Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 703 Midnight Express

Starting from Justinian, almost every emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire had to face various problems after coming to power.

Constantinople is the gateway from the East to the West. Once it falls, the divided Western Roman Empire will be unable to stop the invading nomads. The Arabs are also nomads, and they are not as easy to bully as the Roma.

The patriarchs of the Orthodox Church are very clear about their position. They have always been the emperor's assistant, and they are not above the secular world like Western Rome.

It is precisely because of this cooperative relationship that the Eastern Roman Empire has repeatedly withstood plagues, famines, pagan wars, and various natural and man-made disasters.

Caesar was the founder of the Roman Empire, and Gaius Octavian was the founder of the Roman Empire. After his death, the Roman Senate decided to include him in the ranks of "God" and called August "August". This is also the source of August in Spanish.

The benefits of democracy are competition and criticism. When one party does not do well, the other party can immediately expose the other party’s faults and replace it by itself. The Girondins are unpopular and the Jacobins come to power.

The bad thing is that I struggle for power and profit within myself, the debate has turned into verbal abuse, and I am slow to respond when dealing with emergencies, and I can't find a solution after arguing for a long time.

At this time, the superiority of the centralized system is reflected. No one will say that President Roosevelt is the emperor, but he solved the Great Depression in the United States, and at the same time persuaded other Americans who were unwilling to participate in the war to join the anti-government war. , he does almost the same thing as the emperor, his prestige in the hearts of the people allowed him to serve four consecutive terms, the polio patient has a strong will, he used the word "American spirit" in his inaugural speech, then What is the American spirit?

The Declaration of Human Rights and Citizenship adopted during the French Revolution in 1798 stated: "Liberty is the autonomy of all people to do everything without harming others. In addition to ensuring that other people in society enjoy the same rights, this natural right should have no any restrictions."

Human rights in France exist on the premise of not harming the human rights of others. If a person's human rights violate the human rights of others and cannot guarantee that other people in the society enjoy the same rights, then such human rights are unprotected.

Both the American "Declaration of Independence" and the French "Declaration of Human Rights" advocate freedom, democracy, and equality.

The Declaration of Independence is a declaration of independence for a region to become a sovereign state. It is a declaration of war, which represents a declaration of war. The Declaration of Human Rights was issued after the armed conflict of the Great Revolution was basically over, and it represented peace.

Mentioned in the Declaration of Independence: As long as evil can be tolerated, human beings are inclined to suffer in silence.

What Mrs. Dupin did was undoubtedly evil, but she was so clever that she put on a veil of hypocrisy, incest and taking advantage of innocent young people, her reputation is still very good, there is no gossip, only There were rumors that she had a relationship with her stepson, but there was no definite evidence to prove this.

This kind of scandalous thing is the norm in Paris, because married couples in political marriages play their own way.

The atmosphere is so bad that even if they can play gorgeous movements and moving poems, they can't beautify the decadent and depraved souls of the "nobles".

Women in the imperial era did not have Rococo-style gorgeous dresses, and Napoleon did not have as many mistresses who could spend money like Louis XIV and XV. He only had Josephine, a woman who helped him when he was poor and humble. , a woman who is older than him, his personality charm makes him cohesive, at least women like him for this quality, and he conquered the hearts of half the population at once, and he became a national hero in France that does not need an emperor.

Freedom needs a bottom line, and others also need a bottom line. In Greek mythology, Icarus' wax wings melted because he was too close to the sun. This story teaches people not to be arrogant, and there is still half of the story, which is an important knowledge that is ignored by people. , that's what my father taught, don't fly too low, Bellatrix shouldn't get involved with her "Dark Lord" after marrying Lestrange.

But as the Declaration of Independence says, as long as evil can be tolerated, human beings tend to suffer in silence. This kind of tolerance without a bottom line is simply unbearable to look at, and the atrocities of the Communists have reached the point where people cannot bear it. If they are still indifferent to what they do to the Jews, what about what they did to Aryan women?

Aryan girls not only exist in Germany, but also in other countries. These girls are unwilling to give birth to German soldiers.

Natural justice is the ultimate justice. It is a long-established concept of justice that has been formed by all people. It is not justice in a certain person's mind.

Since Bella is married to Lestrange, she shouldn't be with the Dark Lord. That crazy woman is not mentally normal. She not only shames the family, but also shames her husband.

Even though she can use beautiful words such as love and loyalty to refute herself, it cannot change the nature of her behavior.

If Bella's husband could kill her, or the Dark Lord, then he wouldn't be so depressed.

But now the problem with Pomona is that her spirit is somehow connected to the Dark Lord, and either Severus finds his soul and destroys it, or Severus kills her.

The ghost sealed in Tom Riddle's diary could pick up Harry's wand, and even if he didn't have a body, Severus might not be a match for the Dark Lord.

The Dark Lord is too powerful, Lestrange can't defeat him, and at the same time he can't kill Bella. Bella and him are married politically, and there is a family behind him.

This is a dark area that few people have touched before. When the power is not limited and the users do whatever they want, this kind of evil will be caused.

Voldemort wanted to "win", but few really hoped that he would win. The people he led obeyed him because of his power and fear and their own interests, and very few were sincerely loyal to him.

Albus had used dirty means to win the war, but what else could he have done?

The most critical blunder in Albus's plan was the murder in Godric's Hollow on October 31, 1981. He thought Harry was the last Horcrux, just like Nagini, plus Harry was " 7" horcruxes, he produced by accident, Voldemort himself didn't know, in order to make up the "7" horcruxes, he would make another one, Pomona believed that the victim was Cedric Diggory, A fine boy who believes in fairness and justice.

Beneath the brilliant golden light reflected by the crown is a suffocating shadow. Most people love to see the Apollonian side, but few people see the Dionysian side. Early man gained a connection with the universe from personal pain and destruction. The tragic intoxication of the integration of life ontology, the Dionysian spirit that Nietzsche believes is the inner strength that people feel during the tragic process of fighting against the nothingness of the world. This kind of resistance is the source of joy.

The Dionysian spirit Pomona understands is a bit different. People in illusory dreams are as insane and unconscious as drunk, in order to achieve their "dreams".

Some of these illusory dreams are made up by liars with rhetoric, and some are imagined by people themselves, just like some women who have never been in love and fantasized that they are in love with a "love saint". People all over the world know that Sif Les loves Lily, she should wake up from this wonderful dream.

Magic mirror, magic mirror, hang on the wall.

But there is a mirror that is placed on the lion's paw. It is called the Mirror of Erised, which can make people see the most urgent and strongest desire in their hearts.

What could be stronger than an ugly woman wishing for beauty and a romantic relationship with a prince?

A woman, even if she has all the virtues, is not as important as a pretty face, the jealousy that made the hag Laishia Somnoren poison a female muggle with living hell potion, even if the female muggle was a princess .

And a passing wizard put a stimulant on his lips and kissed the sleeping princess to wake her up, even though the princess was a Muggle.

The king wants to use her for political marriage. That beautiful woman may be as scheming as Mrs. Dupin, but the wizard is still obsessed with her. Maybe what he loves is not the princess, but the love of his fantasy. A beautiful woman plays the leading role.

Pomona was lying on the soft bed, looking at the "devil" in black in front of her, he was staring at her, his empty eyes were like two channels, he was singing a bard song to her, About Sleeping Beauty, and the wizard who stormed the castle with an army of undead, and seemed to try to lull her to sleep with his deep, sweet voice.

He was the demon she couldn't kill in the mirror.

Maybe Albus was lying too, and what he saw in the mirror wasn't wool socks, but his own demon, Gellert Grindelwald.

The train stopped and went in the mountains, and more people got on the train after nightfall. Those people may regard this train as a kind of market for exchanging illegal goods.

Voldemort's mother seduced a handsome Muggle with a love potion, but the sale of this potion was not restricted. On the contrary, the sale of the wolf's poison potion was restricted, which was obviously part of the werewolf rehabilitation plan.

Perhaps, in the eyes of some people, werewolves do not need to be cured, but should be eliminated. Their lives will become the cornerstone of some people's military exploits and stepping stones.

Pomona is almost certain that no werewolves will register their real names when buying medicines. If they do not, those medicines may flow into the hands of werewolves who have been brainwashed by Fenrir and dream of werewolves ruling the world, such as cruelty. Crescent Crescent Crawley.

Some werewolves drink the potion and will keep their wolf form and read newspapers, while some werewolves think about destruction and destruction. They have the powerful physique and magic resistance of werewolves, but also the cunning wisdom of human beings. They are so superhuman.

It was useless to indulge in vain dreams and forget about real life, and it was time for her to wake up.

However, she still couldn't resist the attraction brought by the phantom, just like Merope couldn't resist the male Muggle who loved to ride horses, but the half-blood prince was not as handsome and rich as her prince.

How stupid she is, of course she can imagine her dream lover as perfect when dreaming, why is her dream lover full of flaws?

"Why don't you sing?" she asked.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" he asked back.

"You hypnotized me?" she asked again.

He fell silent.

"Sometimes, I can't stop him from invading my brain." She whispered. "His insanity is superb, and he talks in my head?."


"I know, that sounds like I'm going crazy," she said resignedly, "but it is, he was the one who reminded me of the color-changing ghoul in the car."

He cursed so dirty, it started with F.

She immediately sealed his mouth before he could curse even worse.

Anyway, she was dreaming, so what solemnity is needed.

From now on, she will be a frivolous woman who can do whatever she wants. The night belongs to the goddess of the night. gallop.

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