Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 819 Flowing Water and Arithmetic

Seven years have passed since Heriberto was convicted of murder on June 24, 1998 and sentenced to life imprisonment by a New York court.

During this honeymoon trip, they set off from platform 7 and a half and encountered many things related to 7, but no matter how weird it was, it was not as weird as a girl who planned to become a nun at the age of sixteen.

Catholic countries do not use contraception or abortion, and the birth rate is of course much higher than other regions.

Pomona has seen a lot of girls who are cheated by bastards, but she has never seen this kind of old woman who is more old-fashioned than her fifty years old.

The legendary Raoula Pomona who wants to be a supermodel has never been seen before. Alicia is a woman who raised "three silly daughters". Sometimes the stubbornness of a woman is really admirable.

Only then did Pomona remember that she hadn't wished the vampire Snape to be lit by the Holy Light in St. Mark's Church before she left.

Haha, a wizard who believes in Christianity, hahahaha.

People are crazy these days.

Monica showed Veronica the message left by the Zodiac Killer. Veronica was more interested in exorcism than rescuing the serial killer who asked for help. The cross of holy water is said to have been lent to her by the pastor when she went to church today.

Pomona could feel that the cross did have some power, as if shrouded in a soft white light, it was different from ordinary crosses used as decorations.

It gave Veronica confidence. After answering Monica's call, she rushed over as if she had a huge mission on her shoulders.

Pomona just ordered too many dishes and wanted to find someone to share, and Veronica made it look like the last supper for a light meal, and she also felt very helpless.

Raura works in a fashion store, not an ordinary luxury store, but a handmade clothing store specializing in top wool fabrics, where many Hollywood stars buy clothes.

The owner's daughter, Virginia, loves candy colors. The style of the store is modern and perfectly combined with the changeable weather and the colors of the lagoon. It's her working time. Raura didn't come, but she is Ali Sandro's girlfriend at the ball today, even though she is related to Alessandro, she is a beautiful girl, and many doors will be opened for her.

After the Jews left, Cannaregio was not idle, and it was occupied by avant-garde artists from all over the world.

High heels aren't the place to be in this neighborhood, and when it's not holding environmental protests or avant-garde art, it's dominated by Italian baroque rock bands who put up posters all over town.

The handmade workshops here will use bicycle tires to make belts, springs to make jewelry, and shoes with exposed toes.

As long as you don't mind getting fat, you can also eat chocolate-coated Italian cheese while shopping.

Cannaregio's fashion advocates freedom, which is completely different from New York's urban fashion full of rules and restrictions.

The small shops in the streets sell Delphi goddess dresses, as well as hand-pressed lace wallpapers. The artisans and craftsmen here serve the modern Bohemian goddesses.

In the UK, if someone pushes a pram or struggles to carry a shopping bag, if someone goes to help, the old lady will yell at him.

In Venice, if someone sees this and helps out, she'll say "Grazie" gratefully.

Nicholas went to New York entirely to make trouble for himself.

Pomona bought several hammocks made of sails, and a businessman planted wisterias in her roof garden. There is this kind of sail hammock under the flower stand. She can listen to the calls of seabirds and feel comfortable at the same time. She can sleep comfortably, and enjoy the shade on summer nights. Just listening to her describe Pomona feels very comfortable.

Venice has never been famous for its leather goods, but there are also cowhide and sheepskin shoes and bags here, all of which are skins peeled off from edible cattle and sheep.

If she has a way to put the greenhouse into the suitcase, she will also hang such a hammock in it, and put some magical animals and plants in it, and the color inside is as colorful as the Garden of Eden.

Severus took care of the deworming, he needed those worms to boil those weird potions, how nice it was to lie in a hammock and drink lemon tea.

Artists always protest and advocate environmental protection. The use of animal fur in the Paris fashion show was protested by performance artists. There is no problem with using artificial fur. Why must animal fur be used?

If a person says he is vegan but wears leather shoes, he is not vegan and vegans do not use goods made from animals such as leather clothing, shoes, belts, bags and other leather products and products containing Cosmetics with animal body ingredients is a kind of asceticism.

In the past, whenever the plague or other incomprehensible problems appeared, ascetics would whip themselves on the back. She was conservative about that kind of pure vegetarianism. There was no meat in the Hogwarts start-of-term banquet, which would make children How disappointed they are, and how can it be possible to feed a group of growing teenagers without meat.

When we were young, we were always told by our parents to go home by what time.

After entering the Hogwarts boarding school, there are school rules that night tours are not allowed.

Before the Jewish Quarter was demolished by Napoleon, there was also a gate control, and the Jews had to go home before sunset.

Maybe David and Betty wouldn't have met Zodiac if David and Betty weren't out on a date at 10pm, and it's not a good thing for parents to be too lax.

The tall buildings in this area are all built up layer by layer by residents, and the roofs of cross-wood beams can be seen.

According to Venetian law, Jews who converted to Christianity could no longer live in the ghetto, or they would be hanged.

Does Charlotte the Merchant of Venice live inside or outside the Jewish Quarter? Shakespeare may not know this, because he has never been to Venice, he can only describe something with his own imagination, and then put it on the stage for the English who have also never been to Venice.

"Is that the Soul Casino?" Pomona asked, pointing to a house not far away.

Teatro Fondamenta Nuove is next to the pier of the water bus, and you can get a motorboat from the outside to go to Glass Island.

It looks very inconspicuous, just a red brick house without windows, let alone a palace, maybe some houses are more gorgeous than it.

"That's right." Monica said, "There is a water bus passing by. Let's take it to San Marco later?"

"What about your shoes?" Pomona asked. "You need high heels to the dance."

"I have enough shoes," Monica said. "I told him he didn't need to give me the card."

"I think Gianluca would like you to spend his money..." Pomona said with a little pity.

"I don't need it." Monica squeezed through the double doors with a lot of costumes in her arms. It was pitch black inside, and all natural light was blocked outside, only artificial light sources.

In the darkness, the cello sounds particularly lonely and affectionate.

If the violin represents youthful youth, then the cello represents middle age, warm, calm and steady, like the rhythm of breathing.

Such an environment reminded her of those messy memories. Although Severus was ugly, his voice was beautiful, just as melodious as the cello she was hearing at the moment.

In the dark the light from the soul fire is blue.

The human soul is so beautiful, but it is the food of dementors and veela, and the cloaked monsters are still protected by human beings, so how can such beautiful monsters as veela defend themselves?

Like Severus, Zodiac is not keen on social activities. Severus also only has Lucius Malfoy as a friend who can talk, but he has no particularly close friends. In the psychological profile of the FBI, Zodiac Pretty much the same.

His emotional experience with women was not successful, and he had a vague jealousy towards his lovers, and at the same time, he had a certain hatred towards women.

He is pitiful, conceited and talented, but he is not respected and recognized by the pragmatic society.

He was looking for a sense of identity among the wrong people, and he was so lonely that no one would answer when he called for help.

If Venice is half flashy, half sighing city, America is total flashy.

Nobel Prize winner Saul. When Bellow entered the restaurant, he first checked to see if anyone recognized him.

In fact, no, people in the restaurant can accurately name the star who is often exposed on TV, but they have no idea who he is.

Deep in everyone's heart lurks the desire to be successful and famous, and firmly believes that there is something special about him. People always rely on comparing with others to establish their status, hoping to show their rank, value or other things that show their status anytime and anywhere.

Everything from education, occupation, consumption, art, culture, knowledge, fame, to food, clothing, fashion and taste, as well as which breed of famous dog you keep is a field for display.

Perhaps, those tourists who follow travel magazines to Mugla Island do not know that the luxury brand tycoon they admire is in the small house behind them.

There is nothing on him that looks... aristocratic?

Francois was wearing a pair of jeans, a cashmere sweater, and a very ordinary cloth scarf around his neck, which was different from the Armani shirt and tie he wore when he was exposed in the magazine.

Venice is often flooded, but the floods do not come from the Adriatic Sea, but from rainfall.

The amount of rainfall needs to be calculated and observed. At the same time, if you use a water pump, you may have to pay attention not to pump too hard, but to be very, very gentle.

Nicholas said that the dancers from Egypt got their inspiration from flowing water and arithmetic. The dances performed in this theater are different from Gucci bags and bags from actors, princesses and celebrities, and they show dynamic art.

The lines drawn by the Fibonacci sequence appear to be a whirlpool, and the deadliest thing in the sea is also a whirlpool.

Gucci originated in Florence, the city Leonardo da Vinci linked with Paris, France.

"Did you use the golden ratio in your work?" Pomona asked aloud.

The cello stopped with the dancers.

Francois turned his head.

"I heard that this dance is inspired by flowing water and arithmetic. Have you ever thought about the Fibonacci sequence?"

"I don't think that's what the general public likes to see," says Gucci's king.

"How many audiences do you think this theater can hold?" She looked at the small theater and said, there is only one exit and entrance, so there is no backstage.

"This is a niche work, of course you can do whatever you want."

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Princess from the East." She said nonsense.

"You don't look like an Oriental," François said with a smile.

"Nor is Mata Hari."

"What do you want to do?"

"I heard that you want to buy a portrait of the carpenter's son as the treasure of your palace. The carpenter's son, are you interested in replacing it with exhibits from other countries?"

"Who told you?" asked François.

"There is the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. For most people, as long as it is the name of Leonardo da Vinci, it is worth the ticket price. Even the manuscript is worth a lot." She is like Mona Lisa , showing a mysterious smile, "Are you interested in Eastern culture? Or do you only like their money, François?"

The flow of money is also called running water. The buyer bought Gucci, and Gucci bought the 99-year property rights of the Gracia Palace. The money used to buy the property rights was used to repair the dam planned by Moses. Where did the rich people get their money from? ?

It was not a Frenchman standing in front of her, but a Venetian merchant, whose Gucci and now he lived in Italy, who controlled the nobility and the royal family in a different way from Italian bankers, although he did not Just didn't notice.

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