Pomona once saw two gray-haired old men dancing to the melody of "What a Wonderful World It Is" in the atrium of a department store. her.

She took out the black swan pendant from the neckline. In the ballet Swan Lake, the white swan is the representative of kindness, and the black swan is the embodiment of evil. The black swan lured the prince under the order of the devil.

It represents desire, struggle, not cowardice, and not hiding or suppressing all desires.

She is free to do whatever she wants, and when the white swan's snow-white feathers are dyed black, Odette becomes Odgeria, and a good girl becomes a bad girl.

There is indeed a half-blood prince in Hogwarts Castle. He loves Lily who is as pure as a white swan. Although no devil ordered Pomona to seduce him, she followed her inner wish and seduced the prince.

While she was proud of her success, she was also afraid that he would not be able to withstand the temptation and be seduced by other women.

As a result, she turned into a bold "bad girl", her legs wrapped around his waist tightly like vines, and when she hugged him tightly, she cried and screamed as if she lost control.

This reaction made him lose control, his strength made her shake constantly, and the whole world seemed to be crumbling.

Fortunately, his cautious personality would place an anti-tapping spell on the door of the bedroom, otherwise, after crying and venting like her, everyone would know what she was doing in the room.

After all the frenzy ended, she sank herself into the soft sheets, closed her eyes to enjoy the tranquility, and breathed the breath of the forest.

It seemed that she was by the lake, surrounded by white fog.

On Midsummer Night, Veela will transform into a beautiful young woman, dancing under the moon in tulle.

Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream describes the carnival between man and fairy, pure joy, without philosophy or tragedy.

In the misty illusion, there are fairies' dancing and music, lovers' chasing, clown's naughty dancing, and flower demon's pranks. Because of the effect of the magic juice, when Lysander woke up, he saw Helena who broke in by mistake. Since then, he has "transferred love", which made Hermia very sad.

The little devil in Pomona's heart was very proud, so she "joked" more boldly. The head Slytherin, who was obviously younger than her, but was as serious and conservative as an old man, let her go like a child. Freedom" was something she couldn't find anywhere else.

She couldn't do Teddy's business alone, she needed Severus' support.

But she had a strong instinct that Severus would let her mind her own business.

Albus and Grindelwald finally broke up because they were meddling too much, he said he would not let them become old fools and old lunatics, he did what he said, because it was his own words oath.

Unknowingly, the baby Harry who was held by Hagrid in his arms was already Teddy's godfather. It seemed really irresponsible to leave the matter to him, especially when Hufflepuff was involved in this matter. Husband's affairs should not be handled by him, a Gryffindor.

A healthy and lovely blush appeared on her cheeks, and she remembered the comments he said in her ear again: she was a naughty girl who was duplicity, and what she said was completely different from what she actually did.

Then he would kiss her with those thin, mean lips and suck loudly on purpose, which was not what he was like when he was a child.

Pomona didn't have much interest in him before he was an adult. At that time, the boy was like a lemon pie exuding green taste, but when his shoulders began to thicken and became more and more stable, she Instead, he started noticing him.

The greasy old bat is not handsome at all, but he really is like his dad Tobias, a wild "beast".

He was not like the domestic boys, and there was a dark tension about him that one wanted to tame.

Good aristocratic etiquette, strict throat buttons, and cold attitude are all his disguises. His essence is still that little hooligan in the slums, and his mouth that likes to say mean things can't help cursing two people occasionally. A dirty word.

But if he is just a slum rogue, Pomona is not interested in him anymore, he is a wizard, because of the past history, he loves women very much, even Voldemort is tolerant, provided that the person must be pure blood .

They don't tie women to the stake and burn them, and they don't hold girls in the water to test whether she will drown. If she dies, she is a witch. If she doesn't die, she will be sent to the stake. Muggle men will do that dry.

Just ask any woman, who would choose a man who is violent to women as a husband, and they will all hope to find the kind of man who has white hair and can still dance with his wife in his arms.

Fleur's choice of Bill is actually not so difficult to understand. Albus Dumbledore was still traveling around the world when he was his age, but he couldn't go to Brazil because he had no money, and broke up with a pen pal. At that time, he didn't complain.

Fred died, and Molly needed comfort. He and Fleur moved back to the Burrow to spend the difficult time with his mother. He used to help Molly with housework at home. Arthur was bitten by Nagini In the end, it was Bill who took the initiative to stay with his father in the hospital and take care of his injured father...

"Dean!" Hannah suddenly roared, calling her soul back.

The whole forest looked extraordinarily quiet in the silvery moonlight. At this time, the feeling of "sanctification" disappeared. She was still a mortal, subject to life, old age, sickness and death, with seven emotions and six desires, even though she was a mixed-race Veela with a longer lifespan than ordinary people.

"What are you doing?"

"Did you bring a flying broomstick?"


"Then why don't you ride a bird and snake like Rolf and the others to see what's going on at the top of the dam."

Pomona glanced at Luna Lovegood.

"What about her?"

"You mean Luna? She said she wanted to stay in the forest." Hannah said angrily, "She said this forest is a bit strange."

"I think so too," said Pomona. "You guys go."

"Then I'll stay too." Hannah said immediately.

"Protect Neville, you may not know what you will encounter. Those people take advantage of this time to destroy the dam. If it weren't for Neville's special ability, they might succeed."

"You really believe what he said?"

"Yes, I trust him," Pomona said gravely. "Think of the Room of Requirement, Hannah. Neville was the leader when Harry wasn't around. He protected you all."

Hannah was silent now, so Pomona went to find Luna Lovegood.

Rolf was grabbing her arm, staring into her eyes, and reluctantly telling her to be careful. He was much more romantic than Neville in this regard, so Pomona had to cough deliberately.

"Oh, it's you." Luna said in a sleepy tone, "What's the matter with you?"

"I want to investigate this forest, do you want to go together?"

"Yes!" said Ravenclaw's eaglet to Hufflepuff's badger graciously.

"Shall we go through that village?" Rolf asked.

"No need." Pomona and Luna said together, and then walked deep into the forest together.

Not long after they left, George followed. The chivalry of Gryffindor would not leave the girls alone.

"You're a weird guy," said Freak Luna. "You're not like your average Hufflepuff."

"Hahaha, thank you." Pomona said dryly.

"It must be very hard for so many people to hide." Luna said, "I can understand, it must have brought you a lot of trouble in life."

"Oh, Luna..." Pomona didn't know how to describe it.

"I don't mind other people XZing my things. Finding things in the castle feels like an adventure, but playing the same game all the time is a bit too boring. I can't understand why they find it interesting."

"Me too," Pomona said helplessly, as if she understood why Severus was upset.

He is so boring that he can't make jokes, let alone jokes related to feelings.

"I'm glad we reached an agreement with you." Luna looked at Pomona and said, "I can feel that you are not a bad person."

"I also understand that you didn't date Rolf because of Scamander's reputation." Pomona also stopped and looked at Luna. "I'm sorry that you and Neville didn't succeed."

"I'm glad you can reconcile, but this is not the time for small talk." George said disappointedly, "Go on..."


There was the sound of footsteps in the bushes, and George shot a spell with his wand, but it missed.

Immediately they began a chase.

Through the gaps in the leaves, the moonlight shone on its body. It looked like a goblin in terms of body shape, but the goblin couldn't be that big, and its skin color was also different.

"All petrified!"


Luna and George shot the spell, and it dodged it swiftly, like a rabbit.

It then led them into a rocky depression, its speed unimpressed, but Pomona and the others slowed down.

Pomona saw it go into a cave.

At first glance, the hole looks similar to a rabbit hole, but she thinks that the creatures living in it should not be as friendly as rabbits.

"What's that?" George gasped.

"I don't know." Pomona frowned and said, "Are you planning to go and have a look?"

"Of course." Luna replied without hesitation.

"Then let's go." Pomona said, leading the two students towards the strange hole.

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