Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 634 Dream of the Abyss

Many shops in Chinatown had dug their basements, and Pomona and the merchants moved those who had passed out to the basement.

After closing the basement door, she cast a defensive spell on the ground to protect the entrance, and then returned to the street.

At this time, many people have realized that riots have occurred, people are running everywhere, the red light and smoke affect the sight, and there are gunshots like firecrackers everywhere.

Pomona summoned the pod of the pimple vine from the velvet pocket, and threw it at a werewolf who was about to pounce on passers-by. After the pod burst open, the seeds inside got into its head like small bugs. There were bursts of wailing in the head.

It's not that she can't kill, she just doesn't want to use the Unforgivable Curse.

With that spell she felt that her soul fell with it.

The Muggle human she had rescued looked at her in panic, and Pomona thought he looked familiar.

"It's you!" The other party recognized her first.

"Who are you?"

"Zhonghua Supermarket, seasoning section." He said cheerfully.

Pomona suddenly realized, "You ask me which seasoning is suitable for seafood?"

"That's right, it's me." He quickly stood up and held her hand enthusiastically, "Thank you, thank you very much!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another howl of wolves in the night sky. This sound was very close, as if it was close at hand.

"Leave Chinatown, or find a shop to hide in!" Pomona yelled at him, and then started running in the direction of howling wolves.

"I can help, I'm a doctor!" he yelled after her.

"You can't fix that kind of injury..." Pomona didn't care at first. Muggles would probably die if bitten by a werewolf, and a wizard would turn into a werewolf if bitten by a werewolf. But when she saw the wound lying on the side of the road, Still stopped.

She found bandages and white moss in her pocket and handed them to him.

"Take it, this bottle is potion. If you encounter a wound caused by a werewolf, mix it with silver powder and apply it."

"Potion? Are you a witch?" the Muggle doctor asked with a strange expression.

"That's right, I'm a witch." Pomona said blankly, "Do you know what is attacking you?"

"Uh, wolf?"

"It's worse, werewolves." She gritted her teeth, not letting herself change into a terrifying expression. "Wolves are at least a little bit rational, they are not at all."

The Muggle doctor froze; he didn't seem to understand what she meant.

Pomona stopped explaining to him in detail, turned around and left.

Almost all of London today was rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1666.

What does the end of the world look like? A city with a population of 600,000 has only 500 doctors.

After the first black death patient was discovered in London in April 1665, a large number of royal families and nobles immediately concealed the news in May and June, and took away all the horses in the city in order to escape.

When the plague officially broke out in the city in July and August, the residents in the city first faced the situation of no horses to use, and they could not run far even if they wanted to run without animal power.

And these 500 doctors almost all ran away after the plague broke out, and there was only one doctor in several parishes.

The doctor's name is Simon.

At that time, according to the method of plague control, if a black death patient was found in someone's home, the whole family must be quarantined. The father of No. 177 Forth Street killed the guard and escaped with his three children.

His wife has undoubtedly contracted the Black Death, but the three children and himself are asymptomatic. If he continues to stay in the house, the four of them are at high risk of being infected. If they run away, they may be infected more people.

Similar things often happen in the city. What's worse, when the royal family fled, they took a large number of policemen and soldiers with them. The police force in London was seriously insufficient. A large number of criminals looted their homes and the social order collapsed, just like what Pomona saw before her eyes. .

Although a small number of government officials remained, their ability to face the chaos spreading throughout the city was limited. Because the plague spread, the cleaners were afraid to come out, and the streets were littered with garbage. At the same time, the streets were filled with thick smoke of rosin and sulfur. , as shipping gradually came to a halt, the London City Government didn't even have the money to buy medical supplies, and the elimination became a dead letter.

He went to the city without the feeling of being a farmer. There was a shortage of supplies in the city. People were so hungry that they would buy everything. The only doctor Simon who stayed in the city met a she wolf who accidentally fell into a trap.

At that time, it was rumored in the city that cats, dogs and wolves could spread diseases, so animals were hunted everywhere in and around London.

Wolves also occasionally eat scavengers, and the she-wolf was caught in the cemetery, and Dr. Simon let her go.

At that time, the number of people who died of illness in London in a day was several thousand, and Dr. Simon could only sleep for one hour a day. He saved only a handful of people, and tens of thousands of people died. At this time, he would save the life of even an animal. killed.

At the same time, all kinds of scammers are in full swing, selling so-called panacea to the poor who are dying.

Aristocrats and rich people ran away, taking away a lot of property, society shut down, many industries went bankrupt, a large number of people had no income because of unemployment, and people starved to death everywhere. Ten dead bodies, taken like rubbish to the outskirts of London for burial, the only job the government can guarantee pay.

Dr. Simon didn't get paid for what he did, and other doctors ran away, and the clinic ran out of medicines. Just as he was about to close the clinic, all the doctors in the isolation hospital in the north disappeared, and all the patients were left there. People died in the hospital. Mixed with the living, no one to deal with at all.

What would you do if you were the only doctor in town?

No one will blame them for running away. Many civilians are running themselves, and there are thousands of people suffering from illnesses crying outside the door.

In the boundless darkness, maybe there was only one lamp burning firmly, Simon finally chose to stay, because if he didn't go, there would be no one to go.

With his help, a small number of people walked out of the hospital alive, but what awaited him was not the cheers of a hero's triumph. His home was burned down in the Great Fire of London, and his neighbors learned that he was working in an isolation hospital because Fearing that they would be infected, they drove away the only doctor in the city.

In most cases, good people will not be rewarded. It is not wrong for those residents to drive away Simon, but who will save them after driving away the last doctor?

And they didn't know that Simon was the last doctor in the city, but even if they knew, they would still do it.

Fire can purify many things, but it cannot illuminate the darkness in people's minds.

Because of the outbreak in London, nearby villages were closed, and people who fled London on foot fell to death in the wilderness, including Simon.

At that time, spots of the Black Death had already begun to appear on his body.

On the snow that day, Pomona saw Pete. Maybe Simon was as helpless as Pete at that time.

Later, it was said that it was the she-wolf that Simon had rescued who saved him.

She not only used her body to keep Simon in the snow warm, but also cured him of the Black Death.

When London was rebuilt again, people learned the lessons of the last time, built houses with stone materials, and laid many sewers.

When Simon fled to his hometown in the country, all the family members were there, and the family was finally reunited.

If a human is attacked by a humanoid werewolf, the victim will pick up some mild wolfish habits, such as sharing Bill's preference for raw meat.

If two werewolves meet and mate during a full moon, they will give birth to wolf pups, which are identical to real wolves except for their extraordinary intelligence. They will not be more aggressive than real wolves, nor will they attack humans alone.

Werewolves and wizards are not afraid of the Black Death. If that "she-wolf" turns Dr. Simon into a "werewolf", then it is not just a "miracle" that his Black Death is cured without any medicine.

Japanese wolves are said to have become extinct in the last century, just like ball-tun birds. The staple food of Japanese wolves are herbivores such as sika deer and grass rabbits. The number of herbivores has been effectively controlled due to the existence of wolves, and the plants in the mountains and forests can grow in spring and summer and grow endlessly. Therefore, in Japanese folk mythology, wolves are also regarded as patron saints.

When the distant howling of wolves can no longer be heard on the Japanese archipelago, the figure of Japanese wolves can no longer be erased from people's hearts.

Many things can only be cherished when they are lost.

But at that time, it was too late to regret.

The behavior of human beings to show off their wealth will intensify conflicts. There will always be people who can't help but commit crimes. What should we do when the police force is insufficient and the police are useless?

When carnival is often immersed in a beautiful dream, as if drunk, but no matter how beautiful the dream is, it will eventually wake up.

If a person has money and does not show it off and attract envious eyes from others, then what does he need so much money for?

It's the same feeling that wizards have powerful magic but can't use it because of the International Statute of Secrecy.

How cool it feels to be unscrupulous.

The street in front of Pomona seemed to be shrouded in the red light of flames. Werewolves hunted down Muggles, and dark wizards hunted down werewolves. Green lightning flashed across the sky.

If you are red-green color blind, the scene in front of you is like the plot of a black-and-white horror movie. What's worse is that this is not a movie.

When werewolves change into wolf form, they completely lose their humanity.

However, in fact, people sometimes lose their humanity without turning into a wolf.

In a world full of beasts, people will also become food.

It is not easy to be a sober and humble man, Cedric Diggory died.

God always takes away what he likes, and leaves what he hates, waiting for the opportunity to destroy it. He created this world, and of course he has the right to destroy it. Human beings are dissatisfied, so what can they do?

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