Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 837 “Follower VII”

What sounds pleasing to the ear may not necessarily be sincere. Just imagine when the snake in the Garden of Eden tempted Eve to pick the forbidden fruit, it would remind her again and again that the fruit could not be eaten?

Temptation is one of Satan's effective tricks. According to different policies in different places, if the trial is true, there will be a reward for reporting a "witch". If she is still Kepler's mother and Kepler's reputation is ruined, then the priest can also take this opportunity promotion.

As for that Ursula, she may have a personal feud with Katharina, or her brain is not clear, the late stage of syphilis will transfer the whole body, causing her to be unable to walk, she has nothing to lose, just to revenge the society , to make others suffer as much as her, she will also slander.

If Kepler didn't go back and investigate, his mother would die in disgrace, and he himself would be implicated.

Kepler did not explicitly say that it gave Ursula the final dignity. People in that era had no medical knowledge and a relatively high illiteracy rate. Maybe they didn't know what Kepler meant.

If he was the kind of person who had a problem with his family and severed his relationship with his family in order not to get involved, then his mother's grievances would never be with Shao Xue.

Epilepsy was regarded as a "possession" in the Middle Ages. His younger brother Heinrich basically had no hope. Glory is stolen.

The internal strife in one's own family has no meaning other than the happiness of relatives and enemies.

But it is also possible that Kepler fabricated a lie, allowing the seemingly scientific and complex logic to falsely accuse the plaintiff, just like the "miracles" that the church has told believers for hundreds of years.

Survival deals with the question of whether to be or not to be.

Morality deals with the question of good and evil.

The two are not in the same dimension.

But when the time and place coincided, it was understandable even if Kepler had lied. If others wanted to harm his family, they would either let those who harmed him humiliate themselves, or his whole family would die and use his body to become A stepping stone for the villains.

A bricklayer and a priest, can they use calculus to calculate that the earth's orbit is elliptical?

Fate was not fair, Kepler was lucky to escape that trial, unfortunately he was sad about personal affairs in his later years, and Germany was caught in the Thirty Years War, he had nowhere to draw his salary, his twelve Most of the children died in poverty. As a Protestant, he was often persecuted by the Catholic Church, and some of his works were banned by the Pope.

Kepler spent a lot of time and money running the prison, trying to keep his mother from being tortured.

Young people can't bear it, let alone an old woman. He spent the last 10 years of his life in poverty, and even his grave was dug after his death.

Anyone who believes that Jehovah is God and Jesus is the Son of God, and that the Holy Spirit will lead us to this "Trinity" concept, and accept Jesus into the heart as the Savior of life, is called a believer.

Anyone who is willing to follow Jesus, understand the Great Commission, and is willing to preach the gospel for the Lord, lead people to believe in the Lord, and cultivate others is called a disciple.

The apostles refer to the twelve selected disciples in the biography of "Acts" in the "Bible". They had a mission, and all of them died except John, who had the mission to protect Jesus' family.

There may not be a great commission among believers; there are not only 12 disciples of Jesus. After the death of Judas, who betrayed the Lord, the disciples elected Matthias to replace Judas as a disciple.

Waldo preached as an apostle, which is almost on an equal footing with St. Peter. Why does he have to be allowed by bishops everywhere to preach on an equal footing with Peter?

The hallmark of fame is that it prevents one from seeing things as they really are, and completely numbs one's judgment.

Such as Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Joan of Arc, and Napoleon all enjoyed a very high reputation, and their status was also related to this reputation.

The Parthenon is nothing more than a pile of meaningless dilapidated ruins in its existing state, but its great reputation makes it not what it is in people's minds, but is associated with the history related to it.

The reputation of the apostles is also great, even non-Christians have heard that Waldo’s followers preached like the apostles. They were in groups of two, living in no fixed place, barefoot, wearing coarse woolen robes, scattered in towns and villages , hometowns, public squares, and even propaganda in churches, its destructive power is almost the same as that of the plague.

There is a thrust behind human behavior, and many people think that there must be very good reasons for that thrust.

In fact, simply obedience to authority is enough to make most people obey.

This kind of authority is not the kind of authority that my mother said not to smoke and drink, but often has a huge reputation.

Every successful person, or every person with a recognized point of view, has fame attached to it, and fame is an essential ingredient in persuading the masses.

Once yesterday's beloved hero loses his reputation, believers always smash the gods they once worshiped viciously.

The bishops and pastors of the Roman Church are gradually losing their reputation due to corruption. At the same time, the reputation of the Waldense faction is growing. If it is not curbed, Waldo may replace Peter and become the new apostle. The most important thing is Yes, the Vedolites believe that there is no hell in this world.

Going to hell is a curse, but also a deterrent. If you do bad things, you will go to hell and be punished. If there is no hell, you will not be punished if you do bad things. The degree is as bad as not believing in God.

In addition to finding a good lawyer, there is another way to get rid of legal sanctions, that is, the law does not hold the public accountable.

After Alexander III, Pope Lucius III declared the Waldenses to be heretics, and the excommunicated believers did not disband, but dispersed and spread in the province and the neighboring Lombardy area. Opposition to the church was criticized. The support of urban merchants and craftsmen who are also dissatisfied with the church, and the number is increasing.

In the end they brought upon themselves a fatal disaster.

Mercenaries work for money, and they don't ask whether the innocent or guilty are being killed. The Duke of Milan was also a mercenary.

Because the Waldenses opposed the Holy See, which was greedy for secular power and plundered the people's wealth, they were especially popular among the peasants in southwestern Switzerland and the Savoy Mountains.

They praise poverty as a virtue, live a life of real poverty, deny that the bread and wine in the mass really become the flesh and blood of Christ, cancel the priesthood system, and live a completely different life from the luxurious bishops.

The scenery of the Alps is beautiful and the terrain is complex. When the people of the Inquisition brought mercenaries into the village to raid, the believers fled one after another. The old, weak, sick and disabled who had no time to escape were all killed, and then the mercenaries set fire to the evidence. This led to the Waldenses becoming the backbone of Protestantism and the Reformation.

Waldo, who founded this sect, moved to the mountain herdsmen in southern France and Italy, and finally died in the Kingdom of Bohemia.

In the Holy Roman Empire, the Kingdom of Bohemia is the only one with the title "Kingdom".

The other rulers, including the Habsburg royal family of Austria, are grand dukes. As an independent kingdom, it is not restricted by other principalities. No one knows how he died.

By the beginning of the 13th century, another part of the Waldense sect returned to Catholicism.

At that time, Europe was full of natural and man-made disasters, and the plague was spreading, just like the end of the world.

The second coming of Christ means the final judgment. There may not be a fiery purgatory, but there is a icy hell. Those who meet the requirements of going to heaven have already left, and all sinners live in it.

For children on the streets, false accusations do not have to bear any guilt, and Germany is not as open and free as Kepler thought.

The Habsburg royal family were Catholics. They used the Inquisition to convert Protestant nobles to Catholicism. If they refused to change, they would be reported as wizards, their property would be confiscated, and "wizards" would be beheaded, even if the pope issued a ban. It is useless not to allow the property of the "wizard" to be embezzled.

A series of bizarre deaths occurred in the Benedictine Church in Bavaria. After the cowardly local nobleman Wilkes reported 200 local nobles in the town, nobles and lords who smelled blood came from the periphery.

Of course, the local nobles will not stand still. Once the war starts, the lives will be ruined. Only the devil will sing and dance in the blood.

The only way is to assume that the incident never happened, and disappear the monastery where the accident happened, including the people and the house. In that era of "news" happening every day, people will soon forget it.

In troubled times, human life is worthless, and even the rich and powerful will become the souls of the sword overnight.

Being slandered and slandered, but unable to retaliate, Alexander VI, who died horribly at the end, said that when the nobles began to worry about the morals of the common people, it represented the decline of the noble class.

Four centuries ago someone was falsely accused of being a witch by a child, and a thousand years later someone was falsely accused of being a pedophile.

Nietzsche believes that camels are a state; lions are a state; children are a state.

The camel represents the load, the lion represents the initiative, resistance and struggle, and the child represents the natural state of innocence and purity, a positive, pure and flawless call for life and a desire for authenticity.

If this innocence and purity are not there, and he becomes like an adult at a young age, then he is a devil in the most perfect disguise.

Although children are the future, this future is not necessarily a good thing.

Regardless of whether it is innate or domesticated, anyway, the individuals in the "children" are far more evil than adults and adults imagine.

Falsely accusing a guy and discrediting him is the same as them burning ants, just for fun.

But as the party who was falsely accused by him, he must find it not so interesting.

This is a reality of another world, and even if you choose to ignore it, you can't hide it. The case of the rock star is an example.

Compared with that kind of child, Voldemort is considered cute, although he is a cold-blooded murderer and mutilated his own soul.

Why is it so scary to add children's laughter to horror movies? Humans have feelings and premonitions.

Simple and pure creatures becoming filthy will bring both psychological and physical discomfort, just like a tainted sacrament, which makes people feel particularly disgusting, even if they are starved to death in a famine, they would rather waste it than eat it.

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