue to sleep, your whole life will be wasted. The Longbottoms can't even recognize Neville. Who will feel better if you do this? Don't be like my sister, Pomona. She has destroyed many people's lives. Now I What he did was to atone for her sin."

Are you a St. Mungo's nurse?

"No, I'm here as a handyman. They give me a place to live and three meals a day as compensation."

That was Lucius' donation.

"I think that's the only benefit he has, even if it's for a Quidditch ticket."

After finishing speaking, Narcissa opened the door and went out. It didn't take long for her to feel someone appear beside her. His robe was as soft as gauze, gently brushing against the back of her hand.

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