Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 812 Saving boat

In the blue evening of summer, I will step on the path, part the sharp wheat awnings, and cross the green grass;

Dreamer, I feel the freshness of dreams from the soles of my feet.

On my bald head, there is a cool breeze.

Say nothing, think nothing:

Endless love is pouring into my soul, and I will go far, far away, like a bohemian, with nature - as happy as a girl beside me.

—— Faatiel Rimbaud's poem "Sensation"

Before going on an appointment, girls from any country will always search in the closet, looking for a beautiful dress to make themselves more beautiful than usual.

She was happy during this process. She was wearing those colorful dresses, some were satisfied and some were not. After trying for a long time, she suddenly found out that she was late. Finally, she chose the one she was most satisfied with for the appointment, and made up her mind secretly. To buy a better looking one.

There is always one piece of clothing missing in a girl's closet, especially in a season where there is little clothing in summer, how to match it has become the top priority for all girls.

Girls in summer are a beautiful landscape. Among the many landscapes, all girls like themselves to be the only and unique bright spot in it.

If the famous paintings of the Louvre could talk, they would be jealous of Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, which steals everyone's attention.

Women's pursuit of clothes is endless, because what they pursue is perfection. The clothes should not only show their elegant, decent, multi-faceted and exquisite characteristics, but also make them unique and unique in aesthetics.

There is a small island called Delphi in the Aegean Sea in Greece. It is a popular travel route. Many people don’t even know why they go there. It’s like the kind of thing you have to do when you arrive in Greece. same thing.

Delphi was considered in ancient times to be the center of the known world, where heaven meets earth. This is the closest human beings get to gods on earth. In mythology, Zeus released two eagles and let them fly in opposite directions, and the place where the eagles met was Delphi.

There is an Italian designer named Mariano Fortuny Madrasso who has a palace-like home studio by the Grand Canal in Venice.

This family has a secret weaving technique. The same material will have different styles in different hands. Mariano likes to design women's clothes. There are strange skirts made of peacock tail feathers, as well as cloak-like jumpsuits. His most successful design is the Delphi dress, which set the standard for bohemian style.

Before this land was associated with Apollo, it was also a holy land for worshiping other gods, including Gaia, the goddess of the earth, Themis, the goddess of law and justice, Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, marriage, and fertility, and The famous sea god Poseidon.

At the end of the Mycenaean civilization in ancient Greece, Apollo replaced all other gods and became the sole guardian of this shrine.

In the temple of Delphi, people turned to the spirit of Apollo for advice and comments about life or the state of things. Questions were escalated to the goddess Pythia, or a priest or priest who could communicate with the spirit of the god.

Belief in gods or spirits is a personal matter, but even the most staunch atheist must admit that something wonderful happens in Delphi every few thousand years, and many people who go to Delphi claim to feel something. What.

Sybill Trelawney's dressing style is bohemian at best, and crazy at worst.

Many gypsy women are regarded as witches, and their dress is bohemian style.

When Asmeralda danced in the square of Notre Dame de Paris, this pure, beautiful and kind gypsy girl was teased by the ruthless goddess of fate.

Her wonderful performance and graceful dance won warm applause from the audience, and also attracted the attention of Claude Frollo, vicar of Notre Dame Church.

His belief does not allow him to get married, but he also wants to be kissed by God of Love. He inadvertently develops a complex psychology of wanting to possess her and hating her deeply. As long as the "gypsy woman" dies, he will not marry her Will be tormented by the temptation of the devil.

So he ordered the church bell ringer, Quasimodo, who was ugly, to kidnap Esmeralda on the street.

In fact, in addition to the "coach", Zodiac can also be a character like the vice-bishop Claude. He practiced asceticism and suppressed himself too much.

He likes young women just like a normal man, but at the same time he is afraid to do anything to young female students because of his work ethic.

While he himself was demanding, young people, especially young girls, made rash choices that he considered unwise.

Zodiac longs for love very much, but the god of love does not take care of him. The "Asmeraldas" in bohemian dresses are attracted to frivolous handsome boys, regardless of whether that person is reliable or not.

He is really angry, why? Why don't they know how to protect themselves? Everyone likes a pure girl, why is she no longer pure at an age when she should be pure?

He was so angry, maybe he was jealous of the boy who was luckier than himself, maybe he hated girls, his brain that could write complex codes and construct mazes lost the ability to think.

He is miserable and alone, trapped like the Minotaur in a labyrinth.

In America, it will not be the sons of politicians and rich men who go to the front to fight. People with money and power enjoy the benefits of war, but they don't have to bear any responsibility and price for waging war. They danced and danced in the rear, participated in various celebrity social activities, and spent money like water.

Even during Prohibition, people like Gatsby got rich, and he lived a life of luxury.

How can there be a fool in this world who would do something like, "I'm going to risk my life to fight, and you hide in a safe place and enjoy yourself?"

Politicians said that if you are a patriot, you should fight the Viet Cong.

Opponents say the Star-Spangled Banner protects those who burn it, and we are against war.

American practical culture never embraced intellectuals, the shiny superheroes of WWII and the 60s were replaced by serial killers, intellectuals were dismissed as unrealistic by politicians, and their upbringing was dismissed as useless and deviant , and may lead to social decline.

He professionally followed the instructions of politicians. In the movie the day after tomorrow, when natural disasters began to occur across the country, the vice president still didn't believe the actor's words that evacuating the American people would cause huge economic losses.

He didn't understand the seriousness of the situation until the best time to retreat had passed and half the American population would have to be sacrificed.

At that time, he was still saying that he could not listen to a meteorologist and abandon half of the population. His humanity appeared at this time.

It's a pity that it didn't come at the right time. At the critical moment, you must choose to be cold-blooded. Apart from praying at home, people in the north of the black line on the map have no other choice.

Leaving the outdoors is a dead end, the government has abandoned them, there will be chaos where there is no morality and law or even the army, "absolute freedom" brings destruction, in order to protect their families from the thugs, men should raise their guns A woman should comfort the man who protected her, just like Melanie did to Scarlett, in troubled times need mutual support to get through safely.

We always meet the most beautiful love at the age when we least understand love.

First love always ends badly, not because love is not beautiful enough, but because we don't know how to love, and feel that the heartbeat is racing and the face is red.

Can't leave, can't let go, reluctant, want to get rid of the other party from my heart, but the other party always appears in my mind.

A beautiful love, from acquaintance to acquaintance to acquaintance, feels different. The heartbeat is usually at the encounter stage of love.

If a person keeps this kind of rapid heartbeat all the time in his life, he needs to see a doctor, and finally the throbbing heartbeat will calm down.

As the poet wrote in his poems, as he grows older, he will become bald. He feels the coolness brought by the cool summer night wind blowing over his bare head, and shouts, oh, I am Percy. Mia, the girl who accompanied him can still giggle and be elated over a little thing, what is the difference between this and the date before marriage?

"I opened my heart, and love poured into my soul," she said, looking into the wizard's dark eyes, which really looked like the eyes of a demon.

But in the depths of her eyes, she could feel something called the soul. In fact, it used to be a beautiful deer, but it was a pity that it became a swan, without the holiness like papyrus.

He pressed her hands on the green silk sheet embroidered with silver grass leaves, and the light from the window cast on him reminded her of a woman with a pearl earring.

The girl's turban is not the lower priced indigo or Prussian blue, but the top lapis lazuli, which is used for the portrait of the Virgin Mary. The pigment is deep and transparent, and it is also valuable. It is not used by a maid affordable.

The turban she really wears on her head is cheap Prussian blue, but the painter beautifies her, and what he looks at her is not her, but the perfect goddess in his heart.

But when he painted her eyes, the girl's slightly parted lips and pure and deep eyes attracted him, as if falling into a vortex, so that passers-by could not help but be attracted by her gaze and order.

"Better than Titanic." He looked down at her and smiled triumphantly. "I'm a better painter than Jack."

"That was in the cabin, and it was still night." She didn't move, lying down like an obedient model. "We are in Venice now, and Jack went to the wrong place. Paris belongs to poets, and painters should come here. You say I say Right, Professor."

"I want to be civilized," he whispered. "Don't tempt me."

"I know you are a dedicated person." She also whispered, "You love Lily so deeply, I think you gave me that love because you seduced me first."

He sighed, turned her over, and hugged her from behind.

On the dressing table not far from the bed is a handmade mirror made in Venice. This is not a modern mirror, but an antique mirror. It was a luxury item in the past. It reflects the mural on the wall, the prince of Troy hunting in the countryside Zeus turned into an eagle and took him away. The angry father wanted to shoot the eagle, but the prince's teacher stopped him, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

"That's a beautiful name." A young man wearing a black sacrificial robe and black jade-like hair slowly came to the bedside. He watched the scene of the two and said calmly, "Delphi, the center of the world, if I really If I have a child, I'll name her that."

"How do you know she's a daughter?"

Handsome Tom Riddle smiled and sat on the edge of the bed with his back to the two, his robes flowing like smoke as he spun.

To say this.

"She's the daughter of a nobleman, and she should be named by the constellation," said Tom. "Delphini, Dolphin, that'll be my daughter's name."

The Dark Lord's daughter is a dolphin? She was still more receptive to the idea of ​​the center of the world, where heaven meets earth.

As long as she didn't tell, Severus wouldn't know.

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