Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 640 The Land of Oak Trees

Between the winter solstice and the summer solstice, the oak tree is called the king of the forest, and the holly tree will replace the oak tree as the king of the forest after the summer solstice.

On the day of the winter solstice, the position where the sun shines directly on the ground reaches the southernmost end of the year, the northern hemisphere receives the least sunlight, the days are the shortest, and the night sky astrology is completely replaced by winter astrology.

Both Harry and Neville were born at the end of July. According to the zodiac signs divided by the solar calendar, they are both Leos, but according to the Celtic tree calendar, they are both born in the Holly Moon.

Harry's wand is a holly wood body with a phoenix tail feather core, and his wand coincides with his birth month.

Neville's first wand was inherited from his father, and Augusta hoped that he would be as good as Frank.

There is a picture in Nicholas's notes, a huge snake swallows the wand, Neville's second wand is made of cherry wood, as far as a savior is concerned, that wand is too weak, far inferior to the one who is good at fighting Holly, but this is the "savior" that humans can get. Harry was chosen by Albus Dumbledore. He is indeed much better than his peers in magic and willpower, but far behind Tom Riddle. The true heir of Salazar Slytherin.

Every woman hopes that her husband is handsome, talented, rich, and loved, but such a man does not exist.

This kind of dream of Prince Charming can be woken up. A woman wakes up every morning to face the husband who is getting fatter, slovenly, and as naive as a child. Apart from being patient, is it possible to divorce him?

In appearance, Arthur is far less handsome than Lockhart, Molly and Hermione are both his admirers, this does not affect Molly's love for Arthur.

Molly's head was clear, but Pomona's head was sometimes hot, and she confused adoration with admiration.

She was going to ask Severus to borrow the basilisk, but instead received a basketful of threats.

Three hours later, before 11 o'clock, she must go back, and she is not Cinderella who ran away at the ball.

Fortunately, this time they went to the forest instead of the castle, which happened to be Hufflepuff's home field, and Neville's talent in herbs could make up for his lack of duel.

Only a few trees can make magic wands, just like only a few humans can become wizards, only a few trees can sense magic power, when the branches used to make magic wands leave the mother tree, it can no longer absorb magic power by itself, this world You need a wand core to replenish the magic.

The wand core can be replaced, phoenix tail feathers, unicorn mane, dragon heartstrings, snake nerves, according to Ollivander, if the combination of cherry wood and dragon heartstrings cannot give that wand to a lack of self-control A wizard with strength and great psychic power, and the combination of hazel and unicorn mane means that wand is dead.

When Pomona brought Neville apparated to Derwent, although this oak forest was not full of thick giant trees like the Forbidden Forest, it still had a sense of sacredness, and it felt like a unicorn would appear forest.

Then came Luna, Rolf, George, Hannah, and Michael Koner and Teri Boot, who happened to be on duty near Chinatown.

The current situation in the city is not something that little people like them can cope with. Anyway, there are so many people here, it doesn't matter if they are missing, so they followed.

There was an artificial dam not far from the forest, and on the high ground level with the dam, there was a small village. It was dark inside, but it looked peaceful under the light of the full moon, and there was nothing strange about it.

"Are you sure it's this place?"

Rolf asked Neville.

Neville looked at the surrounding oak trees. Not many people knew about his weird talent, and no one knew what he was looking at.

Neville really didn't look like Gryffindor at all. His poor grades aroused sympathy, but he had some things on his mind that were inconvenient to tell his peers. He actually talked to potted plants.

"Are you hungry? I've got treacle pudding," Pomona said, taking food from her pocket.

"Why do you always have food in your pocket?" Hannah pouted. "No wonder everyone says you look like a Tasmanian devil."

Michael Corner almost laughed, but he managed to hold back. Pomona didn't bother to argue with her prefect, spread a blanket on the ground, and started the picnic there.

"You think it's time for a picnic?" George asked with a strange look on his face.

"Why not? I can feel that this forest is sacred." Pomona chewed the pudding and said inarticulately, "Usually Druids would choose the oak forest as a hermitage. They guard the natural order, I think There is nothing safer than their domain."

"Didn't we come to investigate because there are suspicious people here?"

"Okay, you are in charge of guarding, and we rest." Pomona said immediately, "After we have rested, it will be your turn to rest."

George shook his head, as if he was going to ignore her.

"I... I'm going to the bathroom." Neville said anxiously.

"Go, don't go too far." Pomona said, and then Neville left, with obvious disgust on Hannah's face.

"He's going to communicate with Oak." Pomona whispered in Hannah's ear, "Do you remember Harry speaking Parseltongue in his second year?"

Hannah looked at her in bewilderment.

Pomona put her index finger to her lips and made a silent gesture towards Hannah, who was still thinking about what Voldemort said about Helga Hufflepuff's true heir.

The portrait of Helga who stayed at Hogwarts was a very ordinary middle-aged woman, not so... different from Salazar Slytherin.

If Voldemort really knew about Helga's blood, why didn't he take it seriously? He obviously likes to "collect" pure blood nobles.

The Smith family claims to be a direct line of Hufflepuff, and there is a gold cup to prove it. Hepzibah Smith is the kind of woman who likes to show off her wealth. She gave the gold cup and Slytherin locket to Tom Riddle look.

The gold cup was definitely obtained through murder, but the locket of Slytherin appeared in Black's house. As a pure-blooded Slytherin family, Black wanted to get things from Slytherin. The problem is the locket How did you get to Black's house?

There was a rustling sound in the quiet forest, which sounded like a snake crawling. Pomona looked over vigilantly, and it turned out that the wind was making trouble.

The southwest of England is warmer than London, and the snow has almost melted. It blows up the fallen leaves in the forest, and it looks like dead leaves become butterflies.

Hermione and the others broke Slytherin's locket in the Forest of Dean, but they tried everything to no avail, from autumn all the way to winter when the lake froze.

In the end, it was Harry who split it with the sword of Gryffindor. As a master of Legilimency, Voldemort read the dark side of Ron's heart. He was jealous because of love. He was jealous of all his excellent men, but Hermione chose him in the end, so he became a "lucky boy".

Jewelry is too a luxury for the poor, and it is better to exchange it for the bread needed for life.

Rich people wear it not just for decoration, just like the dark blue ocean star, Carl hopes to use it to win Rose's heart, but Rose chooses Jack, Carl, a winner in life, becomes a loser in an instant, he is jealous Jack was so mad that he even tried to shoot Jack when the ship sank.

Titanic will become a huge undersea coffin. No one knows how Jack died. Carl doesn't have to worry about being punished for killing someone.

What the Romans did when they invaded the sacred forest can only be written in their own history. Before the rise of Christianity, the Romans encouraged women to become druids, and they also had the right to education. Later, women did not Permission to own property was seen as a symbol of temptation and original sin.

God first created Adam, a perfect primitive man, and later created Eve from one of Adam's ribs.

She hated the fairy tale, but she couldn't put it into words.

If Helga married, she would probably not keep her surname, as the rules of the game in a patrilineal society were like this.

"I'll give you a hint." A voice behind her ear said, "Do you remember when there was blood on the wall?"

Filch's cat was petrified by the basilisk, and he cried so sadly, as if the only relative died.

"I didn't realize it at first, after all, when I was still a 'human', I needed time to sleep, but when I became a monster who no longer needed sleep, I could have more time to study those materials." He sighed He took a deep breath, and said as if tired, "You can take this as compensation for your daughter, she should also be of the blood of a wizard."

Pomona uses Occlumency.

In fact, she doesn't have to imagine that she is in the forest, because she is in the forest at the moment, she has guessed enough puzzles, why can't she just tell her?

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