Chapter 79 The Heir of Slytherin

There are many novel things in the world of magic, and many things do not conform to common sense at all, but there are still rules to follow under the surface.

Ordinary wands have a certain degree of loyalty to wizards. The Elder Wand is the legendary wand that can make people invincible. It does not understand emotions, only considers ability and not loyalty. It has no emotion at all and only follows power.

It feels good to break free from all the rules, but it feels more empty after losing all the restraints. In order to satisfy my heart, I do all kinds of "interesting things".

The land in front gave Pomona a feeling of madness. There were many people laughing. This kind of laughter was not sincere. It was more like everyone was laughing, and she was laughing too. The real self was actually very sad, Pomona Na grabbed Severus' hand, she didn't want to go to this place.

"What's wrong?"

"This place is very bad, many creatures died here." Even so, she closed her eyes "Will you take me away?"

"Look before you go, open your eyes."

Pomona opened her eyes, and what appeared in front of her was a white greenhouse.

"Oh, Severus!" She hugged him excitedly. "When did you build it?"

"I wanted to give you a surprise, but you don't seem to like it. This used to be a place where werewolves gathered." Snape rubbed his big nose, as if he could smell the stench too, "A bunch of biting monsters, The Dark Lord doesn't want to see them, only their leader."

"How did you deal with the werewolves?" Pomona remembered what Professor McGonagall said, Fenrir Greyback's subordinates would only leave after the Ministry of Magic released the leader, otherwise Hogwarts would not be able to start school.

"Well, you guessed it." Severus Snape curled the corners of his mouth with a smug look on his face, but he still pretended to be indifferent.

"What did you do?"

"If I tell you, what reward do I have?"

Snape put his hands behind his back, looking arrogant and treacherous, oh, damn Slytherin.

"I don't know." Her mind had become little more than a honey badger.

"You mean, anything?"

Pomona felt that she would suffer a loss if she agreed.

"I've given you everything," she said blushing.

"No, there's one thing you didn't give me." He stroked Pomona's hair. "Can you give me a hair of yours for research?"

She felt upset intuitively, did he also think she was a magical creature?

"So much on the pillow every day."

"I won't do research without your consent." Snape said seriously, "I want you to know that I didn't do this out of curiosity, but because I wanted to know more about you. Last time you were hospitalized I Tell St. Mungo about your Veela hybrid, they don't understand your bloodline, so they don't dare to treat it rashly."

"Okay," she said, about to pull out her hair.

"No!" Professor Snape warned, "Don't agree to other people's conditions easily, you have to negotiate with the other party."

She finds it troublesome.

"Only in this way will others think that you are not easy to deceive, and others will not think that you are stupid, understand? Hufflepuff."

"Yeah!" Pomona nodded vigorously.

"Then what's your condition?"

"I want to eat mousse cake later."

Her Slytherin boyfriend gave her an odd look.

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm not full for dinner."

Snape looked up at the starry sky, calmed down and said weakly, "I summoned Aragorn."

"Wow!" Pomona was full of admiration, just like other Hufflepuff stupid girls, they may not understand Quidditch, but think her boyfriend looks handsome in sweat, but Pomona is better than them, She knew who Aragorn was.

There is not just a basilisk in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, every time they molt, the house elves have to take away their skins, which are very valuable magic materials, which cannot be pierced by swords, and can be used to make money!

The basilisk that Harry killed in the Chamber of Secrets was to get its fangs and then destroy Tom's Horcrux diary. Appears immediately after Harry is bitten by the basilisk.

Harry liked to speak Parseltongue when he fell asleep. The members of the Order of the Phoenix recorded his voice and sorted out a not-so-exhaustive dictionary, so that other basilisks could be manipulated.

Among them, Aragorn is the tallest. After the death of Aragog, the eight-eyed spider king, its children lost control and attacked the creatures in the Forbidden Forest everywhere. Aragorn drove away the spiders in the Forbidden Forest under the manipulation of the head of Slytherin, and together with other intelligent races, wiped out many of these over-breeding creatures.

It didn't go back to Slytherin's chamber of secrets, but stayed in the spider's lair to prevent the eight-eyed spiders from making a comeback. It just so happened that werewolves were haunting the Forbidden Forest this time, and Pomona could almost imagine how they were scared away.

"You used oolong to get out of the hole?"

"Yes." He still looked lazy.

Serpensortia is a spell cast by a snake released by Draco in the duel room opened by Lockhart. Master Malfoy only knew that the godfather used this move to be majestic, but he didn't know his own strength.

The snake was too small to be seen.

It can only attract basilisks, and you will die if you look at the basilisk. Snape said to help Harry deal with it, but Harry spoke Parseltongue in a strange way. The snake was still looking at the students, and Pomona watched It's time for my heart to jump out.

Maybe it was because the basilisk was too weak, or for other reasons, the student stared at by it was lucky enough not to die, and it was impossible to teleport it back in full view, so Snape had no choice but to silence it.

Theoretically, space magic cannot teleport living creatures. Apparition is just taking advantage of loopholes, and there is a danger of splitting, let alone opening a channel for a long time. The basilisk is the product of alchemy, and it is not within the rules. Draco conducted experiments in the Room of Requirement and the Bok Bokin Twin Cabinet, and proved that people can travel in the cabinet, but the wardrobe cannot be moved out of the Room of Requirement. That room It is the most mysterious place in Hogwarts. It is different from other space magics. Living people and several living people can enter it.

Serpent is a big snake, and ortia is a ring, which not only represents the ouroboros in alchemy, but also represents the giant snake of the world. That little bastard Draco actually made such a powerful spell like a child's prank. Master Malfoy, hurry up The godfather was pissed off.

He was pampered and brought up, and Snape actually taught him spells that only the headmaster could understand, but he was not strong enough! Pomona felt a sense of exhaustion.

"It's useless to scare Aragorn away when you see Aragorn." Pomona despised those werewolves who rely on their numbers.

"Do you want to change the location of the greenhouse? I thought it would be fine if the soil was turned over."

"No problem, I like it." She tiptoed and kissed her Half-Blood Prince. "Do you want to have a laboratory at Malfoy's house?"

"I'll talk about it later." Snape looked around the gorgeous garden. "I want to study your hair first."

"Oh." She wondered whether she should pull it out to him now.

"Do you know why Slytherin uses a snake coiled into an S as the house logo?"

The Hufflepuff girl shook her head.

"It's both the first letter of Slytherin's name and the first letter of a secret. I think you should have Slytherin jewelry." Severus Snape put a snake ring on her On the finger "If it wasn't for Sissy's bracelet to protect you, I really don't want to wear the things from the Black family on you."

"Sirius once protected me when Lupin transformed." Pomona twirled the ring on her middle finger. "Even James, he was brave and always stood in front."

"What's the use? The brave ones died in battle, and the ones who survived were all talkers." Snape snorted.

"You miss Dumbledore?"

"How did you know?"

"Instinct," Pomona said, smiling. "And I miss him, too."

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