Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 846 Any Door

It was already evening when they came out of the underground cave, and they came to the Castro Armory from San Marco's Palace of the Snails.

The church of San Martino on the opposite side used to have a report on the lion's mouth, which was used by the Venetians to report on their neighbors. If people live too crowded, it will easily cause disputes. In contrast, it is more comfortable to live in a place with less population density .

The brain is also an organ, and the pain of not being able to use it is the same as eating without the sense of taste, but thinking takes time.

A capitalist squeezes other people's time to work for him, while he himself spends all his time thinking about how to earn a lot of money, stand on a golden mountain to prove his success, establish his own prestige and authority, and make others feel like a devil that he can do nothing but work for him. There is no other choice.

Jung once wrote in the book: life is boring, longing for "Oasis", and Oasis can only be found in the "Kingdom of Children". Those who are naive are not only those who stay in childhood for a long time, but also those who leave childhood and feel that childhood is gone forever, because they don't know that all psychological phenomena have two faces, one forward, one Backwards, this duality is rich in meaning, like a living reality.

Hogwarts is Pomona's "Children's Kingdom", and there are really "children" in it.

She couldn't be like Helga Hufflepuff, who thought it was cute for little trolls to make troubles, and sometimes she wanted to whip them, but she soon forgot.

Sleeping is her hobby. For a normal person under normal internal and external conditions, his dreams can compensate for his consciousness. The satisfaction that cannot be obtained in real life is satisfied in dreams and fantasy, and the personality that is difficult to express in real life Traits manifest in dreams. Therefore, the dream plays a role of comfort, encouragement, affirmation and balance, and compensates for the lack in real life.

A person often appears in a dream as a "free and easy, outgoing, and eloquent" person, but in real life, he appears restrained, moral, and relatively silent. The common theme of those dreams was that this free and outgoing person was favored by a beautiful woman, and the silent and introverted person felt pressure and dissatisfaction for this.

Pomona's dream is to be a rich girl who has nothing to do, lies on the beach and basks in the sun all day, and has a handsome waiter serving juice for herself.

The reality is that she's a miserable housemaid who, like a house-elf, has to keep the school running and feed a group of growing teenagers, not to mention students struggling with relationship problems.

Because she has to farm the land and take care of the greenhouse, she is often covered in mud, and she longs to be favored by the prince like Cinderella. I don't know which is more abnormal, such a silly dream or a Ravenclaw-style crazy dream.

Can the discovery of dark matter change the regret of a poor woman and a cat for a lifetime?

Spend your whole life with a jerk man, give up your career, and worry about not being able to adapt to society at a certain age. Is this kind of life really happy?

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff girls are never good friends who can talk about everything.

This is the same as Slytherin and Gryffindor can't be friends, one represents "justice" and the other represents "evil", and Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are "wisdom" and "foolish".

The dream is telling the dreamer: You don't need to feel inferior because of this, because you won in the end.

That evil, ugly, eccentric, stingy, awkward, venomous, and vengeful old Slytherin bat actually attracts so many women. Is this his dream, and everyone is his dream, or is it real? of?

If a man's appearance is too dazzling, no matter how sensible a woman is, she will be confused. Who wouldn't want a partner like Sirius to attend the ball?

But a woman can only choose one man, how should she choose when faced with multiple choices?

Of the five legacy Hypor left, Severus and Voldemort chose a key.

There is a mind-receiving spell on this key, and the user can go anywhere he wants, provided that there is a door, and he will arrive after opening the door with the key.

This key doesn't seem to be of much use to wizards because they can Apparate, but since they chose this strange key, that's the only way to go.

Muggles can also use "portkeys", and they want to test whether Muggles can use this kind of key. It seems that these two pure-bloods are still doubting whether Muggles have a mind.

Salazar Slytherin felt that Muggle students should not be recruited. It was a historical issue in the Middle Ages. He was afraid that Muggle students would expose the location of the school when they told their relatives about their learning experience, so that they would attract witch-hunting soldiers.

During the British Red and White Rose War, a witch-seeking general, Matthew Hopkins, took advantage of the chaos of the British Civil War to rapidly increase his strength amid various "end of the world" fears, and launched the largest wizard in British history. persecution movement.

Like the Death Eaters, he kills and kills for fun. It’s like a sport. There are not only cruel people in wizards, but also in Muggles. Today he talked with a Catholic priest. It seems that Muggles also abuse witches. As far as the situation of magic is concerned, they will confirm at the gathering tonight whether there is anyone who worships demons and Satanists in the middle of the night.

"I wonder if it is necessary to accept Muggle-borns to study at Hogwarts." Severus said as he walked along the most beautiful promenade in Venice, the Slavic Embankment.

"You'll attract opposition from the anti-purity people," Pomona said. "In their eyes, Muggles are civilized and educated."

"I just can't understand why Mary II and William III are unwilling to agree to the law prohibiting persecution in the name of witch hunting." He gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Every other country has passed it, whether she believes in magic or not." , is it that difficult to agree to pass?"

"It's not that you don't know the British." Pomona said helplessly, "everyone who believes in Santa Claus will be laughed at."

"That was originally an advertisement made by the merchant for marketing purposes. Compared with giving whips at Christmas, those who give gifts are of course more likable."

"Who beats a child at Christmas?"

"Medieval people would!"

Pomona was digesting this logic, and finally she gave up.

Asceticism is not conducive to business prosperity, but it is conducive to ensuring the integrity of officials. Whether to have a clean government department or a prosperous business to create tax revenue and make money is a problem that the ruler must face.

Good thing she's not the ruler.

Dreams have a predictive effect, and many important scientific discoveries are inspired in dreams, such as the apple that hit Newton.

People need to face those suppressed, neglected or rejected parts of their personality. The satisfaction and expression of these parts in the dream is a kind of self-healing.

If these repressed parts have not been taken seriously by the individual and have been repressed, then perhaps under the influence of certain external pressures, these repressed parts will eventually form mental illness.

The psychology of Jack the Ripper is not the same as the executioner of the French Revolution, destroying corpses to please women.

A "decent person", he is clean in front of others first, but this is precisely a kind of depression, especially in that era when women's body knowledge is very conservative and obscure.

He is going to get married is his external pressure, he doesn't want to lose face in front of women, but he doesn't know how to do it.

His father who should guide him died very early, and his mother was a prostitute, so he couldn't do that to his mother.

He didn't know what to do, he was confused, his curiosity drove him to study the body structure of women, the problem was that women's corpses were hard to come by, so he had to kill living prostitutes and then dissect them.

In the process of dream interpretation, when these repressed parts are perceived, understood and comprehended by the dreamer, it is equivalent to completing a kind of integration of opposites, so that the personality becomes rich and complete, and is no longer so paranoid and extreme. .

Prostitutes and homeless people are the scum of society and should be eliminated, just like Ishikawa Miyuki killed those babies who were abandoned by their parents when they were born, they really couldn't afford them.

The hospital kept silent about it, and she did what others couldn't do, reducing the hospital's expenses.

Your silence is connivance to the evildoers. Later, the demon nurse began to ask for payment. After seeing the profit, the male doctor also joined.

Madmen have the logic of madmen, and sometimes what they say sounds very intelligent. If normal people accept the concepts of madmen, they will go crazy along with them.

The more primitive it is, the easier it is to be used by others. This part of the primitive impulse has long been integrated into the unconscious, which is what Freud called the id.

"What do you think?" Severus asked.

"I was thinking." Pomona said, "The explosives are different for different people. Nobel uses them to open mines, and Zodiac uses them to blow up school buses..."

"Don't mention this man!" He interrupted her in a bad temper.

"When are we going to Turin?" She showed him the key hanging around her neck. "With it, we can go anytime."

"Let's talk about it after tonight." He held her waist and said, "Do you want to drink the sober potion?"

"No, I'd rather drink more coffee." She recalled the previous experience in London's Chinatown, feeling terrible. "I can't believe Tom doesn't have to sleep."

"That was after he was resurrected, and before he was resurrected he still had to sleep." Severus sighed. "Every late-night summoning is like a nightmare."

"The serial killer releases stress through killing, the anxiety is relieved, the fear is reduced, and his heart is integrated. His situation seems to be a little different." Pomona paused and said, "Killing did not relieve his anxiety."

"how do you know?"

"That's how I feel!" she said confidently. "When he learns to face his fear and anger, he won't be anxious."

Severus kissed her.

"I knew it would be a good idea to marry you home."

"What?!" she screamed angrily, and she was kissed.

Like all "lovers" who come to Venice for their honeymoon.

This is really a romantic city, with winding water alleys and gorgeous palaces. She is like a dream floating on the blue waves. People can't help but imagine that they return to Venice, where art was brilliant hundreds of years ago. They are princes and nobles who are going to a masquerade ball in a gondola.

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