Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 595 The Door of Lies

The Lantern Festival is also known as the Shangyuan Festival. On this day, the God of Vulcan is sacrificed, which is different from giving away the Kitchen God during the Spring Festival.

In Tang Chang'an a thousand years ago, grand activities were held every Lantern Festival, including lantern appreciation and money distribution.

In history, there was a kind of gold Kaiyuan Tongbao. Ordinary Kaiyuan Tongbao is made of copper. The Kaiyuan Tongbao made of gold and silver is not used as a currency in circulation. It is a bit similar to the current commemorative coins. Upstairs, Chen Le held a banquet to entertain the ministers, and scattered this kind of gold Kaiyuan Tongbao from the tower for people to pick up.

Mozi is not a Confucianist and has a saying: Sheng is for vocal music, and it is for obscenity and foolish people.

The stupid here is not really stupid, but unreasonable. Many so-called "prosperous times" are actually whitewashed. Since Li Linfu became prime minister in the 24th year of Kaiyuan, the Tang Dynasty, which was once prosperous for a while, is actually going downhill.

Many people think that this is due to the struggle between the party led by Li Linfu and other parties represented by Zhang Jiuling, Yang Guozhong, and An Lushan. In fact, this is only part of the reason.

After consulting Tang Liudian and other documents, it can be found that Li Linfu carried out many reforms in the middle and late Kaiyuan period. In the 21st year of the Kaiyuan period, there was a very serious food crisis in Chang’an in Tang Dynasty. Pei Yaoqing and Zhang Jiuling advocated solving the problem of water transportation and garrisoning fields. Food pressure also makes administration more efficient.

In "Long Xingzhi", he revised the treatment of Beijing officials and set up Changping warehouses widely.

Ordinary civilians are indeed burdened with the burden of supporting a huge noble and bureaucratic class. These people do not pay taxes and enjoy various privileges at the same time. Instead, taxes have to be borne by the poor.

In the initial tax design, the huge tax was shared equally by thousands of civilians, and everyone didn't have much. But in fact, there are many "escape households" during the implementation. These people not only evade taxes, but also evade military service and corvee service. The huge taxes they escaped have to be borne by those who did not flee their hometowns.

At the same time, the bureaucracy and the landlord class annexed a large number of lands. These people who have great wealth tend to become "tyrants". Directly related, when Concubine Jia Yuan was favored, the Jia family was very prosperous, but she participated in the power struggle in the palace, which aroused the anger of the emperor, so the Jia family was suppressed.

The emperor has a huge harem, and most men are very envious. In fact, whether it is Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty or Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, the huge harem expenses are also one of the reasons for the financial strain.

The system of monogamy and multiple concubines sounds beautiful. It means that before women give birth to their own children, they will start preparing for the "separation" after they give birth to their children.

The eldest son inheritance system has existed since ancient times. If the second son and other children have nothing, they will kill the eldest brother. Yang Yong, the eldest son of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, was not as capable as his third son Yang Guang. In order to obtain the throne, Yang Guang not only killed his father, but also killed his elder brother. When he arrived at Li Shimin's place, he didn't kill his father Li Yuan, but imprisoned Li Yuan after the Xuanwumen Incident.

When everything is good, everything is good, just like a bunch of flowers, full of beauty, but once a catastrophe strikes, all the good and bad of people and their conduct will be revealed.

The singing and music are abundant, but the morality is declining. On the surface, the singing and dancing are peaceful, but in fact, the hidden dangers are becoming more and more prominent. Even when the finances are tight, Tang Chang'an still has to hold a grand lantern festival to celebrate the festival.

Fools seldom really believe the lies they told when they were fooling the people, and the whitewashed peace, but as time goes on, the rulers who pretend to be confused will unconsciously start to be confused and become slaves to the system of fooling the people they created. This is similar to what Marx said "alienation". When the ignorant and the fooled become vassals of the system of ignoring the people at the same time, the entire regime is bound to perish.

The trees fell and the monkeys scattered. When Jia’s mansion was prosperous, there were many idle servants who only ate and didn’t work. These “broken-mouthed” servants all left after Jia’s loss of power. Only Grandma Liu came to take a look. Those old ladies and gentlemen.

Concubine Jia Yuan took part in "seizing the heir apparent", which has always been a taboo of the royal family. In addition, Jia's family has always been unhealthy, and it is also her own fault that the family will be ruined.

Layoffs generally occur when the finances are tight. A luxurious life can bring happiness, but it does not bring happiness. Poets such as Li Bai wrote many "poems about abandoned women" and "poems about palace complaints".

The emperor of the Han Dynasty valued Gillian and stored it in a golden house. Cough and saliva fall for nine days, pearls and jade grow with the wind.

Love is still resting, jealousy is affectionate but sparse. Nagato took one step at a time, refusing to return to the car temporarily.

If the rain does not fall to the sky, it is difficult to collect the water again. Junqing and concubine will flow from east to west.

The hibiscus flower in the past is now a root-cutting grass. How long will it be good for Israel to serve others?

Women, even though they know how hard it is to be an "Israelian", they are still willing to spend a lot of money to dress themselves up, and then fall into the trap of profiteers and buy high-priced cosmetics to maintain their beautiful appearance.

At the critical moment of life and death, do you want money or life?

The thinking of normal people is terrible. If you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood, but the reality is not the same.

The vision of a woman locked in the palace is so wide, how does she know what kind of life the soldiers on the frontier lead?

The outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion was to a large extent directly related to the uneven distribution of military merits. Soldiers made contributions but did not receive due rewards and social status. On the contrary, Yang Guozhong, who entered the imperial court relying on Yang Yuhuan's nepotism, made great achievements. This "unfairness" became the internal cause of An Lushan's instigation of military mutiny. When the rebels came, many people still wanted to hide treasures, or take away two things. In short, there are many people who want money or life. These treasures are buried in the ground, and no one remembers them after thousands of years. , until one day someone accidentally dug it out.

The prosperous and prosperous Tang Dynasty slowly came to an end in the carnival brought by the neon clothes and feathers. Not only the Tang Dynasty, but also the Han civilization also declined.

Drawing on the lessons of the Tang Dynasty, the tax law department in the United States is very strict, and taxes are no longer collected from low-income families, but from the rich class, who try their best to evade taxes.

When the bishop died, the conflict between the king and the wealthy businessman became more and more serious, especially in the case of continuing to use foreign troops, the war was the most costly.

Siege is the best way, and some problems can be solved through negotiation, but for the sake of military exploits, or the arrogance of the conqueror, no one wants to really go to war. solve these problems.

Ministers like Fudge control public opinion and create the illusion that "everything is fine" until the day when the paper can no longer contain the fire. Usually it is too late to remedy it at this time, just like a disease. If it is handled properly at the beginning, it will not be so bad Critical, when it erupts, everyone can see the seriousness of the problem. At this time, it will cost ten times and a hundred times to seek medical treatment, and there is even no way to recover. There is no solution at all.

When Fudge stepped down, many officials of the Ministry of Magic had turned their backs. It is common sense that people cannot be resurrected after death, but Voldemort broke this common sense. He wasted the most precious time to recover, and it was all because of Lucius Malfoy's brainwashing .

The fireplaces of the luxury apartments in South Kensington and Malfoy Manor in Wales are linked, and when Pomona came to Malfoy Manor with the green flames, it still kept the Valentine's Day decorations.

Slytherin is very tasteful, and Narcissa is one of the most outstanding among the many noble women, but those ribbons woven with silver thread look very deserted in this unpopular big house, there is a kind of indescribable loneliness, the blackness in front of the fireplace The top of the long table was wiped like a mirror, and Pomona couldn't help but think of Caredy hanging upside down above the table.

"Why are you here?" Narcissa was sitting on the sofa in the lounge, drinking alone. She obviously drank a lot, and the movement of pouring the wine seemed very slow.

Under the education of Albus, Pomona has a tolerant heart, but this kind of tolerance is based on her suppressing her jealousy.

Narcissa Malfoy told Pomona that she had never met a woman who spoke well of her rival.

Slytherins disdain to pretend that they are good, they are evil and aboveboard, trampling on all hypocritical illusions.

It's ugly for girls to fight over a man's upbringing, but violence doesn't solve everything, and sometimes you need it. After beating dogs and men and women with sticks, you will feel much happier in your heart. On the contrary, it is too sad for Narcissa to choose to endure like this.

No woman who truly loves that man will share her husband with another woman. Before the Battle of Hogwarts, Narcissa and Lucius maintained their marriage on the surface, but they actually slept in separate rooms. They did this for Draco.

After the war, Draco graduated, and he was away from the boarding school for more than half a year. As a war criminal, he was lucky not to be imprisoned in Azkaban. He stayed at home for a long time. Take a closer look.

Lucius still wanted to save the marriage, the mistress had already been sent away by him, but he obviously didn't do it well enough, he was really good at screwing everything up.

"Want to chat?" Pomona asked directly.

"What are you talking about?"

"You can talk about anything you want." Pomona walked over, and there were many photos spread out on the sofa, almost all of which were Draco.

"You know, I'm not a superstitious woman." Narcissa looked at Pomona drunkenly while holding a glass of wine. The veela danced at the Quidditch World Cup in 1994, what happened then? You danced at my house too, and you brought bad luck to my house."

"What's going on?" Pomona said patiently, refusing to listen to the ramblings of a drunk.

"I knew when you danced here with Severus that you were going to break his heart, and you veela are good at that, aren't you?"

Pomona looked at Narcissa blankly.

If she gets confused, not only will Severus and Lucius no longer be friends, but they will even turn against each other. What's worse is that she has an unbreakable vow with Severus, which is stronger than the vows they made at their wedding. Be binding.

"Don't worry, I won't rob you." Narcissa said with a sneer, "I'm a decent person."

"You and Lucius are hopeless?" Pomona asked.

"It's not about Lucius this time, we had a great Valentine's Day." Narcissa looked down at the photo on the sofa, stroking Draco's face in the photo, "I tried my best to protect him from being The bad girl is sad, why don't you let him go?"

"He's not a boy anymore, Sissy," Pomona reminded her. "He's 23, and you can't protect him forever."

"He is a doctor and can help others, but who can help him?" Narcissa murmured while looking at the photo, as if she didn't hear what she said.

"He'll be in the hospital, not on the front line, you don't have to worry."

"War is not what I am worried about, what I am worried about is his fiancée, Astoria Greengrass." Narcissa turned her gaze to Pomona, her eyes were so fierce and hateful, it looked terribly terrifying" Do you know that there is a blood curse on her body?"

"How did you know?"

"It seems that you know it. Since you know it, why do you want to match her and my son?"

Narcissa was questioning her, but she didn't lose her upbringing, she still maintained her elegance, but her tone became a little higher.

"I didn't know that until I set them up." Pomona said calmly, looking her in the eyes. "Where did you know that?"

Narcissa covered her nose with a handkerchief, and said after a while, "Women like to gossip when they get together. I wasn't sure at first, but now I'm sure."

"I could lie to you, Sissy, but you know it won't do you any good." She took a deep breath. "Do you want to tear them apart?"

"His father intends to break off the engagement and find another marriage, but his godfather supports him. If even I stand on the side of opposition, he will listen to Severus even more." Narcissa held her hands with great difficulty The chest said "He swore he would do everything in his power to keep Draco from harm, Draco's heart would be broken if that girl died."

"As long as he doesn't love so deeply, he won't." Pomona said wearily. "Everything is under control."

Narcissa smiled and shook her head.

"He is my son. No matter how old he is, he is still a child to me." Narcissa picked up the glass and took a sip. "Don't worry, I know it's not your fault."

Seeing Narcissa like this, Pomona didn't know how to persuade her.

One day, my mother's beloved son will marry another woman and live together, especially when the husband is often away, the son is the mother's spiritual support.

A mother always wants the best for her son, and this kind of love sometimes drowns him.

In Narcissa's eyes, Draco, who was cute and lively, was not very popular in school, and he was punched by Hermione.

But the trouble caused by that little bastard is not enough to make him live in the discrimination and prejudice of others for the rest of his life.

Pomona hugged Narcissa tightly.

"We're here for Draco." She whispered to Narcissa, "I know, you need help."

Narcissa wept silently.

This woman can lie to Voldemort for her son, but there are some "enemies" she cannot fight.

This kind of enemy is very cute and innocent, far less terrible than the basilisk, but the "enemy" will ruin her precious son's life in another way.

"Guiguzi" said: "The sage knows the danger of things, and only protects them for their use. He explains things by reasoning, masters strategies, and understands the subtleties. From the end of the autumn, he wields them in the foundation of Mount Tai."

Preventing micro-events is the method analyzed by Guiguzi to deal with social crises, which means that when the crisis is just showing signs, a solution should be adopted to prevent the crisis from expanding.

The wise are always keenly aware of the crisis, but the fool is often the opposite, and sometimes dismisses the wise man's advice.

As the song says, wise men always say, only fools fall in love.

The vast majority of people like to listen to sweet words, but how many "smart people" can listen to bitter advice like bitter medicine?

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