Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 674 parades

It is said that at the end of the 12th century, the Duke of Zalingen, who ruled the central and eastern parts of Switzerland, wanted to build a fortress in Berne. In order to name the city, the Duke of Zalingen decided to go hunting. He named the city after the first wild animal he caught and killed one. Xiong, so the city was named after the word "Xiong".

Because of this historical origin, Bernese still have a special preference for bears, and the image of bears can be seen everywhere. Whether it is in the fountain in the center of the street or on those ancient buildings, there are almost sculptures of bears.

Includes a teddy bear sculpture holding a pink piggy bank.

Pomona looked at it and let out a giggle.

"Would you like me to take a picture of you?" Severus smirked, like he was suddenly interested in taking pictures.

She was pretty sure they had a very healthy Swiss muesli in the morning, with oatmeal, almonds, yogurt, blueberries and raspberries, and no potions, so they must have taken the right medicine.

"Do you have a camera?"

He doesn't smirk anymore.

"We could go and buy a Muggle camera."

"Recognize the facts!" Severus waved his hands. "There's no one here, just the two of us!"

The Potions Master's roar echoed through the empty park.

No matter how much the Bernese love the bear, it is still a beast, and it cannot be as open as the deer in Nara.

The bears are staying in the Bear Mountain. They are probably hibernating at this time. If there are no bears or roses, we can see who will visit the Bear Garden. In winter, they come to Switzerland for skiing!

So the current scene appeared, even if they wanted someone to borrow a camera to take pictures, there were no living people around, not to mention wizards, not even a muggle.

There are so few people in Switzerland~

"The book says this is a famous scenic spot." Pomona took out a travel magazine and flipped through it.

"The travel magazine also said that the London Eye is a famous attraction, would you go there?" He said aggressively, as if to set fire to her travel magazine.

The places introduced in travel magazines are usually only visited by tourists, and the locals don’t. The London Eye is a disaster, uglier than the Eiffel Tower, but there are no tall buildings around them, and they can’t hide their ugliness.

The commanding height of Bern is the bell tower of the church, which can be seen from any angle.

The roses didn't bloom, and the bears didn't have anything to see. What were they doing here so early in the morning?

She sat down next to the bear sculpture, patted the seat next to her, and said to Severus, "Would you like a cup of tea?"

He didn't move.

"Do you remember the last time we went to XZ? We didn't think we could boil hot water for warmth." Pomona said, "Why didn't you remind me?"

"I didn't expect that either." He said calmly.

"Really?" she asked suspiciously.

So he sat down.

Pomona took out the travel water bottle, which she had given to Hermione, and wondered if Miss Know-it-All had cast any curse on it.

"What are you looking at?" Severus asked.

"Those people last night, what curse did they have?" Pomona asked, "Is it related to the ancient ruins by Lake Neuchâtel?"

"It's an ancient black magic, but the doctor doesn't think it has anything to do with the ruins." Severus pursed his lips and said, "It's just a place where people used to live."

A city is abandoned, first of all, people don't go there, or some kind of natural disaster, such as floods and volcanic eruptions, when Vesuvius erupted, the residents of Pompeii had no time to run, they became plaster statue.

"Have you found the skeleton in the ancient city?"

He shook his head. "Muggles found three gold bricks with inscriptions."

"Rosetta Stone?"

He continued to shake his head and poured a spring of clear water into her travel water bottle.

"I heard you were in the limelight yesterday?"

"It's nothing, I just dealt with a color-changing ghoul." She took out her pocket watch and pointed the flame pointer inside to the little giant.

"Someone suspects your identity?"

"Just for the sake of caution." His lips barely moved, but the words were still clear. "The Death Eaters have no sabotage activities outside the UK. Unlike Grindelwald's men, we are wanted by the world."

In the whole world, apart from Antarctica, China is the most suitable place for them to hide. The International Federation of Wizards can't continue to go deep into the interior when they arrive in XZ. Even the permanent observation point of the Snowman in XZ was almost attacked.

There are many Muggles who have gone abroad, but there are very few wizards. They still know too little about Chinese wizards.

"What happened last night?" Pomona continued.

"A vicious skin disease, with a slight touch, the infected skin will fall off."

"Ouch~~~" Pomona was so sick that she was about to vomit.

"Sebastian used a wonderful tool, have you heard of paradeos?"

"what is that?"

"There is a wizarding village called Palodo near Turin, where healers live, and skin diseases ranging from herpes to psoriasis can be cured, not by spells or potions, but by touch, in the Before a witch dies, she must transfer her healing powers to her granddaughter or daughter through a ritual. When a witch has no close female relatives, if death comes without any relatives, she must touch and pass on her powers to inanimate or living beings. Objects, Sebastian has a pendant, it's a Relic, it made those Muggles a lot better, I wonder if Voldemort needs to make Relics with those healers when he made Horcruxes Like objects, you need to touch those objects and let your soul attach to them."

Pomona really didn't expect this, but what surprised her even more was Severus' address.

"What did you call him just now?"

"Voldemort," he said deadpan. "Anyway, he can find me anyway. I don't want to keep hiding."

She didn't know whether to say he was reckless or brave.

"Don't call him that," Pomona whispered. "He used to be your teacher."

"He certainly didn't touch Harry Potter when the Death Curse rebounded." Severus continued in that unmoving lip-smacking way "Do you remember that diary? It only contained memories up to his sixteen At that time, he didn't know about Voldemort's memory later, that is to say, there is no connection between the Horcrux, the Horcrux, and the main soul, at least the memory cannot be shared, and he can only feel it when the Horcrux is destroyed."

"Sebastian can use that witch's healing power?" Pomona asked.

"It depends on her mood, he said, because she's a bad-tempered witch." Severus said helplessly. "How about we go to Turin?"

"No problem." She said indifferently, and she took this honeymoon as a tour.

"Although the witch has a bad temper, her spirit weapon feels very peaceful, unlike Horcruxes, which can affect people's emotions. The villagers all call them white wizards, and they only call themselves healers."

"Albus Dumbledore is the only one in Britain who can be called a white wizard, and he didn't claim to be a white wizard."

"How did you find out about the color-changing ghoul?" Severus asked. "The commander has been in the car for more than ten years without noticing it."

"Feeling." She frowned. "I burned him with the Fiercefire Curse, but it's enough to drive him away."

"It's just a ghoul, don't think too much about it." He took out the cigarette case and smoked slowly, "We are tired enough to live, don't be like an old fool, dreaming of saving the world, there is people are not worth saving.”

What kind of person is not worth saving? Does that include you?

Pomona only thought about it, because Severus was right.

Someone who chooses to be free may live a less comfortable life than those "domesticated", or even die very short-lived, dying in the hotel like the first owner of the Elder Wand.

Someone chooses to start a family and live a peaceful life in a comfortable house. He lives happily, so why force him to live a "wild" and wandering life.

"I took a photo with Sirius at the London Zoo that day. We are really just friends. Can you just pretend that we are both 11 years old?"

He didn't answer her for a long time.

"Let's go, let's go buy a Muggle camera." He stood up, "I remember a kid who said that Muggle photos will move if you use the right developing potion, right?"

"What about the water I boiled?" she asked.

"Down." He said irresponsibly.

She had to look at the water in the pot with regret, she didn't want to waste it, but she was obedient and poured it out.

Then she put the empty water bottle back in her pocket, took his hand, and continued walking down the street.

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