Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 636 Strange Whispers

The life and death of human beings need to be decided by law enforcement officers. However, werewolves are classified as beasts in the MOM level. When humans want to eat chicken, they don’t make killing chickens illegal. Although killing werewolves is illegal in law, it is illegal in law enforcement. Time is not certain.

In Hogwarts and the Order of the Phoenix, Remus can be treated equally as a human being, but outside, he is classified as a beast just like his kind, even if the magical disease of lyophobia is not voluntary.

They like to eat bloody meat, and they also like to chase like wolves. Chinatown is not big, and the road conditions are not bad. Marathons are often held in London. People who exercise regularly and those who don’t exercise can be seen at a glance at this moment—they can’t win There is only one dead end, and fate will not give anyone a chance to do it again.

It didn't take long for the running crowd to reach the intersection guarded by Umbridge. She led a dozen people standing there aggressively, looking very powerful.

Lycanthropy is losing all sanity. Pomona doesn't think that those werewolves would stop charging because of fear after seeing their companions die from the Avada Kedavra curse. What's more, after arriving here, there are glass windows everywhere on both sides of the street, and werewolves It would be easy to rush into the store.

When taking Slytherin as opponents before, Pomona always felt that they were a little... Now that they were teammates, this kind of blind confidence really made Pomona unable to express it in words.

"What's your backup plan, Doris?" Pomona looked down from the roof,

If they came out of this intersection, it was London Mulberry World, and there would be a lot of children in it. She didn't think it would be a good dueling field.

"I can teach you a little trick." The voice behind her ear said, "You can burn those dirty things to death with fire. Isn't fire magic what he is good at?"

"Ordinary magic won't work on them," said Pomona.

"That's why, that's why you need to use the Dark Arts," he said in a silky soft voice that, to be honest, Pomona didn't think was as magnetic as Severus's voice sounded.

"The Fiercefire Curse is too wild to control."

"Crabbe can't, but you are different. Did the White Wizard show you the memory of the Battle of the Ministry of Magic?"

Pomona shook her head. She thought for a while that the other party might not be able to see her. Just as she was about to say no, the voice started to speak again.

"You have understood before that flame is also a substance. Treat the animal's soul as your own pet, train it, and let it obey your commands, so that you can control the flame."

"I can't do that," Pomona trembled.

"Of course you can do it!" Maybe because his voice was too angry, he said in a soft voice, "If you are willing to learn from me, I will tell you a secret, who is the real Helgahef A descendant of Puff."

Pomona stiffened all over.

"You know, it's not the Smith family." Her gaze turned to Umbridge uncontrollably, "There are always some people in this world who want to have a bit of blood that is nobler than them, to cover up their humbleness. I can't stand a Slytherin locket on something so filthy and ugly, and I give you the honor of wearing a Slytherin locket."

"I won't wear your Horcrux, Tom!" Pomona said with all her might.

"When the sword of Gryffindor smashed it, it was no longer my Horcrux." Tom Riddle said softly, "I think you have already felt its charm, right?"


"Beautiful things should be worn by beautiful people. I'm starting to understand why Severus is crazy about you, that Mudblood Lily..."

"Shut up!" Pomona yelled, covering her ears.

"It's pathetic," lamented Voldemort. "Why waste such a gift, witch?"

She began to recall the life of a normal woman.

A kitchen filled with sunshine and the scent of desserts, checked tablecloths, and a freshly picked flower from the field.

There is a piece of cheesecake and a cup of steaming black tea on the table. She has a husband who is not handsome and is always feared by the children around him, who is called "angry".

He was grizzled and badly out of shape, old enough to be a grandpa, and her daughter would bring her little granddaughter to meet her, a little girl with flaming red hair and green eyes, her favorite food It's blueberry cheese...

"I thought you'd be willing to spend some brains to learn something useful," said Voldemort. "Do you think that country woman can take care of those werewolves?"

"Shut up, Tom!" she snapped.

"Only by cultivating more wizards, and only when wizards become strong, those dark creatures dare not rebel. When I was still here, did you ever worry about werewolves and dementors?" He said softly and gracefully, "I am protecting You, why? Is it because you've been with Muggles for so long that you're just as stupid as they are, and can't tell good from bad?"

Pomona turned back with her wand raised.

"I'm Doctor Simon, and you are the Muggles who want to drive him away. You, is this how you treat your patron saint?"

"You killed a lot of people, Tom, including my children!" snapped Pomona.

"I didn't kill her. It was Severus who made the decision. I admire him very much. He knows that he can nip the danger in the bud. He may be wondering if my soul will be parasitic on that fetus."

Pomona froze again.

"I almost took Harry Potter's body, I used his blood, so we are twin brothers." He said with a weird smile, "His mother's spell to protect him is useless to him, my The Killing Curse will work on him, too."

Pomona feels pathetic for Tom Riddle.

It turned out that he always wanted someone to protect him.

But he couldn't trust people, that's why he made so many Horcruxes.

"But I didn't. Like you said, I wouldn't want to be a woman."

"what did you do to me!"

"That's another question. Now, you have a choice. Do you want to know what happened to you, or do you want to know who is the descendant of Helga Hufflepuff?"

"Please, let me go!"

"It's so weak." He said contemptuously, "You don't have time to hesitate, make up your mind quickly!"

At this moment, a green light began to flash below, and one werewolf after another fell to the ground under the death curse, but when they fell, Muggles were involved, and the werewolf's striker was getting closer and closer to them.

She could burn those werewolves to death with the Fiercefire Curse, but that way the trap wouldn't have to be set.

What's more, she doesn't like cold killing, she prefers hearty food, warm sunshine, and laughing with friends.

Sirius, James, Remus, Lily, they were all dead, and even Severus was resurrected from the dead, which made her start to believe in the legend that Veela brought bad luck.

She wanted to take a boat and date on the Black Lake, not see him covered in blood in the dock.

She wanted him to live, no matter what she was asked to do.

In a trance, she thought that she had returned to her secluded place again. They drank creamy mushroom soup on the first night, and the bedroom had just been tidied up. It was a double bed, not much wider than the wide single bed she used to sleep in, but She felt a sense of fear.

She has a family and will share it with another person in the future, which is not dating, but formal cohabitation.

She is obviously the kind of person who does not support cohabitation before marriage.

At such a time and occasion, she can actually think of these...

Having regained control of her body, she let out a long sigh. The worst-case scenario was that she, like Nagini, became Voldemort's Horcrux, and she could only hope she wasn't.

Lily's magic protects Harry, and that power runs in his blood, so Petunia of the same blood can protect Harry.

She has absolutely no blood relationship with Lily and Harry. The only connection is the wand of yew and phoenix tail feathers. Voldemort used it to kill Lily, and when he killed Harry, the rebounding Killing Curse killed himself.

Ouroboros represents alchemy, and in Nicolome's notes, a magic wand swallowed by a giant snake is drawn on the seventh page of the first group, and the treasure phoenix on the Philosopher's Stone notes.

She felt that something was missing, like a piece of the puzzle was missing, but no matter what happened to her, she understood that Occlumency is not necessary to drive Voldemort away, but thinking about things that stink of love is enough To get him out of her mind.

The power to defeat Voldemort is love, no matter what form of love, as long as it is love, it can defeat the person who does not understand love.

So, it was really hard for her to believe that he would have a baby with Bella.

Those vicious werewolves were once other people's children, but they were stolen and bitten by werewolves, and finally became so indiscriminate between right and wrong.

An instinct told her that she should not do unforgivable things to werewolves, otherwise she would regret it.

But, what can we do to stop those werewolves?

"Why not summon the basilisk?" Pomona wondered, confused. Didn't Severus teach everyone how to get out of the hole?

Now that I think about it, only Severus, Bellatrix, and Draco Malfoy have used this spell.

There are a lot of things hidden in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, no wonder Albus Dumbledore wants to find the Chamber of Secrets so much.

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