Chapter 715

After the Hebrews left Egypt, they met the Egyptian Pharaoh’s pursuers in the Red Sea. The prophet Moses prayed for divine power to part the Red Sea, allowing the Hebrews to cross to the other side. After that, they came to the land of Canaan, which was called Canaan in the Old Testament. The Promised Land, the "Promised Land", "Land of Hope", is said to be a fertile land where "milk and honey flow everywhere".

However, when the Hebrews arrived, they realized that it was not true. The flowing milk and honey were missing, and there was sand everywhere, far less rich than Egypt.

Not long after leaving Egypt, some people regretted it and kept complaining about the lack of water and food. Their journey to Sinai was a road of complaints, but God still loved them and opened a way for them.

They wandered in the wilderness for three days, and when they came to Marah they could not drink the water, because the water was bitter, so the name of the place was Marah.

The people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink?

Moses cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a tree, and he threw the tree into the water, and the water became sweet.

Venice is built on the coastal shoals. It is a small island. The sea water is not drinkable. There are bridges connected to the mainland. Drinking water is brought from the land to the island through pipes.

Therefore, they don't need to devote themselves to developing desalination technology due to water shortage like the Arabs.

Seawater is the most abundant and stable water source among many water sources. However, seawater is too bitter and astringent to drink directly. It would be great if seawater could be desalinated.

Science has helped people improve their lives, desalination of seawater has become a reality, and in some places, desalination plants have been put into operation.

However, the cost of desalination of seawater by machines is too high. Using plants to turn salt water into drinkable fresh water sounds like a miracle. However, it is not impossible to achieve, mainly depends on how humans design and create.

Now that Pomona is chasing after a potions master who is as "angry" as the pharaoh, he will be annoyed to find her gone when he wakes up.

The Doge's Palace is on St. Mark's Square, separated from the Venice Prison on the other side of the river by the Bridge of Sighs, one of the most famous bridges in Venice.

It was a bridge with a very strange appearance. People crossing the bridge were completely enclosed in the bridge, and they could only look from the inside to the outside through the small windows on the bridge.

The architecture of Venice also has a magical place. Many places that look like windows are actually paintings. Monica said that the former governor of Venice collected a "window tax". The houses of the rich often have more windows, and the windows of the poor Less, so the tax is levied according to the number of windows.

In order to evade taxes, every household sealed their windows, but it was ugly to seal the windows, so they painted some windows that looked like real ones.

Pomona is now as eager as the student who broke the school rules and took a night tour in the castle, and so is Monica, after a brief visit to St. Mark's Square, the enthusiastic and energetic Italian girl took her to the side of the square Flora Cafe.

The flood ruined the open-air coffee, unless someone is willing to drink coffee, but the coffee shop is still operating normally, Monica knows the way to go in, and then hugs a middle-aged man who is packing coffee cups like a little girl The woman kissed.

The middle-aged woman was working seriously, but was taken aback by her actions, and then the two chatted quickly in Italian.

Even though she is a woman and the chatty Dean Hufflepuff, Pomona has to marvel at the speed of Italian women's speech. They can perform an opera alone.

According to travel magazines, the Flora Cafe is the oldest and most famous cafe in the water city of Venice. There are five rooms here, which are not big. There are portraits of ten Venetian celebrities in the Hall of Fame, including Marco Polo and Titian; the Senate Hall The murals depict scenes from the world of art and science, with the theme of "Progress and Civilization Leading the World"; the China Hall and the Oriental Hall are inspired by the Far East. The Hall of the Seasons, or Hall of Mirrors, is decorated with women representing the seasons; the Liberty Hall was added in the early 20th century: vaulted ceilings, wooden floors and original hand-painted mirrors give it a characterful look.

When the cafe was first established, because there was no postal service in Venice at that time, customers always liked to entrust letters or items to the cafe, and the boss would forward them on behalf of them. It also became an important information center in Venice.

Some things are not as trendy as possible. This cafe is like a coffee museum that is still in business. In the era of the Republic of Venice, it was a meeting place for ordinary people and princes and nobles. The Café was often used by the Führer for informal meetings, and it bears witness to the history of Venetian society.

After Monica finished chatting with the middle-aged woman, the two of them came to find Pomona who was visiting in the Hall of Mirrors.

"This is my mother! She works here." Monica introduced, "If you have any words or things, you can pass them on to her."

"Hi, my name is Alicia, nice to meet you." Monica's mother held Pomona's hand warmly and forcefully. Seen from a close distance, the two mother and daughter are really similar, especially the eyes. It's exactly the same.

"Hello, my name is……"

"Oh, I know who you are." Alicia interrupted her rudely. "What would you like to drink?"

"A cup of coffee." Pomona said tongue-tiedly.

"Espresso or cappuccino?"

"You can order wine," Monica said. "How about some Italian specialties?"

"What introduction do you have?" Pomona asked curiously.

"strega, witch liqueur with lemon, that's my favourite!"

"Come with both, a cup of cappuccino and a little witch's wine." Pomona said generously, "It's my treat."

"Have you had breakfast? Our cafe also serves meals." Alicia continued, "You know, Charles Dickens and Goethe often eat here."

"It's better not to go to the pasta shop next door, it's just for killing customers." Monica said in a local tone, "We have an old saying, Andemo da Florian, and we locals also come to Florian coffee shop .”

Café Flore has been hailed as "the crystallization of Venice's business mind and splendid history", and now Pomona seems to understand a little bit.

She looked at the price list just now, and it was really not cheap, and most of the people sitting in the coffee shop were tourists, and few locals were seen.

"Our mayor said, how can we not spend some money to go out to play?" Alicia urged again, "You don't know how tiring it is for a woman to bring three foolish daughters alone."

"Mom!" Monica protested immediately.

The two began to "quarrel" in Italian again. The lung capacity of Italians is really amazing. Maybe that's their normal voice, but it's really noisy.

Pomona hurriedly asked for some sandwiches, and Alicia left, not forgetting to glare at Monica before leaving.

"Every time I find a customer, I bring him here. My mother said she wanted to see who I picked." After Alicia left, Monica said with some melancholy, "She was worried that I would meet bad people."

"That's why you're looking for single female tourists?" Pomona asked.

Monica shrugged.

"Mamma Mia." Pomona said pretendingly, and Monica laughed suddenly. She is a very cute girl, although she looks very charming, just like the charming Carmen.

Pomona didn't ask her where her father had gone, a young girl had to rely on a tour guide to support her family, obviously not all Italians were rich, and in the Godfather movies, Vitocrione's hometown was very poor.

Monica took out a map of Venice from his messenger bag. The area near St. Mark's Square is the most beautiful place in Venice. There are a lot of Renaissance essence here, but there are also slums here.

When the Black Death spread in the past, although the governor of Venice decided not to allow the ship to dock and quarantined on the outer islands, there were still 50,000 people, nearly half of the population died, and many of them were poor.

It's a city that's half flashy, half sighing.

While they were discussing where to go for their next destination, Italian-style accordion dance music was played outside the cafe. The tune was so cheerful that it was easy to forget the sadness.

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