Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 842 “Follower XII”

After leaving the secretary's office, Severus and Gianluca went to find Alessandro, but they searched the entire Basilica of San Marco without finding him.

They stood together at the main entrance, overlooking the most beautiful living room in Europe. It has received many "guests", among which there are two Frenchmen who are very special. He was originally one of the thousands of passers-by in this city. Associate him with his successors.

One of these two people was named Jean Jacques Rousseau and the other was named Napoleon. These two people had a huge influence on France, Venice, and even the whole of Europe.

"You know Rousseau very well," said Gianluca.

"Every poor man loves Rousseau." Snape responded bitterly. "His article is a merciless criticism of the luxury of the aristocrats at that time. You don't know how much the poor hate the rich."

"But I heard he didn't end well," Gianluca said.

"The same goes for the French aristocracy. Many people were guillotined." Snape said, "After he published "The Origin and Foundations of Human Inequality", Rousseau was deprived of free admission to the opera house. For people with meager income, this is tantamount to driving him out of society. At the age of 42, he began to draft "The Social Contract", which later became the theoretical program of the French Revolution. In the second volume of "Social Contract", Chapter 10 He prophesied that Corsica would shake the whole of Europe, and he was almost as good as the village fortune-teller."

"It's not just the guillotine," Gianluca said. "They were controlled by a deformed sense of justice. The executioners in Foss prison put the ladies in the front row and watched them dismember the nobles. They stripped the nobles naked, using a Chinese style. The method called "Ling Chi" tortured the victims for more than half an hour, then disemboweled them, took out their internal organs, and put the victims' property on the conference table. No one would take it for themselves. They called the victims 'Enemy of the nation', I think what's more frightening is that no one thinks it's anti-human, even those ladies are enjoying the joy of rioting, and some even complain that they don't enjoy the joy of beating the nobles, and they are massacring in this way After killing about 2,000 people, those thugs said that the prisons for homeless and elderly people kept useless people, so they would kill them all, and then they did that. If they just hate people who are more successful than themselves, why even those homeless people Han also want to kill? Just because they are a burden to society?"

"It seems that you didn't understand a bit. Although the witch hunt movement was chaotic, the government and courts were still there. In the French Revolution, the people overthrew the government, and society fell into total chaos. No one would care about these crimes. If the nobles had guns , have enough strength to kill a bloody way with less against more, then no one will pursue his crimes, how much do you know about voodoo in Africa?"

Gianluca shook his head.

"Voodoo has a kind of zombie, which has no self-awareness but can be controlled by a wizard. Zombies are usually transformed directly from living people, but zombies must be transformed from dead people. Zombies move slowly, but when they see the flesh and blood of living people, they are extremely fast..."

"I know what you're saying, that's the plot of Resident Evil... Oh." Gianluca said with lingering fear.

"I think what's more frightening is that those 'zombies' are not controlled by people, but by their own will, and they are under the banner of freedom and fraternity. As you said, the nobles are 'enemies of the people' , When the hatred accumulates to a certain level, it will explode. At that time, the group sentiment is like a tsunami, and no one can stop it. People hate the feudal system and the privileged class, so that they are indifferent to their misery. To this day, the French still feel that France The Great Revolution was just, but now, some French people believe that the presence of rich people in France is beneficial to the whole society, and do not regard the rich as 'pests', do you know why?"

Gianluca shook his head.

"Because Rousseau is very famous, but no one really read the books he wrote. Everyone went to watch movies and TV. When the political situation in Poland was unstable, a Polish nobleman once visited. Rousseau drafted a new policy for Poland. Political system, the Corsican revolutionaries across the ocean also wrote to invite Rousseau to go to the country to take up the work of formulating the constitution. It can be seen that his influence was worldwide at that time. For such a person, the French made it difficult for him to make a living. Sustained, if Robespierre hadn’t come to visit, he would have continued to copy music scores for a living. Robespierre had done Napoleon a great favor. He almost killed everyone who deserved to be killed. Napoleon was killed by many people because of his military exploits. Worship, on his way to Paris, people are constantly joining, each leader has his own mobilization methods, the group is easy to fall into extreme emotions, hatred of the rich is the simplest and most concise and powerful, there is a famous Chinese saying 'don't worry about the few And suffering from inequality', the matter of men, Freud has already explained in words that fate is unfair, I already know this, but someone reminds me again and again, I want to be calm, not extreme Can't do it."

"It was your enemy who reminded you?" Gianluca asked.

"It's like he was blessed. Everything went smoothly when he was born. The only ups and downs are in pursuing women. The most fucking ironic thing is that he married my first love." Snape shook his head with a weird smile, "I I feel that I have been played by the goddess of fate."

"What did Rousseau say about Venice?" Gianluca asked. "I don't read much about the French."

"You don't want to know," Snape said.

"Let's hear it." Gianluca said confidently.

"He thinks that a Venetian nobleman is no more privileged than a Genevan plebeian, that the Genevan middle class is equal to the Venetian aristocracy, that the Genevan natives and commoners are equal to the Venetian burghers and people, and that the Genevan peasantry be equal to the Venetian burghers." Continental subjects, the biggest difference between Geneva and Venice is that there is no head of state for life. The biggest problem with your big council is that there are no seats for civilians. Even if you shorten the privilege gap between nobles and commoners, for a country with a good system, all Citizens have the qualities of rationality, justice, and honesty. Rousseau suggested that election and lottery should be used together. The lottery is used for positions that only require rationality, justice, and honesty. For those positions that require special talents, the election method should be used, but I Do you think the nobles will not agree to let the common people enter the Great Council?"

"Venice is not a democracy," Gianluca said.

"But you are a republic." Snape said, "Mixed elections are suitable for a mixed government. Venetian commoners have no seats, and the nobles who have seats are also ordinary people. It is acceptable that Enrico Dandolo would not plot to sack Constantinople and gain independence from the Eastern Roman Empire. Everyone thinks they are rational, just, and honest, but they are not So satisfying, France has always attached importance to compulsory education, and it was popularized before the Great Revolution, do you think those women who watched the nobles being disemboweled are literate?"

"I can't say that well," Gianluca said.

"Literacy does not mean that you can read and understand. Reading is the only universal antidote to get rid of ignorance. Although I said that girl can only read dead books, she has at least read. The other two boys are not even as good as her..."

"Didn't you ask your godson to work on small projects?" Gianluca asked puzzled.

"It wasn't him." Snape looked helplessly at the Lion of San Marco in the distance, "Call and ask where the boy who sailed the boat went?"

Gianluca immediately picked up the phone and dialed.

"They're at the Mansion of Snails," Gianluca said, putting down the phone.

"You gave them your credit card, how about I let you experience something different?" Snape said with a smile, "Their spending today is your ticket."

"What's the difference?"

"Take my hand." Snape curled his arms.

Gianluca didn't suspect him and grabbed his arm directly.

Immediately afterwards, following a burst of distortion like a mirage, the two of them suddenly disappeared in broad daylight.

During the French Revolution, I didn’t make up the scene of civilians massacring nobles. They danced next to the corpses. After a week of massacres, the executioners applied for medals.

In the prison in the Abaya region, some prisoners did not drink water for 24 hours. When the thugs rushed in, they almost beat the jailer to death. Later, the prisoners pleaded to save their lives.

Rousseau was born as a commoner, experienced ups and downs, and lived a long-term wandering life. At the same time, he also went in and out of the upper class as a servant, entourage, secretary, tutor, ambassador's secretary, and writer, and witnessed the extravagance and lust of the nobles. Corruption and arbitrariness in official circles

In the 18th century, "mental illness" was prevalent in Venice. There were many lunatics living on San Servolo Island. The ambassador reminded him not to be with two prostitutes, but he quarreled with the ambassador and left.

Not every rich guy is a bad guy, but that's when Floyd got the upper hand

Enthusiasm can also turn into fanaticism. Rousseau's thoughts are not all right. Anyway, drawing lots is not suitable. People are far from the realm he envisioned.

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