The light of the full moon shone through the window, but the room without lights was still very dark. Pomona, Luna, and Fleur used fluorescent flashes, and it could be seen that there were not many items in the room.

"It looks like no one has lived here for a while." Luna ran her fingers across the dusty table, leaving clear marks. "And there is no trace of being attacked here, as if they left by themselves."

Pomona thought of Luna's home on the Ferret Mountain, like a chess piece.

In fact, it was no longer her home, but her parents' house. With Pandora's accidental death, only Xenorius was left alone. Rebuilding that house would only increase his painful memories, but if he didn't rebuild it, he would have nothing to lose. Homeless, what a poor man.

"Where did they go?" Fleur said in French-sounding English.

"Are you asking Neville or the owner of the house?" said Pomona stiffly.

"Both." Furong looked out of the window vigilantly. "Magic was used here, I can feel it. If it was used a long time ago and there are still traces, it must be a very strong spell."

Pomona and Luna looked at each other.

"What type of magic do you think?" Pomona asked.

"I can't tell." Furong frowned. "Anyway, it's very unfriendly, but it's not black magic."

"Do you really believe this is a druid retreat?" Luna asked Pomona.

"I just heard that druids would choose places with oak trees to live in seclusion. English oak trees are very common, maybe they are just a group of ordinary people." Pomona said upsetly, and took out her pocket watch to check the time.

"We can't find information here, let's meet other people." Fleur said, "I don't like this place."

So they left the wooden house together. The village is almost full of wooden houses like this. There is no church or grocery store. It is hard to imagine how they live.

"Where is the spillway of the dam?" Luna looked at the dam not far away and asked, because it was not far away, and there were shadows left by the moonlight, it looked more magnificent.

"One way of flood discharge is to use an overflow. When the water level exceeds a certain level, it will overflow it and then enter the downstream through the tunnel, which can reduce the residual energy of the water." Fu Rong said.

"It's like filling a bathtub," Luna said.

"It's a bit different. I also know about it from travel magazines and Bill." Fleur shrugged. "He talked about it when I was in English class."

Yes, "class".

Pomona looked at Fu Rong, who was still in the dark. It was true that beautiful girls often have bad brains.

"So, as long as the overflow is blocked, the water level will continue to rise and eventually overflow the dam, right?" Luna said, "When the water does not overflow the overflow, it is dry inside, and people can drill go in."

Fleur looked taken aback, and Pomona was nervous about Luna's reasoning.

"Someone will soon find out that the lake has not been flooded." Fu Rong said, "What's the use of destroying a reservoir?"

"The dam broke, and many people will be affected downstream..." Pomona felt that this explanation was far-fetched.

"My dad said that during the Second Wizarding War in '96 most of the staff from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Fantastic Beasts were sent to Somerset, where they searched for giants, but couldn't find them, and Devon Next to Somerset, maybe they migrated here." Luna said whimsically, "Did someone inform them that the war is over?"

"Oh, my God." Pomona covered her head, she really didn't expect this.

"The order given by the Death Eaters to the giants is to cause as much damage as possible. There should be plenty of places for them to hide in Exmoor Heights."

Are giants human?

Anyway, to those oak trees as tall as the ancient giants, giants and humans are just bigger ants and smaller ants, or strange people.

Humans are also "giant" in the eyes of goblins and house-elves, and "cute little ones" in the eyes of giants.

"So, the people in the village were attacked by giants, so they left?" Fleur asked.

"The houses here have not been destroyed, I think they just saw giants haunting around, so they chose to leave, they didn't want to get involved in the war."

In Druid teachings, when one feels danger, it is advocated not to panic, but to gain strength from faith to resist like a wild bear.

However, resistance doesn't always work.

There are very few Druids left now, just as rare as Golden Snidgets. In order to continue, they no longer consume a limited population in wars like in the past.

"What was this reservoir built for?" Luna said. "I didn't see the wires."

If the reservoir is used to generate electricity, there should be power lines, but the surrounding area is empty, and there are no high-voltage electricity towers at all.

"Let's go find the others first." Pomona said in a deep voice, "Where are Neville and the others now?"

Then there was the sound of Apparition in the air, and Bill appeared in dragon boots, and Fleur immediately rushed over and hugged him tightly.

"Aren't you home with George?" said Pomona sourly.

"I asked Angelina to take Fred and Victor to accompany him, as well as Dad and Mom." Bill said, "There are many people with him, and now you need more people."

"Do you know what this reservoir is for?" asked Pomona.

"George said this reservoir is for Derby, Sheffield, Nottingham and Leicester..."

"In other words, they are destroying the water sources of several big cities." Pomona interrupted Bill coldly.

"Generally speaking, there will be backup water sources, but if those water sources are also polluted, they will not be drinkable." Bill said blankly, "At the beginning of the last century, a flood submerged two villages, and then the Muggles simply A reservoir was built here, and Derwent is the name of one of the submerged villages."

"Is it possible they're planning to poison the water?" Luna asked.

"If they have been poisoned, those cities and Muggle waterworks will also detect it." Bill trembled.

"Muggles can't detect potions." Pomona sighed.

Deventer is located in the Peak District National Park, with open moorlands, beautiful river valleys and picturesque villages, but no vigilant police.

Fortunately, Neville received the news from the oak tree, otherwise everyone would have forgotten about this place.

There was uneasiness hidden in the picturesque and peaceful scenery, and Pomona felt relieved after knowing what the enemy was planning to do.

Human beings are indeed very lucky, assuming that someone has been poisoned, but due to unknown reasons, there is no poison in the city, and they narrowly escaped the catastrophe.

It must have taken a lot of time for the plants to pass the news from Devon to Scotland, and they had to cross the channel in between. The news has been seriously delayed, but better late than never.

"The prisoner should have left early, we should find out what happened here now?" Pomona whispered, and then apparated to the top of the dam, overlooking the mirror-like reservoir lake under the moonlight, near the shore There is a well next to it, which should be the legendary overflow.

Everyone has stayed in the mother's womb, which is full of amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid allows the fetus to move freely in the water and prevents the child from being injured. The amniotic fluid in the early pregnancy is the blood serum after the mother's blood has been permeated and filtered. Later, the main component of the amniotic fluid is the child's urine.

Oviparous animals do not have a navel on the belly of mammals. The mother provides nutrition to the child through the umbilical cord, and the child maintains the balance of amniotic fluid by swallowing amniotic fluid, which is an indispensable and important component for maintaining the life of the fetus.

Even with the development of science today, maternal life is still in danger during childbirth, for example, amniotic fluid suddenly enters the mother's blood circulation and causes amniotic fluid embolism.

Perhaps, Merope died because of an amniotic fluid embolism.

She was really unlucky, she didn't have a beautiful appearance, and she didn't meet a kind-hearted person. In the end, she encountered serious complications during childbirth and passed away.

But she was still a mother, and she was glad that Tom had inherited his father's appearance, so that he would have an easier life than someone who was born ugly.

Voldemort was originally a very lucky boy, with a beautiful face, powerful magic power, and a smart mind, much better than Severus, why did he live his life like a scorpion?

"You're such an idiot, Tom," she said softly, quickly drowned out by wind and apparition, and no one but herself knew what she had just said.

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