Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 808 Tom and Jerry

On Monday, November 8, 1969, a letter writer calling himself "Zodiac" mailed a "Zodiac Letter" to the San Francisco Chronicle, containing a "funny greeting card" in the envelope, written by " Forget-me-not Cards/American Card Company” on the cover of the card shows a dripping pen with a string attached to it, and beside it, the designer of the greeting card wrote: “Sorry I didn’t write anything, I just washed the pen."

"Zodiac" wrote in the card: "I'm zodiac. I think you should have a good laugh before hearing the bad news, but you haven't heard much yet.

PS: Can you post this new password on the front page? I feel so alone when I'm ignored. So lonely, I might have to do my work again! ! ! "

A code consisting of 340 symbols is also attached to the greeting card, arranged in 20 lines, and the signature is still the zodiac mark as usual.

"Maybe this password doesn't contain anything." Pomona suddenly said while flipping through the documents.

"What is your basis?" Gianluca asked.

"He wanted to be remembered. A casually written code had no content. No matter how he cracked it, there was no answer. He felt lonely, ignored, and people often did stupid things to attract attention." Pomona held up the Typewriter says "We should focus on why he doesn't use a typewriter, but writes by hand."

"You think Zodiac was really responsible for Bettis' death?" Monica asked.

"He wrote in the letter..."

"Oh, you don't think it's his lie anymore," Gianluca said sarcastically.

"You have a problem with her?" Dark Wizard Severus smirked.

Gianluca, the Muggle programmer, shut up.

"He's lonely, and a lonely person reads so much, and at the same time he doesn't feel recognized, so he asks newspapers and magazines to publish his 'work', you know the editors, they don't make money. It will not be printed. This kind of death threat can bring huge profits to newspapers. I remember the 70's already when TV dominated the media. Newspapers are being eliminated. Zodiac is their lifesaver. A lonely man wants to marry Married, maybe he fell in love with Bettis, but Bettis rejected him, so in a fit of rage he killed her."

"Kill if you are rejected? Doesn't Sandy also become a serial killer?" Monica smiled and shook her head, obviously she didn't believe it.

No one echoed her opinion.

"Someone chose God as a mate," Severus said. "Why do you think Cain killed Abel?"

Monica still doesn't understand.

Pomona didn't bother to explain it to her anyway, Alessandro looked very upset about the topic anyway, because he and Gianluca are the kind of "losers" who will be rejected by girls, Monica's joke is right Not funny at all to him.

"Zodiac made us look at the pine tree on the postcard, maybe we should also look at the pen on that postcard, it has no ink in it, it's attached like a fish bait, to attract the attention of cryptographers, if they go to dig into the Z340, Then other clues will be ignored, and Zodiac will be led into a dead end, back to our question just now, why does he not use a typewriter, but write by hand?"

"Use the way the FBI investigates the case." The hacker Gianluca crossed his hands, leaning on the swivel high-back chair and said, "You can't be led by the nose by Zodiac."

"That's right, they are the FBI, not astronomers. Wrong information will interfere with the investigation. Like the two policemen, they were directed by the operator to get lost in the streets they are familiar with." Pomona sighed, this is another A form of "maze".

"In the beginning he was just out for attention, then he stopped thinking about it that way."

"Why?" Monica asked.

"He wants someone who can really understand him, not to be stupid enough to worship, to find an opponent who is both an enemy and a friend, and when playing chess, it is interesting to find someone who is equal to him." Pomona said, "He doesn't need priests and psychiatrists. He wants the police to catch him. There are always people like this who don’t take other people’s warnings seriously, and only one or two people will take it seriously if they die.”

"Pervert." Monica said in disgust.

"You don't believe that he was controlled by the devil?" Pomona asked with a smile.

"That was a disgusting joke," Gianluca said. "It was a cries for help from a psychotic serial killer."

Monica covered her face, as if she didn't know what to choose - to help or not to help.

Pomona looked at the photographs of the letters.

Maybe SFPD is indeed an acronym for San Francisco Police Department, maybe it's not.

It was a big city, and every day someone accidentally fell or choked while eating, and seeing a stranger in trouble, kind people would come to his rescue.

But the homeless man you helped up had a sharp knife in his hand, and the man you rescued who was choking on food was a drug dealer with blood on his hands. Your good intentions have done bad things.

You don't know that person, you're just doing the right thing out of your own good heart, which is ethical and good samaritan law.

There are too many people who don’t know or understand in big cities. Even though there are people everywhere, I still feel lonely, like being in a wild place full of barren sand, or in the boundless sea.

The real aristocrats will not worry about the moral issues of the common people, and when they start to care about the moral issues of the common people, it is the time when the entire aristocratic class declines.

Urbanization can only satisfy the vanity of politicians, "Look, what a beautiful London we have built".

They can only see a little space in their own lives, and they can't see the dilapidated appearance of the countryside. They turn on so many lights at night to waste electricity and create city views, just to satisfy them. Standing on a high place, holding whiskey, overlooking the night view of the entire city That momentary sense of superiority that arises from time to time.

This sense of superiority also aroused a white operator, who told the police at the scene that a black man had robbed a taxi. Taxi drivers in San Francisco are a high-risk occupation. They often encounter robberies, usually by black people.

The increasingly high housing prices in the United States have left the police, teachers and nurses without housing. They live far away from the city center, so the city center has become a crime-prone area, and the "substitute" dares to kill people in the city.

Housing prices in the UK are not as outrageous as in the US, and with the addition of affordable housing, security is much better.

But politicians ignored public opinion, and civilians protested against going to Iraq. It was a war that had nothing to do with Britain. The Prime Minister of Downing Street still let those boys go to war.

They could have become friends with those Middle Eastern youths, like Juan Lopez and John Ward, exchanging literature with each other.

It is impossible to rule the world, some people want everyone to listen to them but it always backfires.

Even a place as small as the British Isles can be divided into Scotland, Ireland and England, and you want to unify the world?

The god of love in the sky is perfect, but it does not exist. It is beautiful to think, but it cannot be realized.

Some people's wild dreams finally made the two young people who should have been friends fight to the death at the first meeting. They were finally buried in a grave and became martyrs of each other's countries.

When the young man died, the young and beautiful woman would be in the state of Martina in Sicily's beautiful legend. After the news of her husband's death came, the men in the rear did not choose to help a widow, but fell into trouble one by one.

They don't want to marry Martina, the price of marriage is too heavy and serious! Besides, marrying Martina meant divorcing his current wife and forcing that woman from a good family to become a prostitute. It would be convenient for everyone, and he could return to a normal life after getting what he needed.

How clever they are, cornering the widow of a martyr, twisted souls are so hideous, Martina might as well go to church and be a nun, the Bride of God, before those dirty hands touch her.

In the place of God, you should not dare to mess around, but in the eyes of some people, there is no God in this world, so there is no need to worry about God’s punishment, and you don’t have to worry about going to hell if you do something that deserves God’s punishment, so there is no need to worry Those who refuse to save themselves will be condemned.

Zodiac, an anti-social personality, mocks the intellectuals and elites who are recognized by the entire society. Cryptographers can't break the code because it has no content.

Zodiac lives in an era that young people in the 21st century can understand but cannot understand. Like the clown in Batman, Zodiac attracts many young people who are unwilling. They created killings and chaos, making this orderly society full of fear and chaos.

Not everyone thinks that Zodiac and II are doing bad things. They cheer for the two serial killers in the crowd and encourage them to continue killing, just like those spectators in Martina's human nature experiment who thought it was a show.

Why are you so serious? Interesting isn't it?

They chose to listen to the vibrato of the devil. The serial killer made them feel very happy and happy, and something interesting finally happened in their boring life.

"Your little sister, does Veronica know Spanish?" Pomona asked Monica. "How about having her with us?"

"I don't know," Monica said.

"We need her in the future," Pomona said. "Do you know where the ledgers of St. Mark's Church are kept?"

"Why do you ask that?" Gianluca asked.

"Battista Cornaro-Piscopia, the first female doctorate graduate of the University of Padua, and Elina Cornaro-Piscopia's father, who lived in Canta The Linis were treasurers of St. Mark's Basilica during their tenure as Doge of Venice, and they were the second most powerful people in the Republic of Venice." Pomona said, "If my guess is correct, he is the best person to handle the money. .”

"What do you mean?" Gianluca asked.

So Pomona began to tell a story.

A young nobleman rescued a rural girl who was fleeing famine. They fell in love and helped more fleeing people together, but the parents of the noble young man objected to their being together.

The noble young man abandoned everything in the past and insisted on being with the girl. He let his "illegitimate child" be born in the palace, and it took more than thirty years to convince his family to hold a formal wedding with her. At that time, their daughters were all Go to college.

A late wedding, but better than nothing.

And in the past thirty years, although she was a mistress, he loved her and respected her like a wife. At this time, it doesn't matter whether a woman has a status or not.

She understood his situation, no matter what kind of suffering and grievances she was able to persevere, it was nothing if she didn't wear gorgeous dresses or jewelry.

She doesn't need eternal youth and beauty, and she doesn't need to find a fountain of youth that can last forever.

Her only trouble is her gifted daughter, Elena, who has to go to the university that only boys go to, and beats all the boys with her grades. It is very difficult to marry like Elena for the rest of her life.

How happy she was only because she and her husband chose to listen to the angel's trumpet.

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