Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 604 “Heavenly”

Everyone is an orator when it comes to arguing for his own interests.

The problem is that what Pomona is facing now is not a human being, but a spirit body of a tiger. Therefore, even if she becomes an orator for her own benefit at this time, it is useless. Scamander can still use it against Zouwu. The cat teaser is obviously not good against tigers.

She didn't care about her ladylike temperament, and started running directly. The tiger was chasing after her, and no one made a sound.

Peeves can't really hurt anyone, but he can pick up a gun and shoot the students.

The tiger is really famous for its claws and teeth, and after running for a little while, Pomona Apparated to the ground.

She shouldn't exercise immediately after eating, and a feeling of vomiting began to spread from her throat, and she finally couldn't help vomiting.

The white glutinous rice mixed with the black sesame filling turned a cloudy gray.

In Infernal Affairs, Mary probably felt the same way when she found out what Ah Ren and Han Chen had done.

She was so sad that she squatted on the ground and burst into tears.

In Dante's Divine Comedy, there is such a line written on the gate of hell:

Through me the way into the painful city

Through me the way into eternal grief

Through me the way among a race forsaken

Justice moved my heavenly constructor

Dicine omnipotence created me, And highest wisdom joined with primal love

Before me nothing but eternal things were made

And I shall last eternal

Abadon hope, Forever, You who enter

He who fights the devil should be careful not to become a devil himself.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.

People often make a compromise between moral theory and social practice, and choose the easy one between the right choice and the easy choice.

Just like the boy Pi, his family was vegetarian at first, but when survival was threatened, he chose to compromise and use the "scientific" knowledge he learned from his father to catch fish.

He is a human being and a Bengal tiger at the same time.

Serene and peaceful, not because there is no trouble, but because there is no ability to understand and deal with your own troubles.

After going through catastrophe, people will become stronger, more evil, deeper, and more beautiful at the same time.

If a person doesn't love deeply or hate deeply, if he shows hypocrisy and weakness in this respect, then he will inevitably fall if there is a problem.

People must not be surprised, because his love is unnatural, his hatred is artificial, he just plays a person according to a script, and the one who "lives" is not his sincere self.

When Immorton was about to fall into hell, he asked Anna Sui for help. His lover who had been in love with him for thousands of years, escaped at this moment.

So he let go, gave up all hope, and entered the gates of hell, into the pit of eternal misery.

is it scary? Of course, but when Severus committed murder, killing the White Wizard Albus Dumbledore, his soul was no longer pure.

Some "dirty work" must be handled by someone. People who don't have such a strong stomach and want to keep their hands clean and spotless should respect those who do the dirty work for themselves.

Melanie did not dare to kill, but Scarlett shot and killed. She lied for Scarlett, and took off her snow-white cotton pajamas, and used it to wipe off the blood. Melanie was as naked as a lamb at that time.

But that woman who was as fragile as a lamb helped Scarlett quickly get out of the shadow of murder. In the troubled times, Scarlett and Melanie saved each other, and Ashley became less important than that sisterhood.

The experience of suffering together is not the same as being rich and honored. Hermione chose Le Ron instead of Victor. Many girls don't understand, and Pomona was once one of them.

Now she understood that Hermione was indeed the smartest witch her age.

"Hi!" Pomona greeted the Gryffindor lioness coming from a distance.

"Oh my God, Professor?" Hermione raised her voice in surprise. "What's wrong with you?"

"You know Hermione, don't Apparate immediately after eating." Pomona stood up leaning on the wall. "Where is this?"

"Chinatown, Kingsley asked me to come." Hermione helped her stand up "Are you okay?"

She looked around, and not far away was the Hexagonal Pavilion, a landmark building in London's Chinatown, where many people met on dates.

If she hadn't broken in by mistake today, Severus would still be hiding it from her, being protected and knowing nothing, he could maintain that kind of whiteness and purity, which is what people in the dark desire.

Hufflepuff College Handbook Twelve: Tolerance is our trait, playing dumb is our means.

Although the reality is not so beautiful, we must have hope in our hearts. As long as we still have hope, we will not pass through the gate of hell.

"Can you get Neville to come for me?" Pomona said.

"What did you tell him to do?"

"I don't know," she said wearily. "I just want to see him."

Hermione produced the fake Galleon, and it wasn't long before Neville and Hannah appeared, both on broomsticks.

"Professor, are you okay?" Neville asked with concern as soon as he landed. "You look so pale."

Pomona looked at Hannah, she was still very unhappy, as if she was still angry.

"The son of Remus and Tonks, Teddy Lupine, if he is sorted into Hufflepuff College, you must treat him with the eyes of a normal person, and you are not allowed to prejudice him just because his father is a werewolf." Pomona said sternly, "He's the son of a war hero!"

"We know that there is no evidence that the children of werewolves and humans must be werewolves. Rolf told Ron, and Ron told me." Hermione said, "All DA members know."

"But not everyone." Pomona said sleepily, "It's not in the textbook."

"How about we ask Scamander to redo Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them?" Neville said, "and add the werewolves."

"Shouldn't this be added to the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook?" Hannah said with disgust on her face, "Werewolves are not animals."

"The Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks have been changed for several generations. Who knows whose book the next Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will use as textbooks." Hermione said, "Scamander belongs to your academy, and he is retired. There is no interest relationship..."

"Since Rolf knows, why didn't he tell his grandfather?" Pomona coldly reminded the children, "Have you read Emeret Picardy's 'book' about werewolves?"

Both Neville and Hannah were at a loss, only Hermione frowned.

"I hope you haven't read that book, my dear." Pomona sighed helplessly. "You should forget about that book to yourself."

"What was that book about?" Neville asked.

"Wolf that breaks the law." Hermione was full of sympathy and said in great pain, "And why arewolves don't deserve to live."

"How could someone allow this kind of book to be published?" Neville said in disbelief.

"Because this is the popular opinion that werewolves should be eliminated. Once a werewolf registers with the werewolf office, it is tantamount to exposing himself. There will always be irrational people who will get rid of them. That's why I make it a 'hidden rule' ’ reason, remember your date list, Hannah?”

"Yes." Hannah said with a weird face, as if she had eaten Bibi's multi-flavored beans with a strange taste.

"We all know that there is such a thing, but no one has seen that list. Without evidence, there is no way to arrest people. Back then, Marietta handed over the list of DA members and it became physical evidence. Fudge was able to frame Albus for treason. Oh, hell, the Minister for Magic isn't the 'King', how can he use the word treason?" Pomona complained endlessly.

"I heard that Calvin seems to have a lot of dissatisfaction with Kingsley." Hermione said tremblingly.

"Who did you hear that from?" Pomona immediately asked sternly.

"George," Hermione whispered.

"Kingsley canceled the dementors as the guards of Azkaban, and now they are everywhere, and not everyone can summon gods to protect them." Pomona chattered like an old woman, "The aurist thinks that the All the werewolves have been wiped out, and Kingsley believes that the werewolves should be given a chance to reform, and they do have some differences, but they are not to the point of dissatisfaction."

"Oh my God, isn't that bad enough?" Hannah grumbled.

"Do you hate Umbridge? I hate her too, but I'm still one block away from her, thanks to you, Granger, for letting so many half-blood wizards go."

"You think that's wrong?" Hermione looked at her in disbelief. "And, my last name is Weasley now!"

"The relationship of interests is like this. When they use you, they are friends who compliment each other. When they achieve their goals, they turn around and sneer. He even ridicules and belittles you in front of others. This is the relationship between Kingsley and Calvin. Not close enough to generate resentment, they are colleagues, not friends, much less enemies."

At least not yet.

Pomona silently added this sentence in her heart, when Calvin's reputation was higher than that of Kingsley, the general election of the Minister of Magic could start at any time.

"Then what should we do, Professor?" Neville asked, frowning.

"Don't ask me, Severus Snape made my head dizzy, now I can't make correct and wise judgments, you've all grown up, it's time to learn to make your own choices."

"I don't understand why you would be willing to be a housewife." Hermione asked in confusion.

"That's a really good question, Hermione, and I want to know why?" Pomona sighed helplessly, "Maybe I was born to be unable to become the invincible King's Sword, only to be its scabbard, and I need to become Be strong so you won't be hurt by him."

"How did he hurt you?" Neville asked sharply, as if ready to fight Severus at any moment.

"He wants to leave everything behind and continue to live in seclusion. I think he should stay. There are some things you can't do." Pomona looked at Neville, unable to imagine how he tortured the werewolf to extract a confession. "Even your father did it." No."

"How do you know my dad can't do it?" Neville asked immediately defiantly, as if he thought there was nothing Frank Barton couldn't do.

"Believe me, Neville, your father's soul is still pure," she said, imitating Albus Dumbledore. "The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing that needs to be treated with extreme caution. Both you and Harry A child born in summer."

The cold winter is cruel, and many lives will die in winter. Those who say they like winter must have never tasted the feeling of being cold and hungry.

Hermione hugged her suddenly at this moment, and her face was wet, as if crying.

Immediately afterwards, Neville and Hannah also came over and hugged her.

At this moment, she felt that she had been redeemed, so she couldn't accept that the young man died in front of her.

She hates middle-aged men who use material conditions to seduce young women who can't distinguish right from wrong and often make wrong judgments.

I also hate that Albus is a liar who points to a reckless young man like Harry to commit suicide through clever words and deception.

But some battles cannot be escaped.

Last time, she left too many regrets, this time, she didn't want to keep any more.

She is no longer the dean of Hufflepuff, just an ordinary housewife.

It is not his ability that determines a person's fate, but his choice.

This is her choice, and she feels very happy, as if she is in heaven.

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