Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 751 The Dam with a Sacred Mission

There are many scattered small islands outside the main island of Venice. These islands have not been abandoned, but many luxurious manors have been built. The world's top rich people live on these islands.

Venice is no longer the maritime empire that was able to provide logistics alone for the Eastern Expedition. It is just a tourist city. Due to financial constraints, in order to raise construction costs, the mayor even signed and agreed to auction 13 ancient Renaissance buildings and palaces.

Tao Niu Palace is one of them. Princess Cecilia Venere of the Sultan is really charming. Even if it is a crumbling palace that has been demolished, people still spend money to buy it.

For the really rich, they no longer manage companies and enterprises themselves, but entrust professional managers. It doesn't matter where Gianluca studies, anyway, he doesn't study to make money.

He said little about himself, and he was indifferent to the mansions, he just watched the navigation system steer.

Alessandro looked at those buildings that were similar to the palace and felt envious. A monthly income of 6,000 euros is considered a high salary, but his family’s monthly income is not as good as those rich children who spend a day squandering. They also live in In the city of Venice, the gap between people is so huge.

"There used to be a prison there." As a competent tour guide, Monica explained to the two tourists, "The thirty-first governor, Domenico Cervo, was imprisoned here."

"That's the Santa Maria Convent, where the nuns live, you're mistaken." Gianluca said, "The convent where he was imprisoned is on another island."

Monica stuck out her tongue.

"They take in the honest courtesans of the city who have syphilis, and it is said that the convent dinners are as luxurious as those at the Countess's house, and that is the restaurant," Gianluca said.

"You made a mistake." Monica said blankly, "The island in front is the one. This monastery belongs to the nuns."

Gianluca stopped talking, and the atmosphere suddenly became strange and awkward.

"Honest prostitutes" are not uncommon, and they also exist in the British social circle, and there are La Traviata in France. These women are not all young and beautiful, but they have received good education, understand philosophy, art and poetry, and are famous in the upper class. The "social butterfly".

They generally have one or more lovers, but the most special thing about the "honest prostitutes" in Venice is that they clearly mark their prices. They do not hide the fact that they are prostitutes. A roster lists their contact information and prices.

They will not hide their husbands, and even the one who charges guests is her husband himself, who pretends to be innocent like Margaret the Camellia and deceives the Duke.

Men just like this kind of innocent and lovely woman, even though she is already as vicious as the black widow in her heart.

Women are the most sober when they look at women. Usually, if a woman doesn't have any female friends, then she has a problem. Lily has a strong personality, and she is beautiful and smart, which makes people jealous, but she is a good girl. She broke up with Severus. It was clean and didn't say "sorry, we're only good at being friends" after taking advantage of him.

She is an old woman, and she doesn't understand the mentality of young girls who just want to enjoy the services of men, but are unwilling to give them back.

Men have to pay living expenses after purchasing the services of "honest courtesan". The captain who came, a ship full of stinky male sailors, bought a roster directly after docking, so that it would be more convenient for everyone.

Where the hot money is, these fame-seekers will follow and find true love on "Vanity Fair". Education is different.

Women who use pregnancy as a threat to think that a man will marry him are fools. Tom Riddle's father abandoned Merope and his son.

Even if she is not as ugly as Merope, as long as he thinks a woman is ugly, or has no interest in her, he will not accept her. He is a handsome and rich god who has always been favored by the god of love. Just don't care about love at all.

A man wants what he lacks. Money, women, and power are the driving forces for a man to move forward. If he has the first two, he wants power.

There are three lagoon entrances to the Adriatic Sea, and Gianluca did not choose the one closest to the main island of Venice, but the one in the middle, closer to where his boat docked.

This life-saving project costing 4.5 billion euros has already "been famous", and the Chinese are one step too late, although I heard that their infrastructure is very powerful.

Putting forward the plan is only the first step, and there is still a distance between heaven and earth before it is completed. The completion of the Suez Canal was delayed again and again. I hope the same thing will not happen in the Moses plan.

The plan is to use a floating dam. When the tide rises, people can control its erection or level through a compressed air pump, thereby controlling the amount of seawater entering Venice. When the water level is normal, the secret channel inside the iron gate of the dam is filled with water and laid flat. At the bottom of the seabed, so that the water and sea water in the city can circulate freely. When the tide rises more than 1.1 meters rapidly, compressed air will be injected into the sluice, and the water stored in the dark channel will gushes out. All the sluices will be lifted in less than an hour, and even the lifting angle can be controlled artificially to realize the control of seawater Inflow, the highest can block the tide of up to 3 meters, greatly enhancing Venice's ability to resist floods.

The premise is that there is no corruption. The mistresses of high-ranking officials can spend a lot of money. The mistress group of Louis XV emptied the French treasury, but they are always vines attached to men. It sounds even more exaggerated, a pair of silk shoes a day, 365 days without duplication.

Americans have learned that China's open warehouse system has stabilized food prices, but France, which is also a big food country, has not, so that after the Laki volcano erupted, food and other living products continued to soar, speculators disrupted the market, and irrational people were hanged. It didn't work, and it wasn't until Napoleon sent troops to suppress it that people regained their composure.

People are starving to death, who will the food be sold to? Not everyone is so rational in the choice of money or life. There is a reason why Western Europe is rich but has few people.

Refugees from the Middle East in the war-torn areas were lured to France, and the people in France were no more than those from backward countries. Paris was full of blacks.

Just like alien invasive species have replaced native species, killing can’t be killed, life can’t win, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, Rousseau is not completely wrong to regard the prosperity of the population as a sign to judge whether a government is good or bad.

During the period of Austrian rule, the population of Venice continued to move out, so rich Venice became extremely poor, shelled for reforms, soldiers got drunk all day long, and demolished the classical buildings of Venice, and shipped them back to decorate their own palaces .

In order to facilitate transportation, the canal was expanded. The canal was designed in an "S" shape to slow down the erosion of the foundation by the water flow. If you don't understand these things, you will only blindly plunder. Who would choose such a government?

"Why was the governor imprisoned?" Severus asked.

"The sea battle was lost," Gianluca said. "At that time he personally led a fleet against the Normans, but not only failed, but also lost nine of the largest and best equipped warships in the Venetian navy."

"My father said that Cetoro was not the place where Venice began, but Heraclea." Alessandro withdrew his gaze and turned back to the ship's cabin. "Our earliest base camp is there."

"Interesting," Severus said. "Is it far?"

“We were on the top of the boot, Heraclea was on the sole, and it was a 10-hour boat trip,” Gianluca said.

"And sailing?" Severus asked again.

"5 hours." Gianluca said proudly, "I found someone to modify this baby."

"No!" Pomona yelled alarmedly.

Everyone is looking at her.

"Why?" Severus asked.

"I'm not going to be on the ocean for 5 hours! Never!" she yelled. "I'm seasick!"

"You're so boring." Monica said contemptuously.

"Do you want to see mermaids?" Pomona asked. "If you want to see mermaids, do as I say!"

"Who would want to see that mammal," Gianluca said.

"Is there really a mermaid?" Monica asked Alessandro together.

Pomona reached into the flannel pocket, took out the golden egg, and put it on the table.

"Find a deserted sea." She put her hand on the crow's claw on the top of the golden egg. "Or I'll open it now."

Severus raised an eyebrow, pulled out his wand and cast a charm on himself.

"You think you can threaten me like this?" Gianluca smiled sarcastically.

"You chose it yourself," said Pomona, and immediately twisted the golden egg away, and there was a terrible screeching sound inside, and the Muggles covered their ears.

She immediately closed the egg again.

"What's that sound?" Alessandro asked in shock.

"The mermaid's singing." She smiled evilly, her eyes seemed to be glowing. "Their singing can only be heard in the water. Do you want to hear it?"

"The mermaid will use the singing to push the man into the water, which is very dangerous, but the singing is really beautiful." Severus also said with an evil smile, "I have heard it before, and the singing is like a call from heaven. "

"What about women?" Monica asked. "Are women okay?"

"Of course, dear, the magic power of many magical creatures is only effective on male humans." Pomona leaned on Severus' shoulder and said with a smug smile, "He is my prey."

"Are you a mermaid?" Alessandro asked.

"No, I'm another monster." Pomona said. "Even monsters, as long as they are beautiful, you would expect more of them. My godson asked me for a mermaid."

"How can a witch have a godson?" asked Alessandro.

"This is the crux of the matter, my dear. Religion is indeed useful. It can control people's words and deeds." Pomona sighed. "I can't believe it. Now wizards believe in the existence of gods more than you do."

"Muggles, that's what we call non-magic people." Severus said, staring at the three young men. "Do you feel humiliated?"

"No," said Alessandro, "I'd rather be a Muggle who believes in magic."

Severus laughed.

"You have a good father, he taught you well." After a long time, Severus said with emotion, "You are much luckier than me."

"You have magic, you are luckier than me." Alessandro said, "I don't know when you have such an achievement."

"I didn't accomplish anything, just to make a plan go well." Severus said slowly. "Tell me some more stories about the Dandolo family."

"Don't you think their family is evil?" Gianluca asked.

"In any case, the Republic of Venice is prosperous because of their family. Do you think that if they decide, Napoleon will break the city without blood?"

"I will negotiate with him slowly." Gianluca said, "There is a steady flow of food from the sea. They are Hannibal who crossed the Alps."

"But he is not Hannibal." Severus said, "Hannibal sent envoys before attacking Gaul, and used their hatred of the Romans to win them all over. Gaul was the place where the Carthaginian army attacked Rome. The only way to go, so these diplomatic actions also protect the supply lines and rear of the entire army."

"Only one elephant has crossed the snow mountain," Gianluca said. "I believe that is the only one that has crossed the Alps."

"Whether it's Hannibal or Napoleon, they're winning battles, how can you be sure he hasn't collected enough supplies?"

"That's why I want to negotiate slowly with him," Gianluca said. "The French are all concentrated in Italy. It's hard for them to turn back through the Alps. I guess the Austrians and the British don't mind sitting in the Louvre." Sit down."

Remember how the Genoese broke the siege of Venice?

It is not without reason that someone became a puppet and was also the last governor.

In times of life and death, a good leader does more than a democracy.

"Why do you want to study in Venice?" Pomona asked Gianluca. "I think you can go to any university in the world."

"Have you ever been to the Academy Gallery? It is definitely the most beautiful place in the world." Gianluca said in a hymn-singing tone, "Some people are shallow, some people are rich and jaded, but one day, you will meet A person who is as beautiful as a rainbow, when you meet that person, all other people are just clouds."

"Don't listen to what he said." Seeing that Monica's breathing became short of breath, Pomona immediately whispered to her, "Be careful of these smooth talkers!"

"What's your last name?" Severus asked.

"Dante," said Gianluca "I am Gianluca Dante, the wizard."

"I'll remember the name," Severus said. "Good luck, Merchant of Venice."

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