Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 76 On the way back

There is definitely something wrong.

What did Snape mean by "naughty," Pomona thought as she washed the dishes?



As soon as she opened her mouth, a certain noble gentleman directly refused to communicate with her. For the first time in her life, she felt the kind of hatred that Hogwarts students had for the old bat.

"Neville gave Harry the jhirlweed just before Christmas, and I remember it was very cold that day." It made her worry that the Mediterranean herb wouldn't work in fresh water.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He read the newspaper while sipping his coffee.

"Don't be stupid, we weren't together at that time!"

Snape's fabled death stare swept over.

Pomona turned and continued washing the dishes.

She felt like a house-elf now.

"What's in the newspaper?"

Nobody paid any attention to her.

"I was locked up?"

"Yes." He replied without hesitation.

"how long?"

"As long as I say."

"Can I write to Narcissa? I'm afraid she will be worried."

"You worry about yourself first."

The Hungarian Horntail was still angry. Although he didn't breathe fire directly like last night, his nose was still blowing black smoke.

The scene in the fifth grade was definitely the worst memory in his life. According to her age, she had already graduated at that time, but she was still a teacher at school. He would not be moved if she got mad in front of James Potter. I remembered the days when I was protected by Lily.

"Who the hell killed old Barty Crouch?" The fake Mad-Eye was too busy tutoring Harry to kill old Barty Crouch.

"Quiet!" The magic pressure behind him soared, and the bowls on the table were shaking.

She was very sensible and continued to tidy up the bunker left by the Communist Party. The signs left on the tableware let her know that she had arrived on the mainland and was no longer in the island country.

The most "naughty" thing she did before the second match was to encourage Hufflepuff's students to isolate Harry Potter. Every school year there are one or two people who like to flatter the teacher, and Mrs. Hufflepuff has the largest number. Coupled with Slytherin's strong promotion, Harry is quickly isolated by the whole school.

The old bat saw that he was having a miserable life every day, and the smile on his face was extremely bright, and it was much easier for Neville to do things in his eyes.

At that time, he still remembered that Neville became the Boggart's enemy a year ago. Last night, she said the word "revenge" in front of her. She felt that she was threatened with death, and now she persuaded him to return. The Order of the Phoenix will only backfire.

"Aren't you good at household magic? Why don't you use a wand?" the old snotlite said without looking up from the newspaper.

"I think I can entertain you by working harder."

Old Snotty Snotty laughed out of hatred, she felt a little distressed, as if she had really done something wrong.

He is a family man, she insisted on driving him out to do big things, and she deserved it if he ran away with other young and beautiful women in the future, just like she took in Wormtail. Bring disaster to your family.

Think of the daughter you haven't met, Pomona.

She picked up her wand and used a silent spell to make the rags dance, and she didn't bother to do it herself anymore.

"I want to see Lily, our Lily." She started negotiating with the old bat.

"Didn't you say yesterday that you didn't want to see her?"

"I've changed my mind."

"I've already solved it, you don't need to make a special trip."

"She never called me mom." She used Narcissa's trick against Draco, and she really cried. "I'm too weak to keep her."

She wanted a girl with red hair, like Lily Evans, but she couldn't have one.

"I don't even know if I can have children in the future. Narcissa is going to be a grandmother."

The more she thought about it, the more miserable she became. After the old bat abandoned her, she would have a bleak end, spending alone in an apartment full of cats. It would be better to become a flower manure in the forest, and beautiful flowers will bloom in the next year.

"What are you doing in a daze! Coax me!"

Pomona cried for a long time and no one could comfort her, so she had to ask for comfort herself.

"I don't know how to comfort others." He said cautiously.

"Just like Neville, hug me."

It was a long time before Pomona got a stiff hug.

"It's time for us to see Irene." She took the initiative to put her arms around his waist, making the hug more natural. "She should really want to see me, but unfortunately I didn't keep her granddaughter. I'm sorry."

"That's not your fault." He stroked her hair. "It should be me to protect you."

"At least it's not because you can't fight like James, but because you're not here."

"There is no difference, I will not be like Tobias, my house and family should be guarded by me, because I am a Slytherin."

This is why Hufflepuff girls like Slytherin boys, a strong and family-friendly person, even Lucius Malfoy is by Narcissa's side, and he doesn't leave her behind at critical moments, as long as they It is very reliable if you accept it sincerely.

"Every day I see a lot of Slytherin boys sending their girlfriends back to the dormitory at the door of the lounge. I have never had a relationship with Dumbledore since I was a child, so let me be the mother who takes care of everyone. After Harry entered school, you and Deng Bullido fights openly and secretly, it's just a college cup, so what if it is given to him."

This is what Pomona doesn't understand. Why does he, a dean, challenge the principal?

Snape deducted ten points for all kinds of trivial things, and Dumbledore added points to Gryffindor before presenting the award. In the end, Gryffindor will always cheer, even Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw don't think so. fair.

"I'm just..." Maybe the mood was too complicated for Snape to describe it, and it took him a long time to come up with "I hope he won't be too partial."

It is really puzzling that an eccentric dean tells others not to be eccentric.

"Maybe Dumbledore just wanted Harry to feel pampered. He didn't have a good time at Petunia's house before. Petunia always cared about Dudley more than him."

"What about me? No one has ever favored me!"

"Are you sure?" Pomona's voice rose. "Have you ever wondered why Sirius keeps targeting you?"

The snot was fine.

"I only taught him Animagus, but didn't teach him how to change spells, let alone how to fight. He always felt that I favored you. The Black family is good at cursing. He didn't curse you, but let Lupine teach you. It's already showing mercy."

This is the case for minors, who feel that adults are not in the same group as themselves, and like to play with people who are a few years older than themselves, especially at night.

"You actually made an unbreakable oath with the Black family, and let Bella be a witness! What on earth are you thinking!" Pomona waved her fist and began to beat him to death. "Where is your prudence? Your cunning? How do you So stupid!"

"That's what the situation forced."

"Draco is your godson, don't even think about abandoning him! Why are you so willful at such an age, like a little hippie!"

"Enough!" Snape put on the posture of the devil and stopped the mad Pomona.

"Let's go in the afternoon, leave me some peace now, and let me stay alone for a while."

"Okay, Professor." Pomona kissed him on the cheek, hummed a song, and walked lightly to the basement. I heard that there is a big wine cellar there. If there is good wine, she can bring it back to Narcissa Taste together.

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