Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 806 Behind the Paradise

Borges once said: I have always secretly imagined that heaven should look like a library.

As a poet, his words to his son read:

It was not I who gave birth to you, but the dead.

It was my father, his father and his ancestors; those who drew out a long labyrinth of love, beginning in the deserts of Adam and Cain and Abel, in a dawn so old as myth, who, With blood and bones, we arrived at this future day, the moment when I gave birth to you.

I feel that there are many of them. We are them, and between us, you and the son you will have in the future.

The last son and son of Red Adam. Those people are also me. Eternity lies in the things of time, in those fleeting shapes.

It's unbelievable though, that the students of the Academy of Fools love to go to the library, and Harry overheard Hufflepuff's gossip about him being the heir of Slytherin when Hannah Albert and McMillan were studying together.

The world itself is a huge labyrinth, and time spreads out innumerable criss-cross paths, so we have infinite possibilities in our three-dimensional life.

Harry can understand Parseltongue not necessarily because Voldemort's soul possessed him.

It wasn't James Potter who gave birth to him, but the dead. Lily's parents were Muggles, so they probably didn't have the blood of Slytherin's descendants.

The Potter family has always been pure blood, maybe the Slytherin blood has been passed down to Harry through various coincidences.

Pomona does not believe that Harry is a Horcrux, that he is somehow related to Voldemort, but not a Horcrux.

If necessary, she would go to the Chapott family tree, and she was afraid that the information would be lost, so that there would be no evidence to support her inference.

Books are fragile, water, fire and time will make them disappear, and the information on them will also disappear together.

The only thing future generations can do is to rescue some precious documents, but even so it is still futile, as if holding up the water in the ocean with your hands, only the nest in the palm of your hand will be left in the end.

Serial killers like Jack the Ripper and Zodiac hoped to be remembered in this way, leaving traces of their presence in history.

It is understandable for the police who want to catch them and bring them to justice to study serial killers. What kind of psychology is it to imitate them for the sake of fame and kill innocent imitators?

A carved poem titled "Tired of Living/Don't Want to Die" was found under a desk in the library of Riverside City College where eighteen-year-old Bettis attended.

Even if there is no printer, zodiac can use a typewriter instead of handwriting, which is easy to identify and identify. What makes Zodiac unwilling to use a typewriter?

Typewriters make a lot of noise, which can be noticeable in places where silence is required, such as a library.

Betis' body was found between the school library and Betis' dormitory, lying on the stone road under repair at the school. Assuming that the murderer followed her from the library and then attacked her, then that person has Probably someone from Riverside City University.

Of course, City University is different from MIT. The "professors" of City University cannot be compared with MIT, no matter in terms of income or social status.

Most men like young girls, so, is there a possibility that Betis fell in love with a "professor" teacher and student, then dumped him, and the "professor" killed her in a rage?

Maybe Zodiac thought about using a typewriter to hide his identity, but he didn't use it anymore - he hoped the police would catch him.

The reason why the Jack the Ripper case is unsolved is because there is a lot of false information and intelligence interference in the investigation. In order to avoid the same thing from happening, Zodiac deliberately wrote it by hand, so that the police can eliminate those who join in the fun.

Zodiac has a strong anti-social personality, may suffer from megalomania, and always wants to give the public the impression that he is more powerful than other people or a certain government agency. He believes that he is under the pressure of the government management system represented by the police, so he has a disgusted and hostile attitude towards the police and the government.

If others do not pay enough attention to their behavior, they will feel insulted or ignored and produce annoyed emotions.

In the United States in the 1970s, the information media was not as developed as it is now, and the computer network was not widely used in people's daily life. At that time, the main way for people to acquire knowledge was to read books and study related courses.

The investigation into Zodiac is now public. The FBI released some investigative materials. The Zodiac code contains characters in the form of Greek letters, Morse code, weather symbols, letters, naval semaphores, and astrological symbols; the first Zodiac In the Yak code, the words and sentences in the novel "The Most Dangerous Prey" are quoted; in the seventh letter of the zodiac, a method of making an improvised bomb is mentioned; in the thirteenth letter of the zodiac, the letter In the eighteenth letter of the zodiac, the writer of the letter referred to the satirical comedy "The Exorcist".

Such a large amount of reading Pomona also sighed, but this also exposed his sources of information. He is a person who likes to go to the library to read.

There are so many untimely people in this world, if everyone was as cynical as him, the world would have been flooded with serial killers long ago.

What caught her attention was the messy row of 18-character messages:


The 18th letter he wrote happened to mention the exorcist...

The so-called super nerds are talking about their group. There are so many attractions in Padua, and a group of people ran to the library again, so that the librarian directly drove them away.

In the words of that fat Italian man: go get some real food, don't pretend to be eating the pages of a book.

None of them was in the mood to go out for dinner. They all went to Gianluca's residence in Padua, a century-old villa hidden deep in a residential area.

Shadow has already started cooking ahead of time. The dining room is on the first floor. The floor is covered with wood-colored tiles, and the walls are covered with a layer of white plaster. In the middle of the living room is a fireplace that looks like a small house. Pomona had a whim, Can you link it to the British fireplace network, so that it will be convenient to come to Italy in the future.

She told Severus the idea, and he was left to figure out how to implement it. Gianluca moved the computer in the study to the living room to decipher the code of Zodiac. Pomona and Monica sat on the carpet made in Florence, studying exorcists and things related to demons and ghosts.

Monica said not to investigate Zodiac's password, but after everyone started to check, they couldn't help but follow along. Curiosity defeated fear, and she seemed to believe that Zodiac was possessed by the devil.

Who would be that crazy to try to save a serial killer? Who would lend a helping hand when someone like that asks for help?

Therefore, it is reasonable to refuse to provide help, and there is no need to worry about the condemnation of conscience.

Pomona investigates it to confirm whether there is really a devil, and what the abbreviations ETT, TTE, and TET stand for.

"Don't go after that lunatic, you will lose a lot of important things in your life." Shadow said, "The dinner I carefully prepared is not to fill your stomach like eating takeaway."

"Enjoy the food," said Alessandro, clapping his hands foolishly.

"Remember what you were in Venice for?" Shadow said, looking at Pomona and Severus, "You're here for your honeymoon."

Whose honeymoon is like this, a war madman and a serial killer, where is your girlish heart, Pomona?

"He's right." Severus pursed his lips and said, "You'll become very irritable if you read too much, just like Miss Know-It-All."

Pomona quickly let go.

Although Hufflepuff will be discriminated against, they never take this matter to heart.

When the "geniuses" were still wondering how the newborn boat could move forward without oars, the "fools" didn't tell them that it was the mermaid who swam to the pier with the boat.

The simpler the method, the more effective. If you think too much, you will not find a solution. Cedric found the clue by putting the golden egg in the water.

"Let's go, let's eat!" Pomona gave an order and set off to the restaurant.

"Let's go!" Monica yelled at Gianluca.

The "freaks" were simply indifferent.

So Monica grabbed his ears and lifted him up.

"This is my sister." Alessandro turned around mercilessly after he finished his sarcastic remarks, not paying any attention to Gianluca who was wailing with his ears pulled.

"Just like you." Pomona glared at the old bat. "You even forgot to eat and sleep when you started studying."

"Thanks to you." He smirked and walked into the restaurant with his arms around her shoulders.

It was a very ordinary restaurant, not as luxurious as the Palazzo Rezzonico. There was a table for 10 people, and behind the owner's seat, there was a painting of Van Gogh's sunflowers, which looked Very conspicuous.

"Is this the real thing?" asked Pomona.

"No." Gianluca said, rubbing his red ears.

"Who drew that?"

Gianluca didn't answer her question, and the atmosphere suddenly became very strange.

"Rosa." Severus silently mouthed her, and she understood instantly.

Embarrassing, so embarrassing, she seems to have asked a question that shouldn't be asked.

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