Chapter 8 The Hogwarts Express (Part 2)

The fields passing by outside the car window became more barren, and the farmland had disappeared, followed by a forest, a winding river and dark green hills. At Lily's request, Snape ate a sandwiches, but skipped the sweet treat that all eleven-year-olds love, and went on to read.

During the meal, Pomona discovered that Lily didn't like reading that much, and she was very talkative if someone wanted to chat with her, but Snape was by her side, so she was forced to become a book lover , when she learned that Pomona had never been to the Muggle world, she began to enthusiastically chat about everything about Muggles, such as immobile photos and non-flying cars, and of course her sister Petunia .

"At least we can't see each other until the winter vacation, and she won't come to see me off." Lily looked depressed, as if she cared about her sister.

Pomona didn't want to comment on someone she hadn't met, so she stuffed a strawberry into her mouth, when she accidentally discovered that the textbook Lily was reading was brand new, while the book Snape was reading was obviously second-hand , and then she began to observe carefully, even his robes were second-hand, generally speaking, everyone would change into school uniforms when they approached the school, but he changed them early, as if to hide the old clothes under his school uniform .

"Hey, Sirius, look whose picture I got!" someone shouted loudly in the quiet corridor.

To be honest, he was really noisy, Snape had opened the box door to let some air in, and now he closed it again.

Lily looked at Pomona and hesitated to speak.

"Would you like to try your luck?" Pomona pulled four chocolate frogs out of her picnic basket. "Which one would you choose?"

"I'll pick... this one!" Pomona gave her the chocolate frog that Lily had chosen. When she opened the box, the frog jumped out immediately, and the two girls frantically caught it.

"What is this!" Lily was extremely curious, although the play just now made her hair messed up.

"Like I said, Chocolate Frog!" Pomona panted. "Each Chocolate Frog has a card inside, you can collect them and see who you got?"

Lily opened the carton and took out the picture inside. On it was a man's face, wearing a pair of half-moon glasses, with a long crooked nose. His gray hair and beard covered most of his face. The picture The name written below is Albus Dumbledore.

"Who is he?" Lily gave the picture to Pomona.

"You can look at the back of the picture." Pomona turned to Snape. "Would you like to try it, Mr. Snape?"

Snape really ignored her.

At this time, she turned her eyes to Lily again, the joy on her face had faded, and she looked a little sad.

"What's wrong Lily?"

"It says that he defeated the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945." Lily said softly, "Someone told me that Grindelwald wanted to destroy all Muggles."

"As you said just now, destroy all the dementors. Muggles are indeed a threat to wizards. Do you know druids?"

"I've heard of them."

"Druids mean forest goddesses, who ruled ancient Britain before Christianity occupied Britain. They were not only monks, but also doctors, teachers and judges. They taught young people with magic, but they were slaughtered during the Roman rule. This is the conflict between wizards and Muggles." Pomona snapped, "If you plan to join wizards, get used to keeping a distance from Muggles, who believe in science more than magic."

"So, you're a Grindelwald supporter?" Snape whispered in a silky voice.

"No!" Pomona shook her head. "I'm just tired of war, and I'm not interested in having wizards rule again."

"Don't you like using magic aboveboard?"

"Can you stop talking about such a boring topic." Pomona felt that this topic was really too heavy, and she wanted to improve the recipe of tiramisu more than talking about it.

"Then what do you want to talk about?" Snape asked perfunctorily.

"Are you a couple?"

"No, of course not!" As soon as Pomona's voice fell, Lily immediately shouted, "We are just friends."

Pomona looked at Snape, his eyes were as emotionless as the endless abyss, and he was still looking at the book in his hand.

"Besides, we're only eleven years old, so it's too early to talk about this." Lily said as if she was trying to fix a dead sheep, and she didn't know how much Snape could listen to.

Maybe in the hearts of Lily and Snape, they have defined themselves as girls who only have cakes and love in their minds, but Pomona doesn't care what they think, she clearly feels that she is not the same as them.

Hufflepuff represents mediocre qualifications, Lily is beautiful, she will be very eye-catching, and Snape is also very eye-catching in another way, she suffered enough for her high-profile behavior last time, and in the next few years she will It's a good idea to keep a distance from them as well.

"Pomona." Lily said helplessly, "Why did you prepare lunch for four?"

"The banquets at Hogwarts are all prepared by Hufflepuff, and we are used to sharing." Pomona said with a smile, "Food can make people feel happy."

"No." Snape looked away from the book. "Strength makes people happy."

Pomona felt that she would never be able to understand Slytherin. Compared to conquering and ruling, isn't it more important to learn how to get along with others in a friendly way?

The following journey became boring again, Lily started to take out the book and started to read again, and Pomona was not in the mood to chat anymore, she watched the scenery flying by outside the window, watched the sky gradually turn from bright to dark, and all the thoughts in her mind It was the letter from her father.

Pomona, my dearest, forgive me for not coming to see you for so many years, I can't say more in this letter, but I hope you can know that I love you and your mother very much, and I never have the idea of ​​abandoning you , you are eleven years old this year, the form in England is not good, maybe you will want to go back to France and study in Beauxbatons, but I must tell you, don't go there even if you go to Scandinavia, Hogwarts Zi is the best choice. love you dad.

Pomona didn't know why Beauxbatons had become dangerous, but she chose to trust her father, whom she had always hated.

There are many people who think that a beautiful girl should not be wise and is easy to coax, but she would rather believe that her mother really fell in love with her father and gave birth to her.

Mrs. Sprout's home is far away from human society. This may be to protect her, or it may be a secret, and in order to protect their safety, her father must leave her.

She is a little excited about the rest of her life, but before she can enjoy life, she must learn to keep secrets, because this is the world of wizards.

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