Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 523 Survivor's Wand

Roses don't bloom until early summer, but there is a bouquet of white roses in the living room of Justin Follie's house.

Smelling this charming fragrance of flowers, Pomona's mood improved a lot. Hufflepuff doesn't like war, but Justin was born in a noble family. When the country needs him to fight, he must fight, even though he is a wizard and cannot intervene in Muggle wars.

The British and the Japanese fought in Singapore during the Second World War. The minds of brainwashed people are different from normal people. The people of this nation are very extreme.

During the Sino-Japanese War, although the picric acid-filled shells were very powerful, they were very easy to explode and very unstable. Even Europe did not install them. The warheads were filled with cotton powder, but the Japanese officially used them in the navy. Shigase gunpowder" was.

It is so sensitive that even if it hits a small rope, it can cause an explosion. The Sino-Japanese War was a turning point for Japan, and the Japanese navy was fighting desperately.

The war is like a gamble. The British are not as crazy as the Japanese. In fact, Parvasil still had a chance before surrendering, but he gave up. Singapore, the "most fortified city in the East", fell into the hands of the Japanese. Churchill called it "the most painful catastrophe in British history".

At the end of the Pacific War, the Japanese even built such things as suicide planes. There is no other word to describe this country except crazy.

Therefore, everyone was relieved when the Heisei waste appeared.

The relaxed generation that values ​​​​humanity education has replaced the extreme sexism, and it is a good thing that the aggressiveness that is urgently needed to become stronger is gone.

The situation in China is different from that in Japan. Western civilization and Eastern civilization are like Pi and Bengal Tiger, and neither of them can live without it.

"Dean, are you looking for me?"

Just when Pomona was in a daze, Justin's voice came from behind her. He was dressed very casually, no different from ordinary Muggles.

"You know the legend about the fir wand?" she said, looking at the sycophant.

"Lucky wands," said Justin. "The present-day Ollivander's grandfather sold three fir wands, all of which survived mortal perils unscathed."

"I remember you were petrified by a basilisk in your second year, and your wand is a fir wand, isn't it?"

Justin smiled, "Fortunately, Nearly Headless Nick was in the way, otherwise I would be the second Muggleborn to be killed."

"Minerva also has a wand like yours, which is also made of fir wood. The wand of this material is especially suitable for transfiguration. It likes masters who are dedicated, assertive, and occasionally domineering. However, if you encounter those who are unpredictable , Indecisive person will become a dude, what kind of person do you think you are, Justin?"

Justin didn't answer right away.

After graduating from Hogwarts, he went to Cambridge to continue his studies. In fact, his grandfather hoped that he would go to the military academy to "learn to be a man".

Hufflepuff boys are like this, they look like "cowards", but Justin also participated in the battle of Hogwarts, his family did not know about his participation in the battle, and thought he was hiding in the shelter where to take refuge.

He has never seen a giant, like most children, after all, giants are almost extinct.

The situation on the frontal battlefield is unpredictable, and no one can be sure that he will not die. At this time, any words that can destabilize the morale of the army will break people's will and flee without fighting.

"I heard that you admire brave people. It was Lockhart at first. At that time, you didn't know much about the wizarding world. Have you heard the rumor? Muggleborns are compared to people whose parents are wizards at least , will show magical talent more slowly..."

"I've also heard that Muggle-born wizards are not prone to magical diseases, but apparently not, are they? I'm petrified." Justin interrupted her. "Tell me what you want me to do, Dean?"

"Participate in this Lantern Festival operation, the werewolves may attack Chinatown." Pomona stood up, "If you can survive, I have other tasks for you."

"Is this Call of Duty?"

"Probably." Pomona smiled relaxedly, "War is much easier than peace."

"May I know what the next task is?"

"Coordinate the conflict between the Roseville Real Estate Company and the residents of Chinatown, I don't want that place to continue to be chaotic." She patted him on the shoulder, "You can ask your father and grandpa for advice, luck will always run out when."

"I can apparate, split a thumb on purpose, and turn bad luck around," he said in gibberish.

"Good luck, wizard," Pomona said, smiling, and Apparating in his presence.

Sometimes the victory of human kindness is often greater than the victory of an idea.

The instillation of a kind of consciousness is often irreversible, similar to the idea of ​​communism in Germany, consumerism in the United States, people cannot change things, often things change people, but some people they change some things, Roosevelt did it.

What he said was a very simple truth, and everyone could understand it when he explained it, but sometimes it is easy for people to enter the thinking mode of "pouring milk".

I can't even feel the cruelty, how much humanity is left in that person, he is already possessed, he can only calculate money in his mind, except for the primitive instinct, there is only endless desire, and he can't even feel what normal rationality is like.

Just like what Infernal Affairs said, this is not how a person should be, and the world should not be like this.

When she appeared again, she came to Privet Drive, the house where Harry used to live when he was a child, now it is empty, there is no one in it, but here she can feel peaceful, like an angel is there guard her.

Lily, whose protective spell had protected Harry for 17 years, could feel that soft rhythm, that she was safe in this place.

Some people say, woman, your name is not for the weak, you can also face the world toughly.

But that means giving up the kindness and kindness in my heart. Wu Zetian was once a docile and well-behaved girl, but look what the world has turned her into?

Normal people want a gentle mother, not a cold and ruthless one like her. She was not soft at all when she killed those nobles, but Li Zhi pretended to be weak and hid behind her. He left a benevolent person in history. The reputation of the tyrant seems to be a little bit better than that of the tyrant.

Good people are done by fathers, and bad people are made by mothers. Of course, children like fathers more than mothers.

Wu Zetian was also very extravagant when she was the queen. When Tang Minghuang ascended the throne, he burned all the luxurious things left by the previous dynasty, just like George III.

He had better luck than Louis XVI, and it wasn't that he had accumulated evils that were hard to recover from. Unfortunately, he couldn't do it in the later stage. The Anshi Rebellion was not only a turning point in the Tang Dynasty, but also a turning point in Chinese history. The ever-expanding Sinicization ended here. Men's aggressiveness and blood were gone, their tolerance was reduced, their vision became increasingly narrow and cramped, and there was no prosperity. Tang Shi's spirit and vitality of striving for progress.

Rather than living so half-dead, it would be better to simply die, but it's a pity that Wu Zetian is a woman.

She finally chose to be buried with Li Zhi as a queen.

Li Chunfeng told Li Shimin that forty years later when this woman became emperor, she was also old at that time and would be kinder. If she was killed, there would be someone stronger and more vicious than the woman surnamed Wu. It couldn't compare to a man's, even if she was already crazy at that time.

Fortunately, the witch still has a wand that can fight like a man, but Lily gave it up. Does she think of herself as a Muggle or a witch?

"It's so sad, why are we women?" Pomona whispered, no one answered her words, only the wind whistling through the window, making a sound like crying, as if mocking her.

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