Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 694 The gap in the heart

When the girl finished singing, the boy sang:

It was late at night, and the town was quiet and serene, as if enchanted.

Girl, I will always protect you, you smiled at me, captured my heart, your smile is pure and lovely.

Even if it's only a short day, girl, I'll still be by your side...

"Keep singing!" Pomona was listening intently, but Severus, who was in charge of the translation, shut up.

"I don't like that song," Severus said in disgust.

"You don't like it, I like it!"

"Then you go learn German." He turned his eyes to the book in his hand again.

Pomona threw it into a corner with her wand.

"what are you doing?"

"Sing to me!"

"You said don't force me to do things I don't like."

"I, think, listen, song!" Pomona said every word.

"Do you understand what that song was about?" Severus asked.


"Chuyequan, she has chosen the man who made her lose her love and innocence."

"You know it's a misunderstanding, no nobleman has really exercised that power." Pomona retorted, "He only needs to pay a payment to have a bride."

"I slept with my wife and paid the lord and the bishop a fortune!" Severus said bitterly.

She looked at the aristocratic guy in front of her, was he from the commoner side or the noble side?

"Come here." He patted his thigh, "Sit on my lap."

She hypocritically refused.

"Come here if you want to hear me sing."

So she flew over like a butterfly, turned around in front of him, and finally sat on his lap.

"Let's talk about the inheritance of Black's old house."

"Oh, hell!" Pomona grumbled. "You lied to me!"

"Sirris Black is a big problem, even when he's dead. He made Harry Potter his heir, and it creates more problems than it solves."

"The person fighting for the family property is here?"

"To be precise, it is the person who is the head of the Black family. Black is the last man in the paternal line of the Black family. Even if he is removed, he is still the head of the family by default. He did not clearly explain why other members of the family were deprived of the right to inherit. The reason why people with foreign surnames inherit."

"Oh, my God!" Pomona covered her mouth.

"That's why those portraits met and decided to let me be the interim patriarch." Severus cursed dirtyly, "He used the privilege of the patriarch to make Harry Potter the heir, but only let him accept Property, shirk property obligations, he is really good as a dog godfather."

For example, Henry John Temple Palmerston, who started the Opium War, inherited his father's title and an inheritance of 75,000 pounds, so he would be responsible for paying off his father's 90,000 pounds in debt. He could not only inherit 75,000 pounds. Even if the debt in the inheritance exceeds the property rights, it cannot shirk its repayment obligation. Later Roman law modified this principle and gradually changed it to "limited succession". The heir is only responsible for repaying the debts owed by the decedent within the scope of the property rights of the inheritance, and has the right to refuse to repay the debts that exceed the property rights in the inheritance.

Caesar's will was unsealed and read at the home of Mark Antony at the request of his father-in-law. This will was made on September 13 of the previous year, and it has been kept in the hands of the chief priestess of Vesta.

In this will, Caesar designated his sister's three grandsons as his heirs: he gave Octavian three-quarters of the property, and the remaining quarter was given to Lucius Pinarius and Quentus. Petius shared; appointed guardians for his possible children, several of whom were murderers involved in the conspiracy; also appointed Octavian as a member of his family, passed his name to him, and stipulated that Dequimo Brutus was the second heir; in addition, he left the gardens of the Tiber to the people, and gave each citizen 300 sestertius.

Money is easy to solve, but the key is the issue of power succession. Caesar’s testamentary heir is Octavian. At that time, Octavian was only an eighteen-year-old boy. Antony was extremely dissatisfied. He believed that only he was qualified to inherit Caesar's great cause.

As Caesar's official heir, Octavian carried out Caesar's last words and donated property to the Roman people on his behalf, so his reputation grew day by day.

In order to start the war, Caesar borrowed a lot of money from the elders, and Octavian had no money to repay the debt after he distributed the money.

Antony was deeply disturbed by Octavian's growing power, and he knew that Octavian must be eradicated one day. As for Cicero, after confirming that the republican masterminds had left Rome safely, he began to turn his finger on Antony. He impeached Antony continuously by means of the senate’s complaint, hoping that after Antony was forced to step down, the Roman world could restore the old senate central political order.

Initially, the Roman knights belonged to the elder class, and they were the most influential members of the Centuries.

Later, they followed Caesar. In the past, Rome’s territory was small, and farmers would go back after fighting for a long time. As Rome’s territory became larger and larger, they spent more and more time outside. …

Marriage with patriarchal rights protects the rights and interests of some people. If the husband goes out to fight and the wife is not honest at home, then the wife will leave the house after divorce. Compared with the wife, the husband has the highest status in the family and controls all the affairs of the family. power.

At the same time, women are much more constrained than men. If a man finds that his wife is having trouble with others, the law allows him to kill her without trial; Touch, the law forbids her to do so.

This kind of marriage is a fucking hell, I won't get married anymore! The Marriage Law is only useful if you get married. If no one gets married, the judge should go to sleep with the code.

The marriage law became a dead letter. At that time, homosexuality was not prohibited in Rome, so there were many "boyfriends".

The social and legal indulgence of men's behavior has led to the serious phenomenon of extramarital affairs. The indulgence of men's extramarital life is obviously irresponsible to women. This kind of immoral behavior causes women to be treated unfairly both physically and mentally.

So marriage without husband's rights was born, and it was written into the Twelve Tables Law, and the Julius Law directly stated that whoever cheated would be expelled from the house and deprived of certain properties, and corporal punishment could be imposed on the lower class How simple and clear is the law of natural justice, Constantinius stipulated that "the adulterer shall be burned alive or drowned in a sack".

Certainly some people would find it unfair that Sirius took advantage of all the advantages of Harry's will and did not undertake any obligations, but it was exercised by Sirius with the patriarch's autocratic privilege.

And only a fool like Severus would take responsibility for Harry without any regrets.

She pinched his waist hard without smiling, and now she was in a mixed mood, feeling proud and hateful at the same time.

"Are you jealous?" He said with a smile as if he didn't feel any pain at all.

"Why are you so happy?"

"It's because you care about me that you feel jealous." He said in a tone that was obviously very proud but pretending to be calm, "You don't like me taking care of Harry Potter, do you?"

Harry was a poor child, an orphan without a father and a mother, and Lily let Pomona take care of him.

Besides, he was the one who killed Lily by talking too much. What he is doing now is atonement.

She doesn't pinch him anymore.

But he raised his hand to admire her earrings.

"Is it comfortable?" he asked, playing with the chain of the earrings.

"It's a bit hot." She regretted it a bit, her ears were always so hot, it felt like her ears were going to melt.

"Feeling better?" he asked suddenly.


"You looked uncomfortable just now."

"I don't like vampires." She pursed her lips and shook her head. "Even less like those Muggles who worship them."

"They just want the power of immortality from the vampires," Severus said, "just like we want the power from the Dark Lord."

She fell into his arms, playing with her fingers through his greasy hair.

"Naughty." He smiled indulgently.

"How about we take a group photo together? The photo taken on the mountain before used disguise."

"It's up to you," he said, but neither of them reached for the camera.

It's been 2000, and the war of catching rape between men and women is still going on, when will it end.

Restrictions and restrictions on men's behavior can solve the problem. As long as he can keep the beauty in his arms, he is the moral model Liu Xiahui, and adultery will not be possible.

A long, long time ago, when Wu Zetian found out that her husband was having an affair with her husband through her relationship with her sister and niece, even though they were related by blood, she still killed her.

She killed the gluttonous Helan family, and blamed those two half-brothers who drove her away from home. Her original family and newly formed family abandoned her, and the only thing she could rely on was her son.

However, although her son Li Hong was kind-hearted, he was weak and sick. Even though she was a queen, she still found a bride for Li Hong like an ignorant woman, and adopted a son-Li Longji for him.

When Li Hong also died, her last support was gone. She was so lonely that she gave those men with ulterior motives an opportunity to take advantage of it. Even Di Renjie, the minister she trusted, really conspired behind the scenes.

Li Longji was lonely in his later years and was accompanied by Yang Yuhuan. Yang Guozhong relied on her relationship to gain power, and he also took advantage of it.

The silly girls only saw the beautiful side of the royal family, but they didn't see the dirty and sinister side of the court.

Although Tang Xuanzong's version of abolishing Wang Liwu was unsuccessful, the queen and queen still died in depression. In the end, all the kindness of sharing weal and woe is not as good as a hen that can only lay eggs.

After her death, it is said that she was reincarnated into Concubine Wu Hui's daughter. According to historical records, when Princess Taihua was a few years old, she suddenly wanted a rosary. The person who served her asked her where she got the rosary, and she insisted that they did. But those who serve her don't know where to put it. Although the queen and queen died tragically back then, the palace where she lived and some of her usual playthings are still preserved. Later, the nanny carried the princess and passed by the palace where the queen lived. The princess turned her head and pointed to the palace and said, "My rosary is in the northeast corner of the treasure tent in the palace." She sent someone to look for it, and she found it.

Concubine Wu Hui of Tang Minghuang falsely accused the crown prince in order to make her son the emperor. Later, the crown prince was given to death, and she came to her every night.

Even Tang Xuanzong's mother disappeared into the heavily guarded Luoyang Palace together with Empress Liu.

It is precisely because they do not know the dangers that there are places like Palace Man Xie, where maids and eunuchs are buried.

In the Twelve Tables, a wasteful person is the same as a mentally ill person, who is not allowed to manage his property, and his relatives should be his guardians.

Ludwig II liked the Rococo style, almost bankrupted the country, and he became a mental patient.

The cause of Ludwig II's death is still a mystery. He drowned in Lake Starnberg. The official report said it was a suicide, but the water where the body was found was only waist deep. The autopsy report suggested that in his There is no water in the lungs.

If someone used Polyjuice Potion to make another innocent mountain man look like him, killed the mountain man with the Avada Kedavra, and threw him into the lake, then the fairy king might still be alive , but not as a human, but as a vampire, living in a certain castle in this dark forest.

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