The mother is the most respected role, and the prostitute is undoubtedly the most despised. When these two identities are mixed in a woman, what kind of attitude should a son treat her? What kind of attitude should be the most normal when hearing the news of her death?

The characters of every novel need to be set, and a good character setting will often be quickly recognized by the audience and thus become very popular.

But a fake is a fake. There are many writers who write detective novels, but few succeed. The main reason is that the ideas designed by the authors are too fake, and there is no possibility of implementation. Readers can see through them at a glance.

The same is true for magicians. Those "little tricks" are obtained by ingenuity. As long as the audience understands the tricks, they can do tricks with hard work. They are not magicians.

Houdini was called a real magician by Conan Doyle, maybe he just didn't see through Houdini's tricks.

Conan Doyle is an excellent novelist, but he is not a real detective. Judges are rational, and detectives are intuitive. The Jack the Ripper case has been investigated from the royal family to the gangsters, and all social classes are involved. When we arrived, the police would not just do "socializing in the living room" like the noble ladies in the Victorian era. They would go everywhere, and with their knowledge and knowledge, they would be able to calm down even the horrific dismemberment scene.

The police do not need to face so many secret rooms like the detectives in the novel. Their job is to find suspicious suspects from the vast crowd, just like owls looking for voles in the barn. Interrogation, investigation, evidence collection and day and night. Squatting, although I don't know which unlucky guy it is, but the policeman disguised as a woman must be very funny.

Although Neville's Boggart tortured himself, the other onlookers found it very interesting, so that the behavior of the old bat during that time was more... aggressive? All in all, he gives people the feeling that he is not easy to provoke, and whoever provokes him, he will spray the body with venom.

In order to catch Jack the Ripper, the police even dared to interrogate the royal relatives. Pomona didn't expect it at first, but she remembered this after being reminded by a double agent. The spirit of chivalry and sense of justice made some policemen become tight-lipped, no matter what. No matter how bribed the reporter is, they will not reveal the information and affect the solution of the case.

As long as the criminals can be caught, it will be over if they pretend to be women and are "taken advantage of" by clients.

They are good people, but they don't have the ability to see what kind of monster is hidden under the human skin mask. Only experienced detectives have noticed the abnormality.

George's setting for himself is his own imagination, and Abbott may have handled similar cases, and George's performance may be very abnormal in his eyes.

Annie's face was scratched many times. Perhaps he was hesitating whether to conceal her identity and cut off the police's clues, or to enter the police station as the victim's son and use the sympathy of the police to obtain information.

All he had to do was pretend to be an angry son who desperately needed to know the whereabouts of his mother's killer.

This is human nature, and the police understand it.

But only if his mother is a decent woman, not a whore who goes around looking for men to comfort after his father's death.

It's disgusting.

Anyone who encounters such a mother will feel very ashamed. It is understandable to be forced to become a wandering warbler because of life. Anne's behavior has gone beyond the mark.

The headless female body in Whitehall that happened next was dismembered. Without a head, her identity could not be determined. Maybe she knew him just like Catherine and Anne.

The night of the double murder was pressed against time, and he still spent five minutes trying to peel Catherine's face off. In the Anatomy Theater in Padua, those deformed face specimens looked easy to make, but the actual operation was not simple, and "Jack" missed it.

He hadn't taken her face off, he had mutilated her face beyond recognition, and he didn't want the police to follow the trail to find him.

He almost cut his neck when he cut his throat, which gave him a sinister idea—he could cut off his head, and a headless head would never be identifiable.

However, according to the disclosure of the "good-hearted police", they found the pawn ticket in Catherine's pocket. The body of the Whitehall woman was not wearing clothes. The body parts looked exactly the same as the body parts in "On the Structure of the Human Body". She is a woman, not a man.

The next day Mary was found was the mayor's parade day. Jack would not appear during the day, and the police had to maintain the safety of the scene, which gave the Ripper another opportunity.

Anne died, and George had to do the housework himself. It was extremely troublesome to "clean up", especially at the dissection scene, where there was blood everywhere. It would be less troublesome to leave the crime scene to the police to "clean up".

Why did Mary invite "The Ripper" to her home?

She was a high-class whore, and would not have been in a place like Whitechapel if she hadn't had special reasons.

Although the "New Poor Law" stipulates that women enjoy the same rights as men at work, it does not protect their dignity. Factory owners often threatened women workers with dismissal to accept unspoken rules, yet pregnancy or even gossip could cost them their jobs.

Without capital goods and skills, in the wave of commodity economy, what is the way out for women at the bottom?

Being groped by the boss is the same as being groped by a prostitute, and they earn more money. They don't have to work more than 10 hours in a dusty factory, and they can earn a week's salary for a maid in three or four nights. Even if the house rent is much higher than that of the working class, they don't have to worry about bread and water, and their bodies are much healthier than female workers and maids.

Even if Mary owes gambling debts, the madam can still find a way to solve it, just take more jobs with rich perverts.

Only the madam who has syphilis or something like that will kick her out.

She needs treatment when she gets sick. She is so poor that she has no money to pay the rent. She only has a beautiful face and body. However, she has syphilis. In the early stage of infection, there is no problem, only red pimples appear on the skin near the base of the thigh. With this part of the skin removed, no one knew Mary was sick.

Becoming a surgeon requires standing for a long time, which cannot be done by someone with flat feet or other disabilities born with legs, but his knowledge is in his head.

If anyone wants to create a disease to encourage quack doctors, fake doctors, and quack drugs, the best invention is syphilis, whose symptoms are hideous and horrible, and those who suffer from it are willing to try various treatments . The cure method of these quack doctors is to scorch the swelling with a hot iron; they prescribe internal and external medicines with an incredible variety of contents, and the external medicines even include boiled ant nests, which are presented together with the ants.

A generally recognized effective "cure" is mercury, another is guaiac wood. The former was adopted in Europe and Asia shortly after the appearance of syphilis. Mercury was readily available as a medicine at that time, and it was the most important ingredient in Arabian ointment, which was extremely effective in treating scabies. Syphilis also caused skin sores, so this type of ointment was quickly included in the requisition. It turned out to be so effective that, in fact, for the next 400 years it was the only moderately curative means of stopping the onslaught of syphilis. Before the mid-16th century, mercury was not only used to rub on patients, but also made into plasters to stick on the affected areas, or made into pills to swallow.

Unfortunately, mercury was overused; many patients recovered and died, and it was nicknamed "liar's silver".

George is a fake doctor who "cures" syphilis with mercury. He is not a real doctor, but this does not prevent him from being interested in medicine and pretending to be a "respectable person" with knowledge.

He is a liar, and he opened a pharmacy after defrauding patients of a certain amount of money, so that he is a "good match" in the eyes of serious women.

Why do men hire prostitutes after they get married?

Maybe it's because they don't get what they want from their "proper" wives, or maybe they're just born that way.

Mary doesn't have anything to pay her bills, the only thing she has is her toxic body, so, what about the cheating liar doctor?

The first condom made of linen in human history was invented by Briva Falubai, a professor of anatomy at the University of Padua. It was also made of sheep intestines in ancient times. Shortly after walking out of the library , a female student handed a condom into Severus' hand.

He was like petrified at that time, unable to move while holding that little thing.

Pomona swore that she had tried her best, but she still couldn't help laughing out loud, neither the passers-by nor the three young Muggles knew why she laughed so exaggeratedly.

So, after having protection, will the disease not be transmitted?

Syphilis can also be transmitted through blood in addition to that way of transmission. This common sense did not exist at the time. Perhaps "Jack" did not transmit it through that way, but because he dissected Mary, he became infected through blood transmission, and syphilis can even penetrate the skin. .

After George got the disease, he infected his wife. She was a decent woman, and he was the only man. Was it George or who was the source of the disease?

A family war broke out, and she not only wanted to take away half of her property, but also asked George to pay alimony. This process would inevitably lead to various malicious slanders. George wanted to kill her but did not dare to use the "Ripper" method, so he passed the next Killed her by poisonous means.

From the 80-year-old Venetian Governor Marino to the wandering beggars, they all like young women.

A man who doesn't like younger women is an absolute freak.

Perhaps annoyed by her laughter, Severus slapped her hard on the bottom again, and she screamed and giggled again.

Sounds like an old hen.

The old bat stared at the condom-handling female college student with a death stare, and she ran away like a little Hogwarts wizard.

The scene of Moses dividing the Red Sea could not be seen in the few places, but those students were clever enough to know to walk around him.

Even if they are not detectives, ordinary people have intuition, especially women's intuition, which is usually very accurate.

Coupled with carefulness, she is actually very suitable to be a female detective.

At the dismissal ceremony at the end of the Three Wizards Cup, Albus Dumbledore said: Please remember Cedric, when you have to choose between the right way and the shortcut, please don't forget a righteous, kind and brave man boy.

Pomona shook her head, forgetting about the monster that had appeared in the London fog.

He would cost her so many good things in life, and she didn't want to hunt him down.

She is holding the "Half-Blood Prince" with a stinking face, hoping that he will show up in time next time she needs rescue, and don't be late like last time.

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