Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 580: Immersive Sound

After selling the flowers for the day, the flower growers will have a cup of coffee in a cafe or restaurant, eat something before going back, and when they leave, the business will not be very good.

At this time, the sky was already getting dark, after changing his clothes, Ma Qingchen came out from the main entrance.

Pomona and Severus left after staying in the cafe for a while, and after putting the bought flowers in the apartment, they returned to Columbia Street and waited for her to get off work.

"Why doesn't she Apparate?" Pomona asked.

Zouwu, a magical animal, is one of the few magical creatures that can "apparate", at least Ma Youxuan and Zhang Qiu can apparate.

"She's a bit of a hobby." Severus asked Pomona to hold his arm, and followed Ma Qingchen far behind like ordinary pedestrians. "After the Dunhuang mural exhibition is over, the Shaanxi Museum will cooperate with the British Museum Compared with the treasures and curses of Tutankhamun, the British are not much interested in Qin Shihuang's army."


"She and some people plan to rehearse a program. Last year's Athens Paralympic closing ceremony had an 8-minute performance, which was performed by the host country of the next Olympic Games. There was a program called Avalokitesvara."

"Really?" Pomona said in amazement. "You're also interested in Muggle performances?"

"That show was such a hit, it was broadcast everywhere, I don't think I could see it." Severus said with a stiff face. "You weren't fully recovered at the time, and you couldn't see that show in the wizarding world."

"So she's going to perform Avalokitesvara?"

"No, you'll know when you get there," Severus said impatiently, and then he refused to speak to her.

She didn't feel like she had that dream for a long time, but it turned out that nine months had passed when she woke up.

That coma is not the same as petrification, and can be treated with Mandrake and Resurrection Potion. The curse of the Black family is very powerful, and the most important thing is that it is difficult to deal with. Draco has half of the blood of the Black family. If he and Astoria really have a child, the child will be like a curse.

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, if he is not assigned to Slytherin, he will be assigned to Gryffindor like Sirius. Pomona suspects that Lucius will let him drop out of school directly and send him to Germany Armstrong read.

That's right, the Malfoys are half-bloods, but they have to pretend to be pure-bloods, and no one suspects that they are half-blood wizards, and even real pure-blood nobles don't despise Muggle-borns and pure-blood traitors as much as they do.

St. Mungo's is in London, maybe he saw it on TV while he was wandering around, Guanyin brought her good luck, at least she looks healthy now.

"How did Minerva convince Harry to hand over that memory?"

"She said that the Order of the Phoenix is ​​going to destroy that cave." Severus stared at Ma Qingchen's back and said, "There are so many ghost corpses, we can't let them stay there forever, unless the great savior intends to use that place as a tourist attraction open."

"Why are you being so mean to Harry?"

"Have you?" he asked with a smile, and Pomona immediately shut up.

They followed Ma Qingchen for two blocks, and finally came to a very old small theater with graffiti on the outer wall, and only a small door as the entrance and exit.

London's West End and New York's Broadway are the highest-level theater performance centers in the English-speaking world, and each theater in the West End has its own

With a fixed repertoire of performances, the small theaters in the East District look dilapidated, and they look like they are in disrepair.

Green sometimes looked quite eerie, and Pomona subconsciously grabbed his arm.

"Let go," he said fiercely.

"Oh, you said you would protect me!"

"I can't hold my wand," he said slowly.

Pomona remembered now that he had hidden his wand in his left sleeve, and she let go.

At this time, the feeling of emptiness reappeared.

She subconsciously touched her lower abdomen, where a life was once conceived, but she was not ready to be a mother at all.

She enjoys the two-person world very much, and she has been dealing with children since graduation, and those "little angels" are not cute at all when they are mischievous.

Simply put, she wanted to live a quiet life, but now that she thought about it, she was looking forward to the girl's arrival, because it might be her last chance to be a mother.

If something goes wrong with other people's children, you can blame those parents for having problems with their education, but it's not so easy when it's your turn.

She is very afraid that her child will not only fail to become a talent when he grows up, but will also endanger society, which would be too bad.

Severus distracted her main attention, she would be a woman like Irene.

Irene loved Tobia so much that she ignored Severus. Pomona once thought that Irene was too negligent, but now it was her turn to realize that she might not be able to take good care of a child.

The power of maternal love is great, but mothers are also women, and it is difficult for women to get rid of their obsession with love. Sometimes, what people love is not a certain person, but love itself.

Pomona herself doesn't know whether she loves him or the love she wants.

After taking out his wand, he took her hand with his left hand, and she immediately moved closer, clinging to him.

"Why don't you call me a coward?" She waited for a long time but didn't hear the ridicule, so she asked herself.

"That was my fault." He said, "I should have protected you that day, not left you alone at home."

A pregnant woman, whether she's a Muggle or a witch, is vulnerable.

Pomona leaned on his shoulder and thought of Merope, how hopeless she must have been when she walked into the Muggle orphanage to give birth.

Ma Qingchen's figure could hardly be seen in the narrow and dark corridor, but the melodious sound of music came from the hall at the end of the corridor.

Today, she seems to have a special relationship with the violin. She just danced a tango in Mr. Wen's screening room to the dance music of One Step Away. The music played this time is also the violin, which vividly interprets the melodious and melodious timbre of the violin, with a kind of pathos and lingering, tragic and profound, just like the soundtrack of an epic blockbuster.

"Do you know what this piece is called?" asked Pomona.

"You can ask later." He said irresponsibly, and continued to follow Ma Qingchen. When they also entered the hall, the first thing they saw was the brightly lit stage. A Chinese girl was on the stage dance.

She was wearing a tight-fitting ballet training suit, but the sleeves were the water sleeves of Kunqu opera. The white sleeves drew a soft arc in the air, which looked very beautiful.

Her male dance partner was dressed in black and was also Asian. He tried his best to look masculine and fit, but dancing could never be the same as Kung Fu. The two danced and twirled to the melodious music, looking like They are two free yin and yang fish.

As Severus said just now, this show was prepared for the exhibition of the Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses. The Qin State worshiped the virtue of water, and the best kindness is like water, but the color of the virtue of water is black.

In the theory of yin and yang, men represent yang and women represent yin. It is difficult for Pomona to describe what she sees in words.

"I'm sorry, give me a break." At this moment, a voice sounded behind them, and Pomona turned her head to look over. It seemed that it was also an actor.

"Excuse me, can you tell me what this song is?" she asked hastily.

"This song?" the actor asked.


"This is an episode of a movie called 'The World'."

"What's the name of that movie?" Severus asked.

"Hero," said the actor blankly, before walking to the stage.

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