Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 814: The Devil-Infested World

"Hide and seek" in the maze, you will feel tired after running for too long, but the monster doesn't. He is a "monster", isn't he?

The FBI is also human, and they have to deal with many, many cases every day. Although Zodiac had a great impact, but not many people died, and it has not appeared for many years. After the cold treatment, people will soon appear in various stars Under the bombardment of new information, he was forgotten.

He is different from Jack the Ripper and Holmes, who regard killing as a "game". Zodiac likes to play "hide and seek". At the beginning, he killed people just to attract enough attention from the police, but everything can change. When he understands the "joy" of killing, he will change from a cynical "educator" to a real serial killer.

When we gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.

Exposure to too much sin weakens the perception of "sin", but exhaustion is the real horror compared to this. When more and more people worship serial killers and pursue extreme violence and excitement, the devil has haunted this world.

Americans are already "immune" to gun violence, but if someone stabs someone with a knife, they will feel frightened both physically and mentally.

In addition to being physically and psychologically stimulating, stories about serial killers capture the imagination because they share the essential elements of best-selling novels: danger, mystery, hero, villain, karma.

Witchcraft, magic, and mysticism have sunk into the dark side of the stream of consciousness, but very few of them really study and study, and finally take out of context, rely on their own imagination and understanding, and create many terrifying and meaningless rituals.

The human brain is good at forgetting, and only in this way can it make room for useful information and knowledge.

The Celtic cross is widely used in cemeteries. St. Patrick combined the cross in Christianity with the cross halo of the sun. By associating the life-giving meaning of the sun with the cross, it is widely used in jewelry, T-shirts, tattoos , coffee mugs, etc.

The sign of Zodiac looks familiar to everyone but can’t remember where it was seen. Human culture is vast, who would remember a cross? What is the use of remembering it in life?

Zodiac is white, and has white supremacist tendencies, similar to the nascent communism in Germany.

It was this kind of thinking that led the operator to routinely describe the perpetrators of "taxi robberies" as black.

There is no direct connection between vampires and Dracula, it's just a "personality" of a best-selling novel to attract readers.

Want to live and feel tired, want to die but dare not, like walking dead, this is the vampire, they are not all nobles.

Full of negativity, world-weariness, loneliness, living in isolation and longing for someone to understand and accompany, the problem is that human life is too short, vampires are always young and beautiful, and wanting to turn someone into a vampire is not something that can be done by drinking vampire blood. Sign a contract with the devil.

The enemy of God is the devil. God can make people live forever, and the devil is the same, but in this way, he will sell his soul to the devil.

A lunatic has the logic of a lunatic. Jack the Ripper is curious about the body structure of a woman, but he can't find a woman's autopsy. As a "novice", he is embarrassed to embarrass himself in front of a woman, especially if the other party is a prostitute.

His mother is also a prostitute, but she is not forced by life. He likes women and hates women at the same time, and his soul is distorted.

Although it is "superstitious" to believe in gods and ancestors, the "family" will accompany and protect you, preventing you from being swallowed by despair and darkness and falling into the gates of hell.

Pomona couldn't tell why she understood Zodiac so well, whether it was because she didn't think two kids on first dates should be shot, or because she was a woman.

Misleading people, giving people wrong information, manipulating their behavior, the screenwriters who make movies out of serial killers and vampires are no different from the crooks who used to sneak into Catholicism, they are all doing it to make money.

That kind of money couldn't be earned, but she figured no one would listen, the devil had already lived in their hearts. They have a constant flow of inspiration, and these inspirations can bring them wealth, so as to create tirelessly.

Justinian was said to be possessed by the devil because he seemed to never tire.

Nicola Paganini did not have a decent funeral after his death. Although many people sought after his "Devil's Trill" when he was alive, people were afraid that they would be entangled by the devil, and no one buried him until decades later to a decent cemetery.

Passetti tried to reproduce the song in his dream and made "The Devil's Trill Sonata". Playing this piece requires extremely superb skills, but Tartini was not satisfied with this piece. The tunes are comparable.

He seeks to reproduce the music he remembers in his mind, just like hearing a "phantom sound". The sound is caused by vibration. Of course, the sound that people can hear is due to the vibration of the periosteum caused by external vibrations, and finally it is heard when it is transmitted to the auditory nerve. sound.

But phantom sound is a sound that people feel, but they do not make a sound themselves. They exist in people's minds, and people who are overly frightened and overly excited will often hear them.

He's crazy, but he probably doesn't know that a normal violin has four strings, a five-string violin that someone with six fingers can play, or a "devil" that gently plucks the fifth for someone with five fingers. root string.

Those six ghosts trapped in the violin may have sold their souls to the devil to get to this point.

In Paganini's time, performers needed superb skills to "show off skills". They gained fame and wealth while alive, but they were imprisoned after death and became slaves of the devil.

They don't need to pick cotton like slaves, and they don't need to be skinned and exposed to the sun like Zodiac slaves, but they have to play music all the time.

Even if you are doing something you like, you will feel bored if you keep doing it, so you want to try another job.

However, according to the devil's contract, they must keep playing.

Geniuses need 99% sweat, they are already ghosts without bodies, this kind of pain can't be understood by living people.

Zodiac's letter had a lot of smear marks, and the police also picked up a wet fingerprint.

He sweated a lot, uncontrollably like a night sweat.


In her eyes, this string of meaningless characters becomes:


In the Good Samaritan story, the priests turned a blind eye to the robbed man lying on the side of the road, and the Samaritan went to help.

Maybe that guy was a serial killer too, but they didn't have evidence to catch him, and he deserved that.

The Samaritan saved him, and he will continue to do harm to the world.

But turning a blind eye to the cries for help, can that person withstand the condemnation of those around him?

How can people's hearts be so cold and indifferent?

There was a girl in New York who met a robber. She yelled for help. There were many people watching, but no one shot. The neighbors upstairs watched her being killed.

Is it because New Yorkers are really indifferent?

Maybe not, they are just looking at what other people are doing, thinking that other people will help, and they don't know what to do when this happens.

It's easy to ignore the calls for help.

When the Titanic sank, only one ship went back to save people, and that was after the sea returned to silence.

If, when many people are alive, the lifeboat will pass by, those desperate for survival will overturn the boat, and no one will survive.

Wait slowly, wait until the cold sea kills those who are not strong enough, wait until the sea no longer "boils", and then search and rescue the living, there will always be a girl as lucky as Rose.

She was lucky, she only stayed on the ship for a few days, and a fool was willing to die for her after giving him a moment of pleasure.

But she also gave up everything about her, including aristocratic status and a wealthy life, and gave her pure body to a passenger who was unfamiliar to her.

That period of love is the only thing that can be remembered and warmed in that disaster.

With regard to the Titanic, people's memory is no longer the cold water, and the negligence of the shipping company.

It was a great movie, and it was also made by Americans, and Americans are not all racist, and there are anti-discrimination and anti-war ones.

Everyone has both Cain and Abel in their hearts. What kind of person we become is not determined by our ability, but by choice.

"So what are your options?"

After meeting Monica and the others at the Café de Flore, they stood in Piazza San Marco while Alessandro tied the laces of his sneakers.

This position is very strange, facing the pillar where the flying lion of San Marco is located, Alessandro tied his shoelaces as if he was kneeling on one knee.

"I don't know," Pomona said to herself, knowing that Voldemort, who had the instigmatism, could hear "You made those letters fly?"

"I think Severus thought you did it," said Voldemort with a smile.

"Can you use magic?"

"I don't know," said Voldemort, "I wanted to see what that line was saying?"

"Do you think it was a distress letter or nonsense?"

"If I asked you for help, would you help me?" Voldemort asked.

She couldn't answer.

"If you ask for help and no one answers, it's nonsense." Voldemort said proudly, "People can rely on themselves in the end."

At this time, the bell in St. Mark's Square rang, and Pomona looked up. The time was one o'clock in the afternoon, which was also 13 o'clock in Roman numerals.

The sun pointer is pointing to Capricornus on the zodiac dial.

"He's too weak," said Voldemort. "A Muggle would dare call himself Zodiac."

"Your sister, when is Veronica coming?" Pomona asked Monica.

"After school, she still has to go to pray. After about three o'clock, we will call." Monica said.

"Nuns also use the phone?" Pomona asked curiously.

"She's not a nun!" Monica said angrily, "Idiota."

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