Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 631 Wolf Blood Boiling

Salazar Slytherin believes that to deal with dark wizards, violence must be controlled by violence. The best way to subdue bad guys is not to reason, but to do worse and more utterly than he does. Therefore, many people think that he is more evil than dark wizards black wizard.

Women are definitely inferior to men in terms of physical condition and strength. When encountering conflicts, most of the people who suffer head-on are women. At this time, it is better to bear with it for the time being and settle the score later. It is wise to protect your own safety first.

Even if magic and spells give women a chance to compete fairly with men.

There are many signs of a woman's success, one of which is the quantity and quality of her male suitors.

For example, Furong, she has many silly boys chasing after her.

Another example is Hermione. Although she doesn't have many suitors, she plays Harry and Victor in the hands of Rita Kiester. Harry is the "chosen boy" and the "chosen boy" in the hearts of all girls in the school. Golden Boy", Victor is a world-class Seeker and pure-blood nobleman, and he doesn't mind Hermione's Muggle-born background at all.

Both of them make girls mad with jealousy, compared to Doris Umbridge, even though she has become a judge of the Wizengamot, the girls still don't envy her, but give her a nickname- —Pink toad.

Women know women best. Sometimes, in order to please boys, girls will change themselves, not only their own dress, but even their own ideas. One of the twenty-eight holy families, Molly from the Puri family In fact, she doesn’t like Muggles very much, she is not like Narcissa Malfoy, who wears Muggle-looking dresses that look retro, but insists on wearing wizard robes, but she loves Arthur, so she also loves the house and Ude stands up for Muggles This side of the rights.

The vast majority of women will not have the same clear political stance as men. They are not interested in politics at all, and they are more concerned about their children's education in comparison.

Aristocratic families definitely want their children to be exposed to magic early, but in this way, Muggle-borns who have never been exposed to the wizarding world, or children like Harry will have a gap with children from wizarding families as soon as they enter school. Harry and the other Muggle-born children were most worried when they were newborns.

In a race between two horses, if one horse overtakes the other by too much, the horse behind will not catch up, but will give up.

There are many parents who hold the same idea as Aaron Rossier. Pomona has met more than once at the party, and sometimes she even has the same idea, but that is absolutely not allowed.

When Harry was in the fifth grade, Severus lost his authority, and it happened that a group of Death Eaters ran out from Azkaban. There are many gangsters, and even Crabbe has learned the Fiercefire Curse. The opposition between Slytherin and the other three houses is more obvious, and there is not a single Slytherin among the DA members.

Pomona's goal is to turn the three-legged stool into a four-legged stool again. She will not be easy to Aaron Rossier's proposal, but now she can't refuse it clearly. Rosier looks down on Malfoy, and he and Severus They cooperated to wash away the stigma of their dark wizard family, although Aaron's mother didn't seem to mind the Rosier family's reputation being a bit more stinky.

Threats of force might sound uncivilized, but they were necessary, at least during Voldemort's "disappearance" when goblins were safe, and werewolves were as docile as hounds.

Now that the threat of force is gone, goblins and werewolves are ready to move.

Power is power, when it is strong enough, it can crush all intrigues and intrigues.

During the French Revolution, the disputes over the interests of the royal family, nobles, and churches were torn apart under the power of the people's revolution. The king and nobles were sent to the guillotine. France began to de-Christianize. The law removed the privileges of the nobles. Intrigues and intrigues deceived each other.

Violence doesn't need to be reasoned. No matter how eloquent that person is usually, if you hit him with one fist, the bridge of that person's nose will be crooked.

Wizards value power, even if power is not the key to victory or defeat, it is indispensable. The "old school" pure-blood nobles are like this, power comes first. If it wasn't because Grindelwald lost to Albus, they wouldn't care about any international issues. What about secrecy laws?

London's Chinatown is not far from Buckingham Palace and Downing Street. If the cage that keeps them is opened, God knows what they will do.

However, can tourists with only a camera in their hands deal with those werewolves with sharp teeth and claws?

If not, you have to learn to submit to the strong. Then the overbearing mummy priest Imerton also succumbed to the Scorpion King. If Imerton can also go to Hogwarts to study...he may not be assigned to Slytherin College .

His ambition is actually not great, he doesn't want to be a pharaoh, he just likes Anna Sui, for her, he even betrayed his own belief and abandoned the position of high priest, boys will do many things for girls, even Hagrid Disclosed the information to Madam Maxim, Cedric also handed the Bubble Curse to Fleur, Ron abandoned his family, and for Hermione to continue destroying Horcruxes, "good brother" Harry was ranked second bit.

Cleopatra is extolled because she conquered Caesar and Antony. Although Audrey Hepburn is called an angel on earth by modern people, her story is probably not as popular as Cleopatra for more than two thousand years.

Nothing in this world is more suitable for women than love.

Some people define a successful woman by her own strong woman, Doris Umbridge is like this, but her heart is very lonely, men know what kind of person she is, even the kind None of the men with power and unscrupulous methods found her.

They are not interested in her, and they don't even have the heart to harass and maintain ambiguity. This is the saddest thing.

In contrast, Mrs. Zabini can make men go crazy and marry that black widow one after another. How many women don't despise her while secretly jealous?

At the Christmas ball of the Triwizard Tournament, Pomona also tasted the taste of eating chocolate cake while crying alone in the office. The bitterness could not be diluted no matter how many sweets she ate. Fortunately, the old bat knocked her door, saving both of them from a miserable Christmas Eve.

He had gone to the ball with Karkaroff, what a failure the Head of Slytherin had been in the eyes of the boys.

Now the boys know that their "snake king" not only has a legendary first love, but also a living, beautiful mixed-race Veela wife.

Oh, she also has a legendary life experience. The last heir of the French Lestrange family, Cours Lestrange, fell in love with a Veela.

That was not accepted more than eighty years ago. He would rather be removed from his father and be with her.

Then, he was chased and killed by his father's enemy Joseph Karma, and had no choice but to hand over his daughter to Hogwarts for protection and upbringing, just like the "cursed" Rita Lestrange. The Scamander brothers had entanglements, and their "Snake King" dueled for her with Sirius Black, the original heir of the Black family, who was as dazzling as the brightest star. Severus not only won the beauty, but also won Black. The position of the patriarch.

This fully satisfies the curiosity of pure-blood nobles and their romantic fantasies about power. These pure-bloods adore Severus Snape, a half-breed, which is similar to their admiration for Voldemort, the descendant of Salazar Slytherin. Not the same way, even with Lucius Malfoy, who was as bad as Karkaroff at his side.

Now being suppressed by the Anti-Dark Magic Alliance, Malfoy's gold coins are very important. Unity creates invincibility, and proper compromise is conducive to maximizing collective interests.

Back then, because of the International Statute of Secrecy, the relationship between dark wizards and the upper class of Muggles was severed. If the members of the Anti-Dark Magic League planned to continue to have close contact with Muggles, then they would continue to communicate with the upper class of Muggles.

With so many schools built by Muggles, why only one for wizards? Wouldn't it be the same to build another school like Eton College? The other three houses can't stand Slytherin, they just need to split off.

Some people can't stand Snape's harsh teaching style, while others can, because they have a strong heart.

Dogs were also raised in the city. As the sky darkened, they began to howl like wolves in the corners of the city, and a full moon was slowly rising from the horizon.

There is a bit of cloud in the sky tonight, making the moon hazy and hairy.

After eating, drinking and resting, these "hunters" put on a thick layer of perfume and set off to solve the "furry" problem.

Cruelty is a gift that humans have given to themselves.

The tourists who acted as "bait" were finally let in by the police. They didn't know anything about what they were about to face, and they were still taking pictures happily. Gentleman" smiles back at them when he smiles at himself...

"Mistress, does Kreacher want to tidy up this room?" the house elf rubbed her hands and asked Pomona, who was standing by the glass window overlooking the street.

"Leave them alone." Pomona touched her black swan necklace. "Soon this street will be as messy as this one."

"Kreacher heard that the filthy werewolf found a way to remove the secret room, and soon Black's old house will be taken over by Master Potter."

Pomona thought for a moment before she realized who the filthy werewolf was.

She watched Kreacher's expression, and he was watching her, as if waiting for her reaction.

"I hate werewolves," said Pomona wearily, "but I don't think they're dirty, and if Severus was bitten by them, he'd be a werewolf too."

Kreacher thought for a while and said, "So Kreacher can no longer say that werewolves are dirty?"

"Whatever you want, Kreacher, you're a free house-elf." She sighed. "I know you want to save Regulus, but I really need to rest. Can I wait a while?"

Kreacher hesitated for a moment, then bowed slowly.

"Kreacher obeys the mistress's orders."

Pomona didn't know if he said it sincerely or with resentment, but it didn't matter.

Thinking is happiness, but it is also a kind of torture. Only those who are deeply involved in it can understand that people who can't think also have their own fun. Look at those people who took pictures, how happy they are smiling.

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