In the ceiling painting by Titian, there is a scene of David resisting Goliath.

Goliath is one of the famous giants in the legend. According to the "Bible", Goliath is the general of Phillips, who led troops to attack the Israeli army. He has infinite power. Everyone who sees him will shy away and dare not fight. .

The young David delivered meals to his three older brothers who followed Saul. Hearing Goliath's scolding and Saul's promise of a huge reward, he was fearless and wanted to defeat Goliath. David rejected Saul's offer of a battle-cloth, with a staff and a sling-slinger in his hand, and five smooth stones picked from the brook; and confronted Goliath, who had a bronze helmet and armor on his head.

David said, "Today the LORD will deliver you into my hand; I will kill you and take off your head. And I will give the corpses of the Philistine soldiers to the birds of the air and the beasts of the ground. The whole earth will You will know that there is a God in Israel, and all assembled here will know that the LORD saves, not with the sword or the spear, for the battle is with the LORD. He will deliver you into our hands."

David hit Goliath with a stone on the forehead, and Goliath fell face down on the ground.

David drew Goliath's sword from its sheath, cut off his head with the sword, and killed him. The Philistines fled Israel "as far as Gath and Ekron," and David put Goliath's armor in his own tent, but took his head to Jerusalem. Saul asked Abner, the commander of the army, whose son fought against the Philistine. Abner brought David to Saul, and Saul asked David whose son he was, "David said, I am the son of Jesse the Bethlehemite your servant."

This shepherd boy David later became the King David of Israel. In the history of other countries, the essence of the succession of kings is the struggle for power, but in the history of Israel, what the old and new kings competed for was the favor of God. Feeling God's rejection became a lingering pain in Saul's heart and a source of intense jealousy for his future successor, David.

However, everything about David is beyond reproach, coupled with successive military victories, which aroused Saul's suspicion, and even attacked his son Jonathan and David's same-sex love.

Prince Jonathan was honest with David, which is rare in the court. He didn't know that David might hinder him from succeeding Saul, but he said convincingly: "You will be king of Israel, and I will be your prime minister." ".

Love is so devoted, beyond political utilitarianism, whether it is friendship or love, who can not be moved by it?

Beside the ceiling painting, a statue of a blind woman caught Pomona's attention.

The symbol of the Free Masons Union is a triangle with an eye, and the one Pomona found was carved on a cross.

In addition to the winged lion, the symbol of Venice is the goddess of justice. Her image is usually a blindfolded woman holding a scale.

The woman in the sculpture is not wearing a special cloth for her eyes, but the lower edge of her hood. She is holding a cross in both hands, with a mysterious smile on her lips.

"I have a student who's a girl like you." Pomona said, looking at the sculpture. "She's a Muggleborn, and no one believed she could be the Minister for Magic."

"I don't look like a female governor, do I?" Monica said half-jokingly.

"You know, there was a rumor back then that the Knights Templar transferred money to the Venetians, and I believe someone fled Europe on a Venetian merchant ship after paying the money."

"Wow." Monica's eyes widened in surprise.

"I remember that the governor of Venice at that time belonged to the Grazia family. How much do you know about that family except that they have a family business in Turin?"

Monica shook her head.

"You can double the materials, isn't the library in St. Mark's Square?"

"There are not many books in the library, and they were all taken away by Napoleon," Alessandro said.

"Let me guess, Napoleon was also looking for the money transferred by the Knights Templar, so he forcibly occupied a neutral country."

"What?" Alessandro and Monica yelled, alarming the priest and the faithful.

"Wars cost money, my dear, not to mention he overhauled Paris. Louis XVI had no money left except jewels, which were all spent by Louis XIV and XV." Pomona lowered her voice, She wanted to use magic at first, but held back at the last minute "not to mention the war to unify Europe, do you know how many countries have gone bankrupt because of the war? The best example is Emperor Wu of Han, he not only used the money saved by the previous emperor It was all gone, and even the private wealth of the country was seized."

"So... Napoleon was found?" Monica asked hesitantly.

"It's up to you to check it yourself." Pomona glanced at the David who symbolized strength and beauty.

Is it possible that Napoleon was also a homosexual lover?

No man could forgive Josephine for acting like that, why didn't he kill the woman who was unfaithful to him?

His love for Josephine is uneasy, like a teenager in first love. It is hard to imagine that the emperor who said "I am Attila of Venice" and desires to conquer the world is the same person.

A woman doesn't need to conquer the world, she just needs to conquer a man who can conquer the world.

She said it was just a joke to let these two little guys learn swords, but she had an invitation letter in her pocket, and there would be many European royal families attending, and she finally found a reason to go to the kind of party full of unknown people. up.

"You said you wanted to study fashion design in Milan, so would you make your own skirts? Monica."

"Shouldn't you, like in the story, wave your wand and a beautiful dress will appear?" Monica said sarcastically.

"I'm not that kind of witch." Pomona said with a smile, "I'm a bit like the witch at Devil's Bridge. You said she let the devil complete the contract first, and then the witch died suddenly, right?"

"That's right."

"Interesting," Pomona whispered.

This reminded her of the story of the Deathly Hallows, the third of the three Peverell brothers who used the invisibility cloak to evade death.

If the witch used the invisibility cloak to deceive "death", "devil" and the like, and brought the dead back to life, then there would be no need for a resurrection stone for resurrection.

Even the cloak of the god of death is a kind of fabric, how could it have nothing to do with "clothes"?

The three Peverell brothers are excellent alchemists. They need materials for alchemy. Maybe some king wants a cloth that can be invisible.

They made it, the king wore it for a show, and one kid who didn't know what to do said "the king has no clothes," and everyone laughed.

"Blindness" does not necessarily mean that you are really blind, but you may also be dazzled by the colorful world in front of you.

Dan Dongluo, the Venetian governor who changed the fate of the Crusaders and Constantinople, was blind. If he was blind, were the people who followed his orders blind?

In the early days of Venice, there was a kind of torture, which was to blind people and then exile. Not only civilians, but even the governor could not escape bad luck.

Perhaps Enrico Dandolo is also a sinner, but it is not a man but an "angel" who blinds him, because he is a "traitor" who tried to murder his former master.

"So, this is the end of today?"

At this moment, she heard a familiar voice behind her, the deep voice rumbling in the church with echo effect.

A dark wizard walked into the church, and no one stopped him, probably because he wore a golden mask on his face.

"You came faster than I thought."

"Maybe it's because you cheated." He curled his lips and smiled smugly. "If the key is not secret, it needs to be called another name."

"You solved it?"

"Coconut, what's going on in your head?"

"I was wondering if you forgot something." She looked at the ugly 45-year-old "devil" who was still in good shape and said, "Do you still remember what you said in the hospital? You once asked God for help , what did you promise him?"

He stopped.

"This church was built for her because the Venetians promised the Virgin, and she stopped the plague. At that time, Venice was in decline, and it was also damaged by war and plague, but they still tried to make it so beautiful. The witch looked up at the dome made of eight pillars. "She is so beautiful! Isn't she?"

"Do you remember that day?" he asked back.

"The doctor said, sometimes I hear, you've been talking to me, haven't you? So I guess they hear sometimes, too," said Pomona, trembling."

"You're the strangest witch." Severus shook his head and sighed. "You actually believe in a god."

"I don't believe in 'exactly which god', I just believe that there is a higher existence than people. In 1630, many people prayed to Maria, and she heard, and she saved the city."

"So are you going to save the city?" he said, "stop it from sinking?"

"Do you love me then, Severus? You said you loved me! Now say it again in God's presence!"

He smiled sarcastically, "You are really crazy, senior."

Pomona took out her wand, but he disarmed her with "Expelliarmus".

His black cloak was constantly billowed by the evening sea breeze, and the fabric was like black smoke and a pirate flag.

"This is a church, watch your words and deeds." He said with dignity, "Follow me home."

"No!" She ducked her feet and said, "I want to continue the tour!"

"Ah~ I know I shouldn't get involved with you, but who pays our wages?" Monica said cautiously.

Pomona took out a stack of bills and tossed them to her without counting them.

"Thank you." Monica picked up the money and tiptoed towards the door with Alessandro.

"Come here in three days," Severus reminded after them. "I had a great time today."

"No problem, boss!" Monica said hastily, and then said something in Italian. Other Pomona didn't understand, but she understood the phrase Mamma Mia.

Damn Italians.

"You didn't say that there would be any rewards for catching you, senior." The devil licked his lips.

"Is the hotel we booked still available?" she asked. "You can see St. Mark's Square from there."

"Dang Dang Dang."

From the other side of the canal came the loud ringing of church bells.

"No." Severus sighed. "That bell can wake the dead. Now I know why so many palaces are built in the middle of the canal."

No matter how sweet the sound is, as long as it wakes people up, it is impossible to make people feel happy, just like the Pavlov effect, when a dog hears the bell ringing, people think of work when they hear that sound, so there is Many people hate cell phone ringtones so much.

Whether it is a monotonous ringtone or a beautiful world famous song.

When a Muggle's cell phone rang and attracted the attention of others, Pomona took the demon's hand and left the church.

The scenery outside the church is so beautiful, it's really not cost-effective not to take pictures to commemorate it.

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