When mentioning the violin, the first thing Pomona thought of was Sherlock Holmes and Butterfly Lovers.

The famous detective who lives in Baker Street is a strange person. His hobby is playing the violin. He is not only a skilled performer, but also a talented composer. Allow yourself to relax physically and mentally.

But he lived in the city, and to hear his melancholy harp whisper back in the long silence of the night was like hearing a cat meow in spring, so annoying as hell and disturbing one's sleep, that the neighbors would call the police.

Liang Zhu is very beautiful. It tells the love story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. The weeping story is very touching, and the sound of the violin is also very beautiful. However, it is broadcast every day and every month, just like Christmas songs The same brainwashing, so that it is the same as Pavlovian conditioning.

Suddenly a girl appears where there are all boys, and they stop whatever they were doing.

He is not happy when a girl asks a boy to stay with her to play house with him. When a boy plays football, he also feels that he can’t have fun with a girl. In class, a girl who gets better grades than a boy will be bullied by the boy.

Even Jean Jacques Rousseau felt that women should be inferior to men. They belonged to the family and should not compete with men outside.

It is difficult for women to compete with men. Zhu Yingtai disguised herself as a man and entered a boarding school, which must have brought a lot of inconvenience to her life. In the dormitory, there are also many challenges to face.

She was an illegitimate daughter, like Cecilia Venere, but her mother was a peasant, and her mother, Zanetti Boni, had come to Venice to escape the famine.

The war left many people in famine and fear, and diseases spread among refugees. In this world, there are nobles who disregard other people's life and death for pleasure, and there are also nobles like Giambattista Cornaro Piscopia This kind of nobleman who is willing to donate his wealth to help the poor.

Giambattista and Zanetti met in the refugee camp, he helped her, she fell in love with him, everything just happened.

They were unmarried when Elena Lucrezi Jarnaro was born, but she was not their first child.

The huge gap in status makes it almost impossible for Zanetti and Batista to marry. One is a farmer fleeing famine, and the other is the heir of one of the most powerful families in the Republic of Venice. Although Batista's succession is later, He still has the right to inherit, and anything can happen in that era of war, plague, famine, and natural disasters.

It took Batista 28 years to persuade the family to agree to marry Zanetti as his wife. At the same time, he also gave up all the privileges given to him by the family. He became a family by himself and changed his surname to Jarnaro. He and Zanetti All of Di's children were born at Ronaldinho's palace in Piscopia, and although Zanetti was his mistress, Batista had no wife, and no other mistress, and their relationship lacked nothing but a Publicly recognized weddings are like all committed couples.

Annoyed at being born into an aristocratic family without any privileges, Elena was regarded as gifted as a child prodigy at an early age and, on the advice of family friends, she began a classical education.

She studied Latin and Greek under the guidance of teachers and became fluent in these languages ​​​​by the age of 7. She also mastered Hebrew, Arabic, French and Spanish.

Her later studies included mathematics, philosophy and theology, and mastered the harpsichord, clavichord, harp and violin.

During her teens and early twenties, she developed an interest in physics, astronomy and linguistics. He was head of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Padua, and in 1668 published a book written in Latin and centered on geometry, dedicated to a twenty-two-year-old Elena.

Before Elena, no woman had ever been in college.

Fortunately, at this time her father, Batista, had become the treasurer of St. Mark's Church in the Republic of Venice, second only to the Governor, a coveted position among the Venetian nobility.

The pope at that time was Pope Alexander VII who allocated funds to Poland to fight against the Ottoman Empire to form hussars, and the governor of Venice was Domenico II Contarini. If Venice really misappropriated its own naval military expenses, it would be inevitable. To have someone you trust to run the money, who better than Batista?

At the same time, he wants a small privilege, and it is not a big deal to let his talented daughter study at the University of Padua. Poor college boys, they are defeated by Elena.

Although she is an illegitimate daughter, boys still dare not bully her because she has a powerful father. Arabic is recognized as difficult to learn. Elena knows it. She can also speak Greek and Hebrew. , Latin, how many people can swear in this ancient language like her.

She can go to many places, but she can't go to the spiral theater of the medical school to watch anatomy. For this, she protested to many people, including her father.

Batista indulged his daughter very much, but did not agree to use his power to let her go to that place. After all, she was a girl. Although she devoted herself to working with the Benedictine Order, she did not become a nun, and she still wanted to marry.

Although she is an illegitimate daughter, she is very eye-catching in "Wedding of the Sea".

The illegitimate children are also their own children, and if they and their mistresses please the nobles more than the children born to the main wife, then they can even get more preference than the children born in wedlock.

In addition to weddings held in churches on land, the Governor of Venice will sail out to sea every year and throw a gold ring into the sea. Among the accompanying people will participate in the "marriage of the sea" and receive the blessings of the Adriatic Sea and Poseidon For the illegitimate daughters of the family, this kind of wedding is also considered legal and valid by the Venetian nobles.

Elena has many suitors, but she despises the men.

Her eyes were fixed on the male teachers who were more knowledgeable than her.

When she was 11, she made a foolish vow to remain a virgin for life, but she didn't necessarily think so when she was in her twenties.

At that time, the love between a male teacher and a female student was more immoral than in the 21st century. Batista arranged many marriages for her but she refused.

His father was able to use his privileges to let her enter the university, but he could not arrange for her to teach in the school. She became the first female graduate, but the mathematics, philosophy, theology, physics, Astronomy was all useless, and the only thing she could do was music, and she became a professional musician.

Music needs perceptual thinking, mathematics needs rational thinking, but none of these can comfort a woman's lonely heart.

In the dead of night, the "carnival" in Venice begins. Those masked guests wearing cloaks either row boats or walk, accompanied by the soprano of the Venice Opera House, and wait for their lovers to appear under the window sill of the tryst.

They would make that irritating, meowing sound that would disturb Elena's immersion in the music.

Her music wasn't that popular, and Patini at least had the devil's trill as a signature piece, which she didn't have.

Without recognition and attention, she was even really thinking about accepting her father's arrangement and finding someone to marry.

However, she made a vow, when she was 11 years old.

Although she is a Muggle, she is undoubtedly smarter than some witches. An 11-year-old British child will take the Hogwarts Express to study at a magic school in the mountains of Scotland, but she swears to become the bride of God, even if she Not nuns.

At the same time as her, there was a man who won the bid at the age of 33 to build the Church of Our Lady of Ankang, and he gave her the golden years of his life.

Leonardo da Vinci discovered the golden ratio through his research in architecture and biology.

And he discovered the charm of the vortex. On the sea, if the ship is involved in the vortex, it is almost only the fate of sinking. In Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, Antonio’s ship was delayed, and people thought they had encountered a shipwreck. , At this time Charlotte did not help Antonio, but asked him for a pound of flesh.

Not a pound more, not a pound less, and not a single drop of Christian blood.

It's a court, and it's also a theater. After all, The Merchant of Venice is a comedy. In the end, Charlotte's tricks fail, lovers get married, and the audience laughs as happily as watching A Midsummer Night's Dream.

However, outside the theater in Wudu, a demon appeared in Whitechapel.

He specializes in "hunting" those women who are forced to sell their bodies for life. Like an autopsy, he not only kills them, but also disembowels them and takes some of their organs.

Men have no sympathy for criminals and patients when the corpses of criminals and patients are on the dissecting table.

But if it's a girl, no matter what she was doing in life, no one in the spiral theater will crane their necks to watch the professor dissect.

The sculpture of female guerrillas by the sea is ups and downs in the tide, just like the Venus in the sea.

The destruction of beautiful things is a tragedy, and who laughs when watching tragedy?

People hope that detectives like Sherlock Holmes are real so that Jack the Ripper can be caught, but unfortunately he is only a character in a novel and Jack the Ripper is still at large.

There are many people who were suspected and released because of lack of evidence.

As she had deduced, if Venice had indeed embezzled naval funds to support Polish hussars and therefore had to detonate the San Angelo ammunition depot to conceal the evidence, she needed evidence.

Now, she has found a key person, Giambattista, the treasurer of St. Mark's Church, he is the bridge connecting Venice and the Holy See, he is not a priest, nor a saint, if it is not because he has a The showy daughter, he may not be known because he is the second, the most powerful person besides the governor.

Some people feel uneasy about the person next to them in power and think that he is ambitious.

But Battista is a sober man, he has left the family and is no longer a threat to the Contarinis.

For one woman, and a peasant's daughter at that, a great nobleman gave up everything.

But this may be an artist's imagination, they are like this, they don't ask for a deep understanding, as long as they think this story is moving, they will sing it everywhere.

Although a white lie is a lie, it can bring people hope and keep people away from the gates of hell.

Although the sincere truth is cruel, it can make people see through the temptation of the devil before stepping into hell, and stop soberly.

Those musicians stuck in the violin just want to know what the audience wants to hear.

They don't want to live in poverty and perform on the street, they want to be on the stage where everyone is watching and enjoy the applause of the public.


She woke up and found that there were many audiences standing outside the music booth, and they were applauding.

The potions master who couldn't play the violin had just serenaded him with such mastery that it was as if he had been possessed.

"It's a fine violin," Severus said triumphantly, putting down his bow.

"Including you, there are seven in total." She said coldly, "The undead in this place will help the living, so it doesn't matter in another place."

"I know." He looked at the abbreviation of JHL and said, "That's why I will experiment here. If this place is full of malicious undead, there will be no good place in the world."

Pomona looked at the Muggles. They were all happy.

A middle-aged man in a monk's robe hid in the crowd, stuck out his tongue, and made a face at her.

His tongue was really long, almost touching his chin, and it looked a bit scary, and she immediately ran to Severus and took his arm.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Muggles are afraid of witches, and witches are afraid of burning their priests.

Ah, it was terrible, even though he was a doctor.

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