Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 82 Full of loopholes

"Severus, what the hell kind of name is that?" Sirius Black, who was always with James, said tartly. "I think it's Snotluck."

Being so named by the next heir of the Black family, Severus Snape's nickname is hard to come up with. He walked in the corridors of the school with a heavy stride, as if he was running away.

It was so pathetic.

"Hey, snot-nosed!" James Potter's group had just stopped Snape, who was alone, when a red-haired girl rushed out, stopped James, and kept Snape behind her.

"Get away from him!" said fierce red-haired Lily Evans, who looked like a lioness guarding her cubs.

Pomona couldn't stand it. Even if Lily Evans was kind, Severus Snape was a boy, and his dignity should be guarded by himself. She also wanted information about the Dark Arts class. He couldn't continue to hide like this Go down, or sooner or later you will be squeezed out and drop out of school.

Now she feels more and more that kind of anger and unwillingness, but where does it come from?

"Let's go, Bellatrix is ​​here." Her Badger House classmates started to run away nervously, so far away that Pomona also saw the arrogant Slytherin prefect in the courtyard, and she also started to run away up.

The moment she turned around, she saw a seemingly gentle face among the Death Eaters. She belonged to Narcissa Black, but shouldn't she be dating Malfoy now? How could it be with Bella?

After a gasp, Pomona woke up with a start.

Severus Snape was sitting on the balcony looking at the greenhouse in a daze, and it was strange to see her suddenly wake up in such an exaggerated way.

"Severus, I'm cursed again!" She was still in shock, the feeling that made her heart overwhelmed reappeared.

"are you kidding me?"

"I just saw Bella and Narcissa in my dream." Pomona quickly regained her composure.

A woman can tell you that we are good friends and poison you at the same time. This kind of drama is often staged in Hufflepuff Academy.

"So you feel like you're cursed?"

Facing the face that was completely confused about the situation, Pomona secretly groaned.

Narcissa is superficially happy now, her marriage is not as happy as seen by the outside world, the great lover of Snape has compared her platinum Malfoy, and the fat and short Pomona she hated before That Sprout was so young and pretty made her even angrier.

It was Sissy's bracelet that protected Pomona. Now Sissy is not upset enough to want Pomona to die, but its protective effect has become weaker, and then that bitch Bella appeared again.

A happy wife, a happy life, don't make others' life difficult, and don't think about your own. Women's friendship is not long-lasting, and it's completely different from a good brother like a man for a lifetime.

"I don't think it's an accident that you trained Harry in Occlumency, but he stole your memory instead." Pomona said cautiously, "Sirius cursed you."

"Curse me what?"

"The more unlucky the better, just like when you were watching Harry's jokes, were you particularly tired and flustered during that time?"

"Damn it." Snape gritted his teeth, it seemed that he was right.

"I remember Voldemort gave Dumbledore a necklace, it was cursed, did you touch it?"

Snape gave Pomona a death stare "Do I look like that kind of idiot?"

You look so much like one of those chumps who are doomed and cursed for life with a veela.

Pomona thought to herself but didn't dare to say it. If she said something wrong, she would piss him off.

"Why are you at home during the day like Lucius?"

"I'm thinking!" Snape poured her a glass of wine, "Barty Crouch is at least a fair man, you remember the flying car that Harry Potter and Ron Weasley left in the Forbidden Forest?" Ford?"

"Yes," Pomona replied, and the car crashed directly into the Whomping Willow, waking the sleeping Willow.

"Those 'heroes' are very interested in Muggles, but they use the way they think they should be protected. Arthur Weasley wrote the Muggle Protection Law. Interestingly, the law he wrote has loopholes , and the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Magic happened to exploit those loopholes in the implementation, and the assets belonging to Muggles were confiscated after they were found to be enchanted." Snape handed her a small glass of whiskey. Return it to its original owner, but resell it to Muggles through black market dealers."

"How could they be so greedy?" Pomona couldn't believe that Dumbledore actually cooperated with such greedy people.

"Any organization needs money to operate. I heard that the entrance of ordinary staff is through the public toilet flush toilet. It's disgusting." Snape looked disgusted. Too expensive."

It was a big project, and after it was repaired, it would not only improve the image of the Ministry of Magic, but also buy people's hearts. It's a good deal with multiple purposes.

In addition to being good at alchemy, Slytherin is also good at space magic. Snakes are born to take advantage of loopholes. No one knows exactly where his secret room is. People only know its entrance. Before entering, they have to pass through a long "pipe". The function of the entrance of the body is similar, and it is a long-standing space channel.

If the magic world is exposed, the consequences are unimaginable. Muggles don’t need protection at all. If necessary, powerful wizards don’t need to hide in deep mountains and old forests far away from the crowd. On the contrary, there are many examples of Muggles massacring wizards in the dark medieval world.

"What is Arthur Weasley thinking?" Pomona took a sip of her wine and felt much better.

"You forgot, he is also a pure-blood nobleman." Snape sneered. "The arrogance is so deep in his bones that he actually thinks that Muggles need protection."

Pomona, who was full of maternal love, hugged Severus tightly. He must have remembered his Muggle father Tobias bullying Irene again.

The Muggle Protection Law is equivalent to the rules of the game where Tobias and Irene are not allowed to use a magic wand. The Muggles who have an absolute advantage in numbers will take advantage of all the loopholes in the law, and wizards will have a hard time, as if they were caught by the law. Irene, whose hands and feet were bound, had power but could not use it.

The vast majority of wizards can't see this. Muggles talk about the law, and wizards talk about strength. It seems that poisoning is illegal for Muggles. It seems that as long as the wizard is not dead, he can laugh it off. Like a prank.

"I think that's why Dumbledore wants you to inherit the Order of the Phoenix, Severus, you know the dangers of Muggles and wizards better than anyone else."

"I never heard him say that."

"But I know, he believes you are better than me, at least he never let me touch those difficult problems." Even as a professor and dean, she is still protected, just like she is a fragile object "When interrogating the young Barty Crouch didn't take me with him."

"Not an interrogation, Pomona, Dumbledore, and Minerva handed over to me Barty Crouch Jr., the accused murderer of his father." He said in audible voices "Anyway He will go to Azkaban, even if he is charged with killing his father, it won't matter."

Pomona stiffened.

"At Hogwarts, there is a spell that only the headmaster knows. He taught it to me. He knows what I want, but do you know what I thought when I stood on the window sill of the headmaster's office?" He said As if casting a spell, he slid his finger down Pomona's face, "I want his treasure."

There was a Pensieve in the principal's office, and so many test tubes of memories, she should have known.

"Are you studying memory magic? Who else is the subject of the experiment besides me?"

Snape didn't answer her question, she only felt that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and she was gradually falling into darkness.

I'm sorry Hermione Granger, I'm really sorry for involving you, at least Lily was done by someone else, and you erased the memory of your parents yourself.

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